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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Apollo

  1. I really hope this snowstorm doesn't knock out our power.


  3. I wish I had my own Derpy Hooves

    1. Midnight Seeker

      Midnight Seeker

      I have one. She watches me as I sleep.


      I am totally fine with that.

  4. Well, in all honestly, and I know this sounds crazy knowing I am 18, but.... I think I would not have mine yet. A cutie mark appears when one realizes what their special talent is, right? And their special talent pretty much determines what they will do with their lives, career, activities, etc. Personally, I have no idea what my future holds for me, I have no real dreams about what I want to be, no hopes about how my life will turn out, no clue how things will go. I don't know what I want to do with my life, I don't know what I am good at, its all just unknown to me. So for now, I am blank. And as far as I can see, I will be blank for a while still. My destiny, what I will become, that is still all unknown to me. But I hope that someday soon I will discover it.
  5. Guys, we need to remember, that even though us bronies are the largest type of people who watch the show, that still doesn't make us the target demographic. No matter what, that will never change and Hasbro will continue to manipulate the final decisions of the series with two things in their minds. 1. Appeal to the true target demographic, little girls. 2. The fatness of their own wallets. We can only thank the writers for doing as much as they have to make the show enjoyable for all of us.
  6. http://family-room.ew.com/2013/01/29/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-exclusive-twilight-princess/ This. “I don’t think becoming a princess really changes her; I think it’s going to introduce some new challenges for her.” This quote quite heavily implies that it will be long term if not permanent.
  7. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Anna suddenly remembered something. She turned to Zed* "Hey, is there a shower I could use? I haven't been able to take one in a few days cuz I have been busy with work." **** *Jonah cringed* "Well, we did, but we cannot contact them. The runic activity is jamming a lot, and we have no idea who is casting it." **** *King gave Illium a desperate look.* "Do you know what's going on? Is everything working out?" **** *Lester stood up from the chair he was sitting in.* "Im going to go find her." *He said diligently. He turned towards the exit and quickly walked out, ready to search for Sasha.*
  8. It has been confirmed that she will become an Alicorn, and it has also been confirmed that it will be permanent.
  9. It has been slightly hinted at since very early in the series. Though it was only recently confirmed for sure, and even more recently, confirmed to be permanent, we have gotten slight hints that it was going to happen, in various ways. In the episode the cutie mark chronicles, during Twilight's story of how she got her mark, Celestia said that she had never seen a unicorn with such raw magical power. Considering how long Celestia has lived, that is very impressive. Regardless, I will remain a fan of the show, no matter what happens.
  10. More like 50% cooler! *shot* Aaanyway, on the topic of the 13 episodes, I agree with Betez, they are probably just making the seasons shorter so they can have more seasons. It takes less time to make and satisfies the loud, complaining bronies more often and keeps them quiet about complaining with, "When's the season starting?" over and over again.
  11. Who ever said they had to get rid of the characters they already have? I was suggesting that perhaps they have new characters being the stars of the show, while the originals take on a more minor role. They are seen, but far from as often, about as much as we see Celestia and Luna. Perhaps with Twi becoming an Alicorn princess, her friends gain roles in Equestria's royal court, not royalty per-say, but still high class and important roles. I wouldn't want to loose the characters we all know and love either, but maybe, just maybe, its time for a change.
  12. I included my thoughts on this in my blog post. One thought is, that Twi becoming an Alicorn, ends our time with the mane 6, and starting in season 4, we have a brand new starring cast. One thought I had was that maybe season 4 shows the adventures of a grown up CMC, or maybe some completely new characters all together. But what happens is really solely up to Hasbro and the writers. We can only wait and see.
