It's weird that there is no such topic yet and the Dash Academy comics first appeared in August 2011.
These comics are about Rainbow Dash's life before she graduated from somewhat a high school for pegasi, the story also has few pages called Fluttershy Academy where the author writes about what is happening to Fluttershy while Dash and Gilda are having fun in the high school.
It has many chapters, the newest one is coming soon. The first chapter can be found here http://sorcerushorse...ntary-253536850 and from there you can switch to the next chapters in the author's comment.
The story has been translated into many languages, it's one of the most popular pony comics in DA.
The author can also accept your OC pegasus to appear in the new chapters as a background pony, link is here
I made this topic so we can discuss it here, lets talk about the old chapters like what we liked, what we didn't like, what may be in the newest chapter...etc
Reading and discussing the comics here you're supporting and encouraging the author to write more chapters of the story
Bleh, still not sure if this is the right place to post such topic here xD