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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Apollo

  1. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Sasha leaned up against the door and sighed.* "So Sasha, why are you so worried about this guy?" *King said after walking back into the apartment's foyer.* "Is he your boooooyfriiieeeeend?" *He said mockingly. Sasha blushed furiously.* "N-no! Its not like that!" *Sasha said panicked. King smiled.* "You suuuuureeeee?" *Sasha blushed some more and stormed past the laughing Alex King into the living room. She looked at Lester, he was very different than he was before.* [seems like he really is a demon.] *Sasha thought. She sat down on the chair next to the one he was in. Lester shifted.* "S-sa-sh-a" *Lester mumbled in his sleep. This did not help Sasha's blushing.* "Oh yeah, new OTP." *King chuckled to himself, watching from the archway.*
  2. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "I said, friends and family. I understand that you are on the opposite side of the war, and I wont prevent you from fighting for whatever it is you fight for. I said no harassing my friends or family. Not don't fight your enemies. Next time we meet in conflict, it should only be on the battlefield. Not my apartment which you and your friends managed to wreck." *Sasha explained. Her hostage's bindings lifted them up into the air and carried them over behind Damon. King went over to Lester and lifted him up, dragging him over to the recliner in the living room and placing him down on it. Lenny and Rufus' bindings came undone. Then, a barrier of light came up between them and pushed the three intruders out of the apartment and Sasha shut the door behind them.*
  3. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *King and Sasha looked at each other.* "Seems like we are gettin tha raw end of tha deal here. Two for one? We need a bit more." *King said, his goofy accent back now that the situation was less intense.* "You aren't allowed to harass me or any of my friends or family anymore. Agree to that, and the trade is a deal. But first, we need to see Lester so we know he is okay. We have your guys all here and fine, so why not show the goods?" *Sasha said.* "And no King, I do not mean that sexually." *King chuckled nervously.* "Ah have no idea what yer talkin about sis." *King said scratching the back of his head.*
  4. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *When Damon walked in, Sasha glared at him.* "Knew there was something up with you." *She said.* "Too much darkness for a cop. You got a lucky shot." *King looked at Damon.* "This is the punk that shot you?" *He asked Sasha, pointing his thumb at Damon.* "Yeah." *Sasha realized something.* "Where is Lester? What have you done to him?"
  5. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "How bout no!" *Sasha said to Lenny.* "Besides, I doubt a switchblade could do much more than a bullet to the face did. Healing factor bucko!" *Sasha gave a sarcastic smile.* "I dont like the looks of this guy." *King said looking at Rufus.* "He's too calm, too casual. I don't like it. Try some light bindings, some people are more attuned to the darkness than others. As im sure you know." *Sasha nodded. Streams of light began to wrap around Rufus, binding him as tightly as the darkness ones, but more effectively.* (Bad! No escaping. xD) ***** *Lester got hit by the stab, but managed to roll over and block the fire blasts with his chakrams just in time. Once the bombardment had ended, Lester stumbled to his feet.* "Hah, wasn't sure that would work." *Lester was exhausted. His vision had gotten blurry and he had taken a lot of damage. His chakrams were losing their color, and there were a lot of obvious nicks and breaks in them. His horns began to dissipate and his skin was no longer red.* "No..... can't....... stop....... don't...... augh......." *Lester passed out and fell down face first onto the ground. His chakrams shattered and the pieces disappeared, repairing themselves for when he needed them next. His pointed ears and teeth, his flame red hair, and the marking around his left eye, however, all remained as they were.*
  6. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Sasha felt her hair. A lot of it had burned off when Damon had blasted her in the face with that fire bullet. She still had a full head of hair, it was just really short now. About an inch long.* "Damn." *She said. The wound in her face finished healing, but there was now a large scar between her eyebrows* "What happened to Lester?" *She said noticing that neither he, nor the guy who had shot her were there anymore.* "If Lester is the guy that was here, then he turned into some sort of demon, grabbed the guy who shot you, and then they just vanished." *King replied as he set the unconscious Anna down on the couch.* "What should we do with these two jokers?" *He said looking at Lenny and Rufus.* "I don't know, take them to Rocketeer maybe?" *Not many people knew, but King was actually a rebel spy. On the surface, due to his band's popularity, they became sponsored by the government. King used this opportunity to obtain vital information about the government and pipe it back to the rebellion.* "I doubt RT would be happy to see two government assassins in the base Sasha." *King said.* "And I dont think there is anything other than your power that could manage to restrain them." ***** *Seconds before the black fireball hit him, Lester blinked and appeared behind Damon. He quickly spun around and slashed a chakram across Damon's back, cutting him deep.* "Its not over yet." *Lester said through heavy breaths.* "I still have some energy left." *It was the first time Lester had ever been like this, and he was still unsure on how to control his new power, but he was managing well enough.* (For those who don't know, there is a kind of short range teleport called a blink. Thats what I mean whenever I say that Lester blinked.)
