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Sugar Pea

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Status Replies posted by Sugar Pea

  1. Boo, nobody likes my OTP. D:

  2. My gosh, my gosh.

  3. My gosh, my gosh.

  4. My gosh, my gosh.

  5. My gosh, my gosh.

  6. My gosh, my gosh.

  7. My gosh, my gosh.

  8. My gosh, my gosh.

  9. My gosh, my gosh.

  10. My gosh, my gosh.

  11. My gosh, my gosh.

  12. Last thing I expected this morning was school being cancelled. I can't believe i'm saying this, but I think i'm in love with this weather we are having, <3

  13. Everyone around me in my school is dating and it's weird as hell cause like bro I barely act 5 you kidding what happened why is everyone mature now

  14. Last thing I expected this morning was school being cancelled. I can't believe i'm saying this, but I think i'm in love with this weather we are having, <3

  15. Last thing I expected this morning was school being cancelled. I can't believe i'm saying this, but I think i'm in love with this weather we are having, <3

  16. Good night all you sexy people

  17. here's a tip: if you cannot backwards skate, don't backwards skate and hurt others.

  18. Too much MLG up in this crib, dawg!

  19. Too much MLG up in this crib, dawg!

  20. here's a tip: if you cannot backwards skate, don't backwards skate and hurt others.

  21. I'm may hit the hay early tonight. Today was exhausting. XD

  22. It's all about the drop

  23. Oh god, I can't take this comic sans, I can see why people hate it so much.

  24. I just got accepted into a voice acting class, details on my blog page!

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