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Doc Ginger

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About Doc Ginger

  • Birthday 1991-09-08

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    Terrence O'Connor
  • deviantART
  • YouTube
    Terrence O'Connor
  • Steam ID

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Ft Campbell KY
  • Interests
    General Information: I am a closet brony fan of AJ and RD. RD would win hands down except for her pre disposition to brag, I really don't like people who are too full of themselves. I am a medic within the United States Army.

    Music: Classical is by far the best. But i listen to almost every genre out there.
    Favorite Composer: Hans Zimmer or Trevor Jones.
    Favorite independent artist: Taylor Davis

    Educational: History. I am a historical sinkhole. I absorb and learn about everything I can. I usually do not brag (as stated above) but I gladly will for my history and knowledge of it. There are few people I know that can stump me with historical questions or discussions, But only a few.
    Favorite Era: I have several: Sengoroku period of Japan, World Wars 1 and 2, most modern warfare, ancient Rome, pre Roman Celts, and turn of the 20th century American West are among the most prevelent.
    Favorite Army of study: German Wehrmacht circa. 1936-45
    Favorite Persons Of Interest: Robert Howard, Azai Nagamasa, Erwin Rommel, (and others)
    Special Interests: History as you've learned, Sciences, Ponies, Warhammer (and 40k), Books (lots of books), and model making.

    Languages: English, Gealic

    Special things about me: I am slightly anti social, Mostly because I am very awkward and I am always sure to ruin a conversation or make someone else feel awkward. it mostly comes from me not understanding how to be social (I don't understand most people and their mannerisms or allot of the things that society considers a norm or an unwritten rule so usually make most conversations very awkward)

    Actually that is why I love Ponies so much to begin with. I honestly did not understand friendship, love, or any other societal bonding very well until I started watching FiM and it's lessons actually taught me how those things work for normal folk. (Told you I was socially retarded)

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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Butterfly (5/23)


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  1. back from leave and heading off tomorrow for ranger's. hopefully make the cut cause if not ill be going on shitty deployment before too long. wow lifes all happened at once.

    1. Fhaolan


      Good luck!!!

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