As Luna was walking she seen a small town in front of her but she was so tierd of walking and flying for five years that she passes out on the eaged of the place and when she came to she was in a little cottage with lots of animals and a yellow pegasus whith a pink mane and tail. Luna: How did I get hear and where am I ans who are you. Fluttershy: Well my name is Fluttershy and when I scene you passed out like that I got worried and brought you to my house to make sure that you are ok and yes your clarinet and mp3 are just fine and I guess that's why you cutie mark is a music note you really do like music don't you. Luna: We yes I do and I love animals to so maybe I can help youbout with the animals if that's ok with you. Fluttershy: Oh that's fine it will be great to have another pony help with all of the cute little animals that are hear but first you need to get some more sleep, eat, and drink some water entill you feel better ok. Luna: Ok I will do that first and thank you for taking care of me. Fluttershy: Oh it's ok and now I'm going to tech you how to take care of the animals.