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Sugar Pea

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Status Replies posted by Sugar Pea

  1. *bounce* *bounce* *bounce*

  2. *bounce* *bounce* *bounce*

  3. *bounce* *bounce* *bounce*

  4. *bounce* *bounce* *bounce*

  5. That moment when you take a sip of a coke after a long while. Oh. My. Gosh.

  6. eight more days until season 5 ^_^

  7. Got 666 Brohoofs. >:3

  8. I may be kind of a dick.

  9. I may be kind of a dick.

  10. I may be kind of a dick.

  11. Just thinking of Bruce Jenner becoming a woman makes me die a little inside....what has humanity come to? ;(

  12. I may be kind of a dick.

  13. I may be kind of a dick.

  14. I may be kind of a dick.

  15. I may be kind of a dick.

  16. Just thinking of Bruce Jenner becoming a woman makes me die a little inside....what has humanity come to? ;(

  17. I love all my friends, gosh you are all amazing! You guys make me smile and I'm super proud of how kind you all are. My friends are just perfect <3 I knew that whenever I came to this site I'd for in just fine with all of you awesome ponies!!

  18. I may be kind of a dick.

  19. I never played Conker's Bad Fur Day, but i'm watching cutscenes on YT and this is hilarious!

  20. I never played Conker's Bad Fur Day, but i'm watching cutscenes on YT and this is hilarious!

  21. I never played Conker's Bad Fur Day, but i'm watching cutscenes on YT and this is hilarious!

  22. I never played Conker's Bad Fur Day, but i'm watching cutscenes on YT and this is hilarious!

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