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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Apollo

  1. Wonderbolts hoodie. Revel in your jealousy, for I am a Wonderbolt.
  2. Got a Wonderbolts hoodie yesterday. Gonna use it for a Soarin cosplay.

  3. Apollo

    private Academy of Magic

    "Indeed. I figured it was for my sculpting, but who really knows." *Xander said casually to Olivia, then Olivia said something that surprised him.* "A creepy aura? Yeah, that sounds about right. Something dark, the atmosphere seems a bit, odd, if that makes any sense." *Xander clicked his new cane on the ground as they arrived at their destination.* ----- *Sasha sulkingly walked onto the docks and looked around at the group that had gathered there with a few hopes still intact. They were crushed though when she didn't see Jason among the students there though. There were a few faces that she hadn't seen on the train though. One of them she had seen in the art supply store, it was the boy she had bumped into. The other seemed pretty normal, he was talking to Olivia and holding a nifty cane. Sasha noticed that his eyes were empty.* [blind? Kinda like.........] *Sasha sneakily got a little closer without them noticing, and then she saw it. On the shoulder of the boy's jacked there was a little symbol. One she and her best friend had come up with when they were little. A cross with little circles on each end, and in each circle was a diamond. The same symbol that was on her own jacket's shoulder. She smiled and walked up to him.* "Xander! You ol' bastard!" *Sasha hugged her old friend.* "Fluff! How good it is to... well not see you, but you know what I mean." *Xander hugged her back. They held the embrace for a moment, then broke it and bumped fists. Sasha, happier now, flipped her hood down and smiled at the two of them.* "I guess you have already met Olivia, seeing as how she knew about you when I mentioned your name." *Xander said to his old friend.* "Yeah we met before we got on the train yesterday." *Sasha said, nodding towards Olivia with a smile.* "Its good to see you Sand, its been way too long. Hows pimpin?" *Sasha joked.* *Xander laughed a bit.* "Nonexistent. Seems like none of the girls at the place I moved to want to date a blind guy. Hows the old gang?" "Same old same old. Anna got her first boyfriend, Patrick got into med school, Douglas nearly dropped out, and King is, well King." *Sasha laughed.*
  4. Apollo

    private Academy of Magic

    *Xander shook himself out of his daze when he heard Olivia speak again and noticed his own pager buzzing.* "Yeah, seems like it." *Xander said with a smile.* "Lets get going." *He grabbed the neat new cane he had purchased while they had been wandering around town and he and Olivia headed back towards the docks.* ------- *Sasha was glad it had started to rain, it helped hide her tears. Jason and her had been chilling in the library, reaserching the town when Sasha had to go use the bathroom. When she had returned, Jason was gone. Sasha called out for him, but there was no answer. She went up to the lighthouse but it was completely empty and abandoned. She searched the entire town over and over again, to no avail. Jason was gone. Sasha stopped and looked at the sea. She could see the docks a little ways away. Sasha looked at the art supply bag in her hand, the expensive box of pencils inside. She almost wanted to throw them into the ocean, but something was holding her back from doing it. She knew Jason wouldn't have wanted her to waste them.* "Godsdammit." *Sasha said through her tears. She then noticed her pager going off. She knew that meant it was time to meet up at the docks. She took the hood of the jacket she was wearing and flipped it up to shield her from the rain and headed off towards the docks.*
  5. Whos ready for a mothahumpin TEA PARTAAAAYYYYYY!?!?!?!!?!?!?

  6. Wet mane Twilight in the newest episode makes her look even more like Stocking (PSG) than she used to!

  7. Pokemon games = Digimon show

  8. Well, on your first point, you may be right, but you also may not be. Sombra was wearing a cape whenever we saw his full form. Who knows, maybe he was hiding wings underneath. Another theory is, that maybe a bit of Cadence's power got mixed into Sombra's horn transforming it into alicorn class magic. And as for why I hate Trixie, honestly, I really dont know why I hate her with such seething hate. Something about her just irks me I guess.
  9. Just found out that Gabe Newell is a brony. Wonder what his thoughts on Season 3 are?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Apollo


      On the topic of beating dead horses, at least Im not as bad as what Disney is doing to Star Wars

    3. Street Comedy

      Street Comedy

      Next thing you know Disney will buy us...

    4. Apollo


      Good thing I dont have a soul anymore, or Id be afraid of Disney trying to buy/steal it.

