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Everything posted by DiZzYLiF3

  1. Two of my friends watched MLP and i wast just thinking: "OMG, u serious?" then i started to watch some of the episodes and discoverd that dis makes me happy, i enjoy it. but it not so many of my friends know i watch this, BUT my smaller sister found me watching it and she anoys me 24/7 for it, not one day without hearing "hahaha, My Little Pony brother" she is mean XD
  2. Fluttershy is cute, but Pinkie Pie is funny and Rainbow Dash is cool, tough choice.....
  3. banned because i'm swedish and did not understand <LoL>
  4. banned because your user name end on "spy"
  5. banned because i saw Star Wars I and II yesterday
  6. banned because i play xbox360 too (online)
  7. banned because you have a line through "the great and powerful"
  8. \DiZzYLiF3/ - Hi my real name is Felix and i'm from Sweden. I started watch MLP about one week ago when my friend Jokuc and Shadowbolt showed it for me
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