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Ms. J. L. Snickers

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Status Updates posted by Ms. J. L. Snickers

  1. Really loving this new GIMP coloring technique! And fun picture to color too! XD

  2. Finished Chemistry midterms, about to explode from excitement and die from exhaustion. Possibly at the same time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Friendship_Cannon


      I´ve just finsihed my exams for this semester :/ I know that feel... I´m just gonna die from excitement, but first I try to party all my doubts away :3

    3. Ms. J. L. Snickers

      Ms. J. L. Snickers

      No parties here for this bookworm! I'm going to take a bubble bath, eat some ice cream, and watch an action flick. xD Celebrate over the Easter weekend with Terminator 2! :D

    4. Friendship_Cannon


      everybody parties his own way :3. Your option sounds incredibly comfy, but sometimes I just need action, (very, very bad, but loud) music, and more or less crazy people xD

  3. I'm a Cupcake! YEAAA BOII!! :D

  4. *sigh* Egos on men are simply not attractive. When will they learn

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Friendship_Cannon


      xD oh, okay... I know quite a few girls with a annoyingly "pumped" ego- Mustn´t relate to them being hot, but to them being adult (derp). Not that behaving your age is bad, but as a 21 year old who likes to party and do random, but very fun things it bucks me a lot, that those girls apparently have the feel they are supposed to stand upon such things.

      Example: I take out a girl (I´m dating) for diner, and I would consider it normal for me to pay (that´s how I was educated), but...

    3. Shanks


      Yep, if there is one thing I can't stand it is BS. I think that is the main reason why I liked Applejack so much is because she is very genuine and true to herself and her values.

    4. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube

      I'm with you sister. I can't stand guys with egos. It's such a turn off. There's a difference between confidence and arrogance. Arrogant jerks are a huge no-no in my book.

  5. Oh my gosh! I just posted and saw RD! Where'd Cadance go!?

  6. Just started new roleplay! Sooooo excited! <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ms. J. L. Snickers

      Ms. J. L. Snickers

      Aw, sorry! I've already got ideas for another roleplay, maybe I'll advertise better then. :3

    3. Leafeon


      My internet is down, on phone, actually. :P Generally I would have seen it.


      Oh well. Just got to wait for someone to join Silver Conference, or something.


      Btw: Nice avatar! :D

    4. Ms. J. L. Snickers

      Ms. J. L. Snickers

      Thanks~! I love the Nostalgia Critic. :D

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