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Sugar Pea

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Status Replies posted by Sugar Pea

  1. Good news! I finally got a new laptop!

  2. Good news! I finally got a new laptop!

  3. Happy Bday.

  4. Bday is tomorrow! Big 1 7! :D yaaay

  5. Bday is tomorrow! Big 1 7! :D yaaay

  6. Bday is tomorrow! Big 1 7! :D yaaay

  7. I believe that art is whatever you want it to be, not from the kind of medium you use. c: Art comes from the heart bro.

  8. I believe that art is whatever you want it to be, not from the kind of medium you use. c: Art comes from the heart bro.


  10. Okay, no more avatar changes. I'm keeping this one for a while now. c:


  12. Hey guys, Teacup here! I'm planning on changing my user to "missmummbles", if that's okay with you? c: I had this user for a while.

  13. Sooo I'm getting a new little friend this week. c: Its a hamster, and it doesn't have a name!

  14. Sooo I'm getting a new little friend this week. c: Its a hamster, and it doesn't have a name!

  15. Sooo I'm getting a new little friend this week. c: Its a hamster, and it doesn't have a name!

  16. I just fell out of my chair and spilled my (hot) cup of coffee on myself :(

  17. Long time no eyeballs! Got around to watching Rainbow Rocks, and it was completely awesome! However I lost respect for Flash Sentry, but I adored the songs! c:

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