  7. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Lester landed on his feet, but he stumbeled a bit. He was getting tired. Both of them were. No one could fight like this for long without getting tired.* "I- wont let.... Let you hurt her, any further!" *He said before charging Damon again.* ****** *Sasha's eyes widened as she saw what happened to King. She quickly used shadows to bind Lenny as well, and crush the gun as well. A light barrier blocked Rufus' mace from hitting her. She walked over to, and knealt down over King.* "Quit foolin Kingy, this wouldnt hurt you." *King looked up with a slight smile.* "It does sting though. That shotgun must have been enchanted or something."
  8. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Lester began to scream in pain. He couldnt be losing to this guy. There is no way, no way he could loose.* "I WONT LOSE TO YOU!!!" *Lester's eyes began to glow red again, but more intensely this time. Something began to grow from his temples. It was a set of horns that curled around his head. His skin turned from its normal paleness, to a flame red, and a black mark appeared around his left eye. Lester's power began to burn the very air around them. Lester grabbed Damon's wrists right back and flipped him over, slamming him onto the ground. His chakrams floated back up into his hands, and he began to stab at Damon repetedly and fiercely.* ***** *King was about to be overpowered, when something began to crawl up Rufus' leg. It was a black shadow. It crawled high up Rufus' body and began to bind him. Too tight for him to escape from. Behind him, stood Sasha, the hole in her face mostly healed, but still covered in blood.* "Dont you dare hurt him." *She said to Rufus angrily with loathing in her tone.*
  9. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *King quickly rolled out of the way of the mace and wrenched his guitar back out from Rufus' hand.* "Phew, that was close." *He said as he stood up and regained his fighting stance.* ****** *Lester reacted quickly and smartly. He parried Damon's dword downwards with one chakram, and with the other, he slashed that across Damon's face, leaving a nasty gash.* "Im not as uncontrolled as you think. Dont underestimate me."
  10. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *King blocked the mace's uppercut and pushed it away and swung his guitar back around and slammed it into Rufus' face several times.* "Come on, that all you got?" *He taunted.* ****** *Lester blinked forward enough to not be hit by the full force of the explosion, but still taking some damage from it. It burned off his shirt for one thing, and caused minor burns on Lester's back. He ignored the pain and turned back at Damon. Lester then threw on of the chakrams at Damon. This time, instead of exploding, it turned aroind, slashing across his chest before returning to Lester's hand.*
  11. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *King blocked Rufus' swing with his guitar, then noticed something.* "Pause for a sec, bro." *He sat down with the guitar on his lap and quickly and efficiently, took all of the strings off the guitar.* "Cant risk thise breaking now cam we. They are quite expensive to get made. Now, where were we?" ***** *Lester simply glared at Damon.* "You think she was happy to give the fire order on her own father? Do you know how devestated she was?! It was tearing her apart! (LISA!)" *Lester held his chakrams at his front and side.* "She may not have died, but this son of Sparda is not going to let you get away to try again."
  12. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "Nngh, fine." *King turned his guitar around and held it like a club.* "But the same rule applies to you dog boy. No magical or supernatural jazz, got it?" ****** *Lester jumped into the air and did a backflip over Fire's attack, landed on the chakram stuck in his shoulder, kicked it down to damage him more, the landed softly on the ground behind him.* "I can have control if I want." *He said in his demonic voice.* "Why did you kill her?" *Lester demanded.*
  13. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Lester ignored Fire's words and threw the chakrams at him. They collided right in front of Fire and burst in a huge explosion. Two more chakrams appeared in Lester's hands and he threw them as well. He continued this over and over again untill he could not see through the raised dust from the explosions. He made two more chakrams and remained in a ready position, ready for an attack from any angle.* ***** "I respect yer tast. In music guy. But yer buddy just shot an old friend of mine. And you just grabbed another old friend of mine. So I must give you the honors of a good old fasioned duel." *King flipped the guitar around in his hands, ready to play. It was an unusual guitar, it had a small set of speakers built into it.* "Ready?"
  14. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Lester couldnt believe what he had just seen. That cop had shot Sasha. No mercy at all.* You are weak child. You cannot even protect the woman you love. But I can help you. Let me in, and take your revenge on this fool. *Lester's eyes began to glow flame red. His brown hair began to change flame red as well. His ears became pointed and his teeth became sharp. He pulled his arms out and broke the duct tape that kept him bound there and tore off the skirt. He turned towards Damon* "Blink." *He said in a demonic voice. Then he appeared right in front of Damon with his hand on his neck, then they both dissapeared, re-appearing just outside the city limits. Lester threw Damon to the ground and held his arms out. Two sparks of fire appeared at his hands and spawned a powerful looking chakram in each.* "Get on your feet!" *Lester shouted.* "Behave so I can kill you!" **** *Meanwhile, back at Weiss' apartment, Anna was screaming. She had just witnessed her best friend get shot and her new roommate turn into some sort of demon thing and vanish with the guy who had shot her. Whats worse, the guy who smelled like a wet do. Was holding her and keeping her from moving. Thats when someone creeped up behind Rufus, and whacked him on the back of his head with a steel guitar. A hit that would knock out most people.* "Ya mind lettin tha lady go? Her screamin gets annoyin." *The character said. It was Alex King, in all his glory.*
