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Steel Crescent

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Everything posted by Steel Crescent

  1. Banned because you mean this?(I prefer the top one) or
  2. Banned for getting my joke event though i had hoped to catch somepony say no then i was gonna use a scene from scrubs.
  3. @Rainblow Hash, Banned because i think he needs medical attention.
  4. @Dashian500 Banned because why would somepony hurt Scootaloo?
  5. Banned because every pony is ninja'ing each other.
  6. @Rainblow Hash @Dashian500 Banned because i agree.
  7. @RainblowHash-Banned because they never finished that series in Murica!
  8. Banned because that has nothing to do with her curse.
  9. Banned because that's not medicine.It's POISON!
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