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Steel Crescent

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Everything posted by Steel Crescent

  1. Banned because at least i don't smack fillies.
  2. Banned for not loving and tolerating potato's.
  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of the My Little Pony Forums.We are certain your going to love it here like everypony else does. Welcome Plaza
  4. Banned because it's only been 3 days and I could say the same about Frozen Lasagna Thief. I never get to ban him anymore.
  5. Dear guy with the glasses, Would you date Trixie if you were given the chance to?
  6. Welcome to the wonderful world of the My Little Pony Forums.We are certain your going to love it here like everypony else does.
  7. Banned because Adam will explain what happened.
  8. Banned because maybe we should do that again.
  9. Great job on the drawing.I think it looks really cool and i think you did a good job giving her that Rainbow Dash look with her mane style.
  10. Sunshine Sunshine...

    1. Quilava


      ladybugs awake

    2. Steel Crescent

      Steel Crescent

      Clap your hooves

    3. Quilava


      and do a lil' shake~ ^-^

  11. Great Drawing.Anypony else here wanna see the jim carry movies redone with ponies?I think it would be really funny to see that.
  12. Who here thinks Liar Liar should be re-enacted by ponies?

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