  15. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Sasha set the camera down on the counter, took a sip of the beer she had sitting there, then took a look at the 'cops'. There was something strange about them. They had quite a lot of darkness in them, but she could see scattered traces of light as well. Not enough, but something that could grow if the right care was tended to it. Not only that, but they were wearing street clothes with police badges pinned to their shirts, and police hats. That didnt seem normal.* "How can I help you officers? Is something the matter?" *Sasha was wary of the 'cops' so she began to manipulate the shadows on the floor into a ready position around them.* (Hypno, have Damon shoot Sasha in the face now. It'll trigger Lester's demonic awakening.)
  16. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "Ahkay than." *Anna said. She turned around and led the two 'cops' into the apartment. Just to see Lester tied to a chair with a floral print skirt on over his jeans. Sasha was standing in front of him with a camera.* "Yeah, work it baby." *She said with a bit of laughter. she was a bit drumk as well. Lester was entirely sober, (he doesnt drink) and he turned to Damon and Rufus and silently mouthed,* 'Help Me!'
  17. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *There was a shout that came from inside the apartment. A few more seconds passed before the door opened and a fairly intoxicated and halfway dressed Anna stepped out and walked right into Damon. She looked up and giggled.* "Howdy officer. Is something the matter?" "Anna! Who is it?" *A female voice shouted from inside the apartment.* "Its a couple a' coppies! They seem nice. One a' them is pretty, but the other kinda smells like wet dog!" *Anna shouted back.*
  18. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Sasha was going through her mail. Their movie had ended and Anna was pestering Lester with questions about who exactly he was. As if she was testing him. Sasha saw one particular envelope and read who it was from. The name put a smile on her face. She opened up the envelope and read the letter inside.* "Hey Anna! King sent seven tickets to his concert in a couple of weeks!" *This distracted Anna from her interrogation of Lester and she walked over to Sasha* "Seven? Really? Thats an awkward number." *Sasha gave Anna an 'are you kidding' look.* "What?" *Anna complained.* "Do you remember King, like, at all? He loves the number seven. His band is named AK-7 for gods sake." *Sasha said. This got Lester's attention.* "AK-7? Aw man, those guys are awesome! How did you manage to get tickets?" *He said incredulously. Sasha smiled.* "Alex King is a personal friend of mine. He, well, he helped me through some tough times back in Jr. High School. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be half the girl I am today." *She said.* "He has a bit of an ego, sure, but he is a good guy at heart." (FYI, AK-7 is this world's AC/DC)
  19. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Sasha and Lester were walking through the hallway to Sasha's apartment.* "You are absolutely sure?" *Lester said unsure of their conversation.* "Positive." *Sasha replied calmly.* "100% sure, like, no thoughts otherwise?" "Do you want me to change my mind?" *Sasha said as she inserted her key into the door's lock and unlocked the door, opening it soon after.* "No, I just want to make sure that you are sure that its okay." *Lester said, fidgeting.* "Its fine you moron." *Sasha said playfully.* "You're a cool guy. Theres no one else Id rather have as a roommate." *Lester blushed a bit.* "Thanks." *Lester was starting to really like Sasha. He owed so much to her, he didnt know if he would ever be able to repay her for her kindness.* "Where have you been young lady!" *A female voice said from inside the apartment.* "You are seventeen minutes and thirty two seconds LATE!" *Sasha sighed. She knew that voice and gave a weak smile as she saw her best friend Anna walk out of the kitchen and into view.* "Do you have any idea how worr- Ooohhh, whos this pretty piece of man? This your new boyfriend Sasha?" *This one sentance made both Sasha and Lester blush profusely.* "N-no! Its not like that at all! Its just, I met him the other day, he seemed like a pretty cool guy, and he needed a place to stay so Im letting him crash here for a while!" *Sasha explained hurridly.* "Oh? Seems pretty suspect to me. A guy you just met randomly? He could be a crazy rapist for all you know!" *Anna whispered to her friend loud enoughfor Lester to hear. Lester looked offended.* *Sasha sighed.* "Lester, this is my best friend, Anna. Or, due to her chaotic personality, we like to call her Anarchy. She crashes here sometimes too. Often enough to have her own key to let herself in with." "Hello there!" *Anna said cheerfully.* "And Anna, this is Lester. He's....." "I work in private security from time to time. I was actually recently laid off." *Lester explained. Sasha gave him a 'nice save' look.* "Well, I hope you are both ready for movie night! Sasha, I know you like superhero movies, so I got Thor for us to watch!" *Anna said cheerfully.* "Anna," *Sasha laughed.* "I hate superhero movies, but you saved it, cus Chris Hemsworth is a sexy beast." "You hate superhero movies?" *Lester asked.* "Well, not hate, I just find them a tad unrealistic. Im sure you understand." *Sasha told him with a wink.* "Ah. Understood." *Lester said.*
  20. Derpy <3