  13. Okay, so I have been seeing a lot of topics and opinions about the season finale and the entire situation with Twilight becoming an Alicorn, (Twilicorn). There has been a huge negative reaction, with people freaking out saying that its going to be terrible and going as far as LEAVING THE FANDOM. Seriously? I mean, this isn't my favorite decision either, but I wont go as far as not being a brony anymore. Next, I have heard that there is a lot of hate towards the creators and people going as far as sending HATE MAIL to LAUREN FAUST. Okay, What the fuck guys? That is not cool. Lauren had no play in the decision. She doesn't even work on the show anymore! This was a decision that was made solely by the people at Hasbro to sell toys. Like it or not, the target demographic of My Little Pony is still little girls and little girls are more likely to buy a toy of a princess Alicorn, than a regular unicorn. Remember guys, this is a show based of a toy line, not the other way around. Now, people are also saying that this is going to kill off the Twilight Sparkle that we know and love. That she is going to change into somepony that we can no longer love and care for. THIS IS NOT TRUE. Yes, this is completely changing the show's feel and what we know about it, but THAT IS NO REASON TO HATE OR BLAME TWI FOR THIS. She is still going to be the same pony we all know and love, and nothing (and I do mean NOTHING) will ever change who she is. No matter what, Twilight will remain my favorite unicorn characters. **** Now, for good things that can, and very well may, come from this. A brand new mane 6 starring in season 4 onward. This is an idea that I like and feel could do the show a lot of good. A whole cast of new characters to love and grow attached to, this is something I see as good for the future of the show. Maybe season 4 will take place several years later, and we have a grown up CMC as our new main cast. Who knows? **** Twilicorn, in all honesty, is not a bad decision. It is unpopular, I know that, and I personally still don't support it 100% (like I said, this decision was made for toy sales) but I accept that it is going to happen, and nothing we say or do can change that. The show will be forever changed, and maybe, just maybe, it will be for the better. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, has honestly changed my life. When things are looking down, this show keeps me going. **** In the end, we need to trust the writers. They have provided so much entertainment for us and have worked so hard to make us happy and allow our community to flourish. They have entertained us, they gave us a voice when Derpy became canon, no matter how brief it was, and they have given so much to us, no matter what, we should love, tolerate, and above all, respect and thank them for all they have done for us. So I wont say no to this. I will say thank you. Thank you for all you have given us, writers of MLP FiM. It has made all of our lives so much better, and will continue to do so for as long as the show carries on. So now, only one thing left to say, (and I know I am mixing fandoms here, but hey, it works.) ALLONS-Y ~Stormwing
  14. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "I am afraid the runic activity is preventing the entry of any being hostile towards the Kings. I fear that the runic activity may be an awakening. If so, Kelly King will soon be awakened and we will loose all leverage on Alexander King." *Jonah explained.* **** "What do you mean?" *King asked. He then heard the screeching.* "What on earth?" *He said, slightly panicked.* **** "Sashiil. Its another country, currently at odds with Eastros. Thats why the stuff I recieve from there is illegal." *Anna explained.*
  15. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "Well Im sure you have never seen a show like one of mine." *Anna laughed.* "I get all of my materials imported from Sashiil. If my apartment was ever searched, who knows how long I would be thrown into prison for." *She took another long sip from the mountain dew.* **** *King followed Illium out of the hospital room. He looked down at the mark carved into his chest. He cringed as it slowly healed up.* "Damn, healing doesn't usually hurt that much." *Even once the wound was finished healing, it still left a scar, something that only usially happened with wounds that would have killed. King greatdully accepted his shirt back from Illium.* **** *A portal appeared in the president's office. Jonah stepped out of it in his clean formal attire. he bowed in respect to the president.* "Mr. President, I apologise for interrupting but I have news. There is strong runic activity occuring at the hospital and it is preventing my entry to reclaim Kelly King."
  16. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "That sounds neat." *Anna said.* "Fireworks is my thing. They may not be technically 'legal' in this city, but honestly, who gives a shit? Not I, thats who." *Anna got up and got another drink.* **** "Now what?" *King asked Wesley.* "Whats the next step to this?" **** *Jonah noticed something strange going on.* "Runic activity, and its strong. This requires investigation." *He returned to his lab to scan for the source of the activity.*
