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Sugar Pea

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Status Replies posted by Sugar Pea

  1. I finally came up with an OC. Finally! After all these years. :D

  2. I'm in love with owls. Like, for real. <3

  3. I'm in love with owls. Like, for real. <3

  4. Coming up with a new OC is hard! I'm not sure why that is, but yeah! lol

  5. cool avatar (:

  6. I figured out that I want to build a PC. I hope I can actually get the money for it

  7. I had bad nightmares that scared me out of sleeping last night -_-

  8. Morning everypony! Ah, forums.

  9. Holy crap, I get your username now! Portal 2, right? :D

  10. I'll only watch anime that's an adorable slice of life, funny, or just plain awesome with an actual story. Other than those acceptions, I a personally not that into anime anymore like I was a few years ago. lol

  11. Holy crap, I get your username now! Portal 2, right? :D

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