    1. Retro*Derpy


      is best pony <3

    2. Apollo


      Agreed. <3

    3. Literally Snails

      Literally Snails

      I noticed you aren't following the superhero RP and I forgot to quote you. Just wanna tell you that I replied.

  21. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Sasha and Lester were taking a walk through the city. Sasha had changed into her regular street clothes so she wouldn't attract any attention.They were chatting about various things and came across a diner and decided to get some lunch.* "So if you didn't like what you did, why did you join the guardsmen?" *Sasha asked Lester once they were seated.* "My father pressured me into it." *Lester replied.* "He isn't the kind of guy to take no for an answer. Not to mention he is a lieutenant in the guardsmen. Wonder what he will say once he finds out i've been 'eaten' by Chaos." "Probably nothing good." *Sasha said, sipping her drink.*
  22. I am loving this new RP.

  23. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Sasha stepped into her apartment through her window and sighed.* "That kind of entry seems unnecessary." *Sasha looked up to see Lester sitting on the couch, fully clothed and wearing a hoodie.* "Where'd you get the hoodie from?" *She asked casually.* "Threads and Things." *Lester said. Sasha nodded, she knew the place. She closed the window behind her, lowered her hood and sat down next to Lester.* "So, you feeling alright? Light Shifting usually results in a bit of a headache." *She said calmly. Lester shook his head.* "Im not, my head feels as if its been stabbed by a barbed spork. But im grateful for what you've done, kinda. I got an excuse out of the guard, but now Im A-wall and Ill probably be hunted down for my head." *He said with a sigh.* "Im not so sure. You've heard about the chaos killings, right?" *Lester nodded.* "Well Ill let you in on a little secret. Chaos doesn't exist. The groups of guards forced to kill each other by Chaos, it was actually me and Rocketeer, the other super that was with me last night. And the guards that had been "eaten" by Chaos, their bodies never found, those are the rare few that had been Light Shifted, just as you were." *Lester had a, 'are you fucking kidding me?' look on his face.* "Im serious!" *Sasha said defensively.* "All right, all right, I believe you! Geez, out of one stressful situation and into another!" *Lester said.* "What kind of stressful situation were you in?" *Sasha asked.* "Well, considering the President is going to visit the city in a few months, a pretty intense one. Every guard in the cit-" *Sasha stopped him.* "The President is visiting? When? Why?" "Easy girl." *Lester joked.* "In six months, the President is coming by to examine the rebel situation. He expects it all to be dealt with by then or there will be serious repercussions." "Hold on one second." *Sasha said. She took her phone out of her pocket and quickly texted this information to Rocketeer. This could be a major turning point in their would-be-war.*
  24. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    "I saw." *Sasha said referring to the figure that had taken her father away from the scene.* "But who knows what will happen now. I know mom will be devastated. I should pay her a visit." *Sasha flipped her hood back up and began to walk out.* "Im going to go talk to Lester. He's sure to be awake by now." *Weiss then made her way out of the base, walking past NH and Tartarus, not even acknowledging them being there.* ****** Weak. So Fragile. So Pitiful. *Lester did not know what these voices were. They sounded familiar, but strange. Filled with a lust for power and destruction. It made him uncomfortable. He clenched his eyes shut and wished he was somewhere else, and when he opened them, he was back in Weiss' apartment. Lester looked around in confusion.* "When did.....?"
  25. Apollo

    open Superhero RP

    *Weiss flipped down her hood and looked at RT. Tears were streaming down her face.* "I have a question for you. Why didn't you tell me that the official we were assassinating today, WAS MY DAD?" *She said angrily. She was obviously upset. Even though he was the enemy, Sasha loved her father. Or at least, she used to. And her memories of the past was what kept her going.*
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