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Everything posted by LunaFlower226

  1. Luna: Hay Apple Jack we need some help with a stuck door if your not to busy with apple bucking. Apple Jack: Well I have one tree left so I'm not really busy and a stuck door yall say that's a easy tasked so now wheres the stuck door at. Luna: Well it's Aqua's back door.
  2. FLARE your ok thank goodness *tears striming down Luna's checks* I was so worried I'm so glade that you are ok and the missing pony is just fine and at home right now I thought that you were going to die I'm so sorry that I came to late and it's all my fault that this happened.
  3. Oh no Splash are you ok do we need to get mediation for her I'm really worried about her now what are we going to go now ok I'm putting her on a bench for right now and I'm going to see if she brought some mediation with her if this ever happen *going through the bag*
  4. Oh no FLARE!! We need to get him out of here and to the hospital and fast lets go now. *at the hospital* This is all my fault I came to late *starts sobbing* Why didn't I come faster its going to be my fault if he dies and I would never be able to live like this I hope that he's ok.
  5. Oh it's ok everypony needs help every now and then some and some needs more help then others but that's just apart of who we are so now let's go to the Sweat Apple Acres *walking to the Sweat Apple Acres* Luna:Ok we're here hay there Apple Jack. Apple Jack: Why howdy y'all.
  6. I won't judge I would do the same thing when I didn't see Fluttershy at the cottage I just started crying I was so sad and then I started looking for her then I smelled the fire and you know what happened after that and now I'll do anything to save Fluttershy and make sure that she is ok *starts sobbing agian* I-I just don't know what went wrong and I just really want to see her again and I think that we need to take over the elements of harmony for the good of Equestria so we need to find some more ponies that have the element of harmony but what is mine? What's Missy's element? What's Emerald's element? What's Skittle's element? We need two more ponies and fast and we really really really really need to find out about the elements situation too this is just so confusing for me right now but we really really really really really really need to figure this out even if its the last thing we do and defeat Discord we really do need to stop Discord and before it gets out of hand and fast to first we need to discover our elements (sorry for so many repeats)
  7. Oh we're an that pony be at maybe in this house ok this is surly a strange house but there os nothing in here at all so maybe somewhere else I really need to hurry up now so I'll go this way hay is there anypony here well maybe ... hay I fond the missing pony thank goodness. pony: Oh thank you so much but were are we. Luna: I'll explain it later but right now we need to run.
  8. I don't know who to unstuck a back door but maybe Apple Jack can help us with that problem if she isn't to busy with apple bucking so now let's go to Sweat Apple Acres and ask her about it and maybe Big Macintosh can help us with the problem too if he won't mind.
  9. O-ok I'll go and find the missing pony just be very careful Flare because it looks like Magatsu really does mean big business so don't try to get hurt and I need to be fast but that's impossible for me so I'll try my best to find the pony I'm going now and Flare pleases be careful bye *starts running off*
  10. Ok let's go and we need to be as quiet as possible so that he can't hear or see us and maybe we should be a few houses away from him just to be on the safe side and we need to find the missing pony to as soon as possible before he sees us and capture us in another cage.
  11. Well that's bad very very bad and we don't want to run into him at all or that will be ever worst maybe he is helping the shadow me to or he just has a different business with you either way we need to stay away from him as much as possible and find out about the missing pony that we came here for.
  12. But it really depends on how you tack care of him wait I think that I have an idea maybe you should build a fence around your house and plant some trees and let him stay outside all day 24/7 and really watch him to and you can build the fence bigger then the trees.
  13. Well Fluttershy is more then a friend to me she is my hero and she is like a sister to me to when I was nine and I ran away from my old home because all of the colts and fillies made fun of me for my blank flank and my family didn't care about that so that's why I ran away and on my thirteenth birth day I made it here at the very edge of town I passed out and Fluttershy helped me and cared for me like I was her little sister and that made me fell happy that she cared for me so much and when I was felling better I started working for her and we became better friends and to me she became like a better sister and at my actually house I was a only child so you might know how it fells to be a only child so that's why Fluttershy is so important to me and I really hope that nothing bad actually happens to her or ... or I just don't what I'll do if that happens *starts sobbing* I just don't think that I can live my life without her here with me so we really do need to save her and the others but how I'm just a very easy pony to scare.
  14. Well he is a timblr wolf if you have forgotten they are made of trees so he can also climb them and I think that they are very fascinating to because they know all of the secrets of the trees and well if you have one as a pet from when they are a pup they might not get to learn more about trees.
  15. Yah that is weird why would a studio be outside or maybe the pony that works here painted the room like this but we never know so that's why I'm going to see who might be right so that's why I'm going to walk around and see if the walls are painted or if we are outside.
  16. See it's very easy when I was younger I learned different things about animals and expecaly wolves and they are very brilliant and fast learners and that's why I like them so much and they seam cute to me but that's just my opinion about them and other ponies well they don't like wolves.
  17. Ok now I'm coming into the tv Flare ok so ready set and now I stepping into the tv Flare. Flare!! Why am I falling? Well at least I'm a pegasus but the landing is going to be a little hard I never really was very good at that and I'm still not oh maybe I should have came in the tv first.
  18. Well maybe we can have them play fetch but we need to tech Sparkz how to fetch though and even though he is a timblr wolf the is still in the dog bread and the same as Luna so it's just like traning a dog but they learn faster because of how smart they are.
  19. Yes you can come over to the to the cottage tomorrow and I'll be there to I work for Fluttershy everyday I may not get very much bits but I love working with her she is the first friend that I have and I will always be there for her when things go bad no matter what.
  20. Ok that's a good idea and it sure is better then just randomly walking into the tv without a wepon I wonder why we didn't think of this in the first place last time oh well that's why we learn from our mistakes and try not to make the same mistake like last time.
  21. Oh you can come by anytime except for night and yes Fluttershy is my boss and she is so nice when I was working for her we became friends and she helped me find my pet Celia and I think that the more I work with her the better our friendship is and it's actually fun being her friend.
  22. As Luna was walking she seen a small town in front of her but she was so tierd of walking and flying for five years that she passes out on the eaged of the place and when she came to she was in a little cottage with lots of animals and a yellow pegasus whith a pink mane and tail. Luna: How did I get hear and where am I ans who are you. Fluttershy: Well my name is Fluttershy and when I scene you passed out like that I got worried and brought you to my house to make sure that you are ok and yes your clarinet and mp3 are just fine and I guess that's why you cutie mark is a music note you really do like music don't you. Luna: We yes I do and I love animals to so maybe I can help youbout with the animals if that's ok with you. Fluttershy: Oh that's fine it will be great to have another pony help with all of the cute little animals that are hear but first you need to get some more sleep, eat, and drink some water entill you feel better ok. Luna: Ok I will do that first and thank you for taking care of me. Fluttershy: Oh it's ok and now I'm going to tech you how to take care of the animals.
  23. Oh Fluttershy and I can help you with that and it's a part of the job to the animals are always up for adoption so we alway take very good care if them and when the get sick we give them the kind of medicine that helps them for what kind of sickness that they have.
  24. Oh sorry for being late Fluttershy was having a pick nick with some animals and asked me to find a few berries for them so I did and now I'm hear and I did bring a few of those berries with me and Fluttershy have me a few of her special berries to that she feeds the animals with.
  25. Ok then see you later at your house Flare. Ok Celia I'm leaving again today but I will be back later and you know the plan just go to Fluttershys house and when I come back the first thing I'll do is come and get you so we can go home together bye. Ok Flare I'm hear.
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