  10. Stormwing is in this too. Sounds like fun to be had! I would love my OC to be in a thank you card to Lauren Faust, I really appreciate what she helped to create.
  11. The forums for me seem, I dont know, kinda broken. The homepage is normal, but the threads are all messed up. I dont know if its the site, or my computer but its a bit upsetting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mephala


      I think Feld0 said it's upgrades.

    3. MelancholicMemory


      This is happening to me too.

    4. Apollo


      Due to my complete lack of computer knowledge, I can only describe the way the threads look as, Wonky.

  12. Hey look! A recent photo of me! Thats pretty damn rare!
  13. One name that contradicts you point.It has been enraging me since it was first suggested. And now it has come true, to my dismay. Trixie. She has no real point in returning, yet they brought her back.
  14. You should have specified MLP in the thread title, because as soon as I read the title I instantly thought, "CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!" This concludes my opinion.
  15. *sigh* I know I have said this many times before, and maybe I sound like a bit of a broken record, but I absolutely DESPISE Trixie. I honestly don't get all the hype about her. She is such a bitch and the only time I found her entertaining was when she was voiced by Marcus Phoenix and Bender. Still hated her, even then. I honestly cannot believe they are giving this character another episode, or that anyone would even want her back at all! She is a cruel, lying, manipulative pony and I couldn't hate her more. I personally don't like Trixie at all and I have been considering not even watching the episode at all because of this hatred for such an unlikable character. I may watch it, but only if I learn that it is super important to what is to come.
  16. Pink fluffy unicorns, dancing on RAINBOWS!

  17. I hate Trixie with a burning passion. Seriously, I don't normally say stuff like this, but I just friggin hate everything about her and it infuriates me that she is getting another episode.
  18. Why is everyone so butthurt about the character limit all of a sudden?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinkie D Pie

      Pinkie D Pie

      I didn't complain, I only wanted to join the fad of Character limit blogs.... I have no problem with it.

    3.  spas-ticShotty


      I was gonna make a blog against it, then I realized the people who mad those blogs weren't on the same page as me.

    4. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      I like your avatar.

  19. Quiet day. Should have played some ACIII. Don't know why I didn't

  20. The popemobile, because nothing shows your faith in god like four inches of bulletproof glass. #SeemsLegit On an unrelated note: Personally, my favorite character in MLP is Gilda. In the whole Tekkit War thing going on in the Yogscast, I am on the side of Rythian the Mage.
  21. If you guys are on Facebook and like the flutterdash ship, go like this page I admin. http://www.facebook.com/pages/FlutterDash-FIM/329978770434446

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mephala


      I can tell.

      I bet you have girls all over you :3

    3. Apollo


      Oh yeah, when I walk into a room all the ladies come running.

      In the other direction.

    4. Mephala


      Nooo, silleh.

  22. *Is now frightened, but oddly aroused.* xD
  23. My sister and I over the summer. I have cut my hair since then.
  24. Apollo

    private Academy of Magic

    *Xander looked at Olivia in disbelief for a second, then chuckled.* "A crush? On Fluff? No, not in the slightest. Fluff was more like a little sister to me, and I like an older brother to her. Neither of us would have it any differently." *Xander smiled a warm smile at Olivia.* "Me and Fluff being a couple would just feel awkward for the both of us. Well, thats what I think, but she and I know each other pretty well, so I'm pretty sure she never had any advanced feelings for me, just like I didn't for her. We take care of each other, like siblings are supposed to. Even if we aren't related by blood." ------ "I guess. I'd be lying if I said the shadows hadn't gotten me in trouble on occasion." *Sasha replied as she walked over to Jason.* "But thats what we need to master. Control. Discipline. After the first time my shadows got out of hand, I signed up and started taking Judo classes. That beat some discipline into me. Made me strong and controlled. Except, well, when I get angry, like back at the train station, before we left, that guy Red got me really pissed of, and well, lets say there is a bathroom thats in need of some repair." *Sasha chuckled.* "But thats how things go sometimes, we just gotta move on and keep ourselves calm. Im sure when used right, fire can be a helpful ability to have." *Sasha said to him. She then saw the large brown book. The title was in latin.* "Elementorum Exciderunt, Element Wielders." (Pinkie, if this post is too much, then just tell me and I will happily edit it.)
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