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Everything posted by LunaFlower226

  1. Ok now lets go to Fluttershy's cottage *walking to the cottage* ok we are almost there and now we are here. *knocking on the door* Fluttershy: Oh hi Luna and Aqua what are you doing here. Luna: We are here to fix the holes so when it's raining you won't get wet anymore.
  2. I think that we are able to marry when we are about 20 well that's what my mom used to say when I was still living with her at least so yah we aren't old enough to get married yet so I know that we aren't married we haven't even finished school yet and besides if we are married we will be wearing wedding rings.
  3. Hay Flare were are you going do you think that I can come with you because I would like to here you play your guitar if that's ok with you and maybe I can play my clarinet with you but I don't have to if you don't want me to go with you that's fine by me as long as you stay out of trouble.
  4. That would be great but I'm not sure what Flare or the rest of thy ponies will say so we will have to wait for there answer but I have no clue were they are when Milly said that today was a free day all of them just ran to do something different so you will have to wait for there answer.
  5. Wow that was amazing I never herd anything like it before how did you do that I wish that I can do that to but with a clarinet though and I can't believe that you played that whole entire song by yourself and I never new that magic could control so many instruments at the same time.
  6. Hello and welcome to the forums we are always glade that another member joins.
  7. N-no of course not we aren't m-married we aren't even old enough to get married yet, well Rose if you are hungry there is some food for you I hope that you like it even though I'm not the best cook I tried my best *whispering to Flare* I wonder how old she thinks we are?
  8. Hay Flare will I was going on my adventure of exploring this place I accidentally bumped into one of your old friends and I really did actually bumped into him (I am so clumsy) he is waiting to talk to you outside of the music store he said that he really needed to talk to you.
  9. Oh stop worrying over a little snake I take care of them everyday and I don't care if they are around me I'm actually really used to it by now and they are so cute expecaly when they are a little baby snake with there cute big eyes and how little they are.
  10. Hay little filly what is your name I would live to know and by any chance are you hungry I cook some food just for you if that's ok with you so tell us how did you get in the tv world in the first place do you know or do you not have any ideas of how you might of got there.
  11. I'm sorry I thought that the micanical wolf would kind of be like a real wolf and well I thought that I could handal it to I guess that I was wrong I'm so sorry about that I'm just so useless in different situations I'm sorry well lets keep going to the Everfree Forest to find Zecora (please don't have me roleplay as Zecora I have roleplaed as her for a little bit before and it was really hard) ok I think that we are almost at Zecora's house so now we can get more information of the elements if harmony like we want well manly me though because we really need to learn more about them and I still don't see how we aren't at Zecora's house yet well, we are here now ok Zecora we really need your help right now and we are trying to learn more about the elements of harmony so can you help us pleases. Zecora: I have the answer that you need jut you can find it without me. Luna: What does that mean do we have to find out on our own? Zecora: Help you need indeed but only you can find the answer that you seek. Luna: Ok well that seatless it then only we can find the answers that we need.
  12. Well I still want to know her name that's all I want to know, well what should we do now just wait for her to wake up and well maybe I should cook for her so I'm going to start cooking and when she wakes up just tell me ok *humming while cooking) I wonder if she will like this?
  13. Ok ... so lets get started working again and this time if you see a snake pleases don't pass out again and just deal with it (maybe Zecora can fix his fear of snakes) ok now I'm finished with the fence do you want me to help you with the tree house that you are making.
  14. Oh then ok I guess that we can take care of her and by the way what is this cute little fillys name oh I hope that she has a cute name it might be Rose, Golria, Anjella, Paton, Chyanne, or even Catness oh I really want to know right now and maybe we can be friends.
  15. Oh yay were here I'm so excised to start seeing this place I never been here before so now lets start exploring Mainhatten I would really like to look around if that's ok with you guys well I guess that I'm off now if I can go exploring that would be fun.
  16. Yah we should have watched the news more so we could have gotten more infermation about the filly and her family and friend and who she is and what she likes maybe the news is still on so let's turn on the tv and see if we can get anymore information about her.
  17. Ok Aqua some day you need to face your fear of snakes and I could help you with that to if you want me to, and why are you so scared of snakes in the first place I got rid of my fear already so I want to help you get rid of yours and I might have the perfect plan.
  18. *Luna stops humming* Are you alright Aqua what happen did you see a snake well it looks like it but that was a long fall so I hope that he is ok I wonder if hes ok maybe I should take him to the hospital because its not really good for you if you pass out so many times.
  19. Luna: Well it's ok at least we got it opened thank you Zecora for helping us. Zecora: You are very welcome indeed and if you need help you can just tell me again. Luna: Well now that we got that solved the little filly can now go home when she wakes up. (Now I don't have to rhyme for a while)
  20. Yah I think that I build the fence by myself plus we would get done with both much more faster if we split up then it's like we both get half of the choses so lets get started now. *humming a little tune as she works* (ok this is going great ill be done in a while)
  21. (Wrong house sorry about that I meant Flare's house I got the two roleplays mixed together) Luna: Ok now we just have to wait for Zecora to figure out how to open the cage. Zecora: It's hard to open that is true but a made key will do the trick. Luna: Hay Flare do you still have that key with you the one that we used to go to the tv world.
  22. Yes pleases sorry about that I tried to be careful but I'm a clumsy pony well not as clumsy as Derpy though and I'm still sorry about that *mumbling* why do I have to be so clumsy *mumbling stops* ok now I should be ready to start making the fence thank you Aqua.
  23. (Tying to rhme like Zecora) Zecora: I see the problem that you have and I can fix it in a sec. Luna: Thank you Zecora now lets go to Aqua's house. *walking to Aqua's house* Luna: Ok were here now so Zecora do you think that you can open the cage. Zecora: The lock is tricky yes in dead but I have a plan to fix this key.
  24. Ok now lets get started well at least I'm better at fences then houses so the fence part should be very easy for me and this is how you put up a fence first you have to angle it at about 90 degreas and you need to be careful to so that ... ow I wasn't being to careful I accadintly hit my hoove with the hammer.
  25. Ok that is a better idea *puts the cage down* wow this filly can sleep thourgh a lot of things, ok let's go to Zecora's place *walking to Zecora's place* ok we are almost there and you know that we might have to tell her about the whole thing of the tv world so that she will understand that we didn't take the filly.
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