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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by DiZzYLiF3

  1. banned because Jokuc did my awsome signature ^^ <LoL>
  2. banned because you have a epic name i can't read ^^ <LoL>
  3. banned because u lie, you never dos your homework LoL
  4. banned because i 'm swedish and didn't understand nut i think i did something good lol
  5. banned because you have 10dots under your picture
  6. banned because it's a moment ago you posted your comment
  7. banned because you think it ninjas everywhere
  8. banned for not giving a good explain why i'm banned
  9. school tomorrow, nee to sleep LoL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BringTheFire


      It sucks being in different countries, because we can never talk!

    3. DiZzYLiF3


      exactly, my english teatcher was hapy when i told her i joined a forum, and there i nearly writes everything in english but we never talk ^^ in saturday i can sitt up longer so we can talk ^^

    4. BringTheFire
  10. school tomorrow, nee to sleep LoL

  11. banned for not beeing done with my signature ^^
  12. banned because it didn't work to open your account
  13. banned because you posted then edit after posting it
  14. banned because i tried to use some other pic but it didn't work
  15. I just watched episode 15 - season 1 -"fellin' Pinky keen" I love it !
  16. I like to make people laugh, i'll go with laughter
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