  17. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "My old man was a miner who used blast mining to get minerals. I picked up a lot of what I know from him. Unfortunately, he lost his life in one of his mining runs." *Anna expained, finishing her drink. She crushed the can on her forehead and set it down on a table.* "Plus explosions are cool. You know the fireworks that go off randomly outside the city? Thats my handiwork." **** *King did what Wesley had told him to do.* "Are you sure this will work?"
  18. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "My friends gave it to me cus they say Im pretty chaotic. They dont know the half of it. Like I said, I know a thing or two about demolitions." *She said with a smirk.* **** *King took off his jacket and then his shirt.* "So what do I do again?" *He asked Wesley.* **** *Sasha nodded thankfully and then laid down next to the couch Eos was passed out on and fell asleep.*
  19. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "Annabeth Flynt." *Anna said.* "Though my friends call me either Anna, or Anarchy." *She took a sip of her drink.* "Call me whatever you'd like, I dont really give two shits." **** *King thought for a moment.* "Something personal?" *He took a pendant that had been hanging around his neck.* "Will this work? Its one of the few things I have left from our parents." *He handed the pendant to Wesley.* **** *Sasha nodded. She yawned. She was gettimg tired, the brightness was fading from her glowing eyes and from the three marks on her where she had recieved a wound that would have killed her. The one on her forehead, and the two on her chest and back, where she had been shot by a government sniper about a year back.*
  20. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Anna got up and walked over to the fridge that was in the room and took a mountain dew.* "Just because Im a hostage doesn't mean you have to treat me badly. Trust me, I've been kidnapped before." *She said as she sat back down.* **** "I guess so." *King said, ready to begin.* **** *Sasha padded the ground. She gave Dyn a look that said, "don't worry about it." She then looked over at Eos and gave a worried little whine.*
  21. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "Whats the point?" *Anna asked.* "Its not like she even remembers who I am the way she is now. Ill just be a nuisance to you." *She said sounding a bit more depressed than usual. She shook it off quickly though.* "You got anything to drink? Im parched." **** "Six years. Why?" *King asked Wesley.*
  22. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Sasha found a place. The burned husk of the old stadium. There was no one there anymore, no one seemed to have cared about the loss of the place. She carried her two precious allies inside and found a safe spot without too much damage then laid Eos and Dyn down on a couple of relatively undamaged couches. Sasha then stood guard in the room to make sure no one got in to hurt them.* (Lest say that people won't think to look for them there and that for some reason, the trackers are not working quite right, so they have some time to recover and regroup.) **** "Haven't you seen the news? Sasha is missing. She turned into this weird shadow beast and ran off." *Anna said to them.* "I don't think anyone is finding her anytime soon." **** "Just tell me what I have to do." *King said adamantly.*
  23. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Sasha's ears perked up. She ran out of her room and saw Eos and Dyn being threataned by two she hadnt seen before. Sasha growled and her tail split from one to four. Two of them brutally shoved Gwen and Leon back, and the oter two picked up Eos and Dyn. After shoving the two strangers, the attacking tails retracted back into Sasha and she ran off. Sasha found the other exit and went through it, determined to find someplace safe for the three of them.* **** "So, what exactly do you want with me?" *Anna asked her captors.* "Its not like I am anyone important. Nor is anyone im related to. Sure I know a thing or two about demolitions, but thats about the extent of my usefulness." *She laid back on the couch and tood the DS out of her pocket and resumed plaing.* "You guys are lucky I caught that shiny Vulpix before you interrupted me, ot I woulda gone ape-shit on you guys." *She said worh a smirk.* **** "Whatever it takes. Im willing to pay any cost." *King said to the two people.*
  24. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "Runes?" *King asked.* "I don't know what runes are, but I am willing to try whatever might help." *King said, a bit of his determination back.* **** "Buddy, if you are gonna kidnap me, at least do it right." *Anna said as she struggled to get on her feet. She then hobbled towards Hypno and jumped onto his back* "I know I'm not getting out of this situation, so I may as well go with you, am I right?"
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