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Sugar Pea

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Status Replies posted by Sugar Pea

  1. This...sentence....is....FALSE!

  2. This...sentence....is....FALSE!

  3. This...sentence....is....FALSE!

  4. He stole my heart, so I'm stealing his last name... <3

  5. I don't get why parodies are looked down upon and called stupid. They're supposed to be stupid, and for the record they aren't meant to be masterpieces. >.> lol

  6. I don't get why parodies are looked down upon and called stupid. They're supposed to be stupid, and for the record they aren't meant to be masterpieces. >.> lol

  7. Getting back into Instaham.... I mean Instagram. haha :D yaaay

  8. Getting back into Instaham.... I mean Instagram. haha :D yaaay

  9. Finished Portal 2 two times c: TAKE THAT WHEATELY! Chair tea is very good BTW!

  10. Finished Portal 2 two times c: TAKE THAT WHEATELY! Chair tea is very good BTW!

  11. I swear on me mum!
  12. Aaaand I finished Portal 2! Wanna go to space, or shall I burn your house down with lemons? xD

  13. Awesome banner! Hey guys, sorry if I haven't been on! I'm having more computer probs, so right now I'm using my tablet. But no worries. c: Happy New Year!

  14. Awesome banner! Hey guys, sorry if I haven't been on! I'm having more computer probs, so right now I'm using my tablet. But no worries. c: Happy New Year!

  15. Your OC reminds me of Maleficent. xD

  16. I'm up, i'm up! *rubs eyeballs*

  17. I'm up, i'm up! *rubs eyeballs*

  18. I'm up, i'm up! *rubs eyeballs*

  19. I am going to play Five Nights at freddy's. Does anyone have some advice?

  20. I'm up, i'm up! *rubs eyeballs*

  21. I'm up, i'm up! *rubs eyeballs*

  22. For some reason, this makes me wanna dance. xD

  23. For some reason, this makes me wanna dance. xD

  24. For some reason, this makes me wanna dance. xD

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