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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Swebro

  1. Got a super dank 420xx Mtn Dewritos painting deleted from my Miiverse, stupid casuals /jk

  2. Is it okay to have a seperate spotify playlist just for Pokémon? :D

  3. Got myself a copy of Pokemon Y, now i'll just sit here and wait untill i can order a 3ds to play it on :P

  4. anypony else watching "Twitch plays Pokemon"?

  5. Forrest Gump.. *sob* you.. *sob* it's just, i, i have no words to explain the beauty of this movie! I have no idea why i hadn't seen it 'till just now, Oh god..

  6. For some reason i'm having really fun mixing the swedish and original version of "Let it go", to play at the same time. Bored i guess? :D

  7. Went to see Frozen with the family today. The best movie i've seen for quite a while actually :)

    1. Wingnut


      I thought that was a fun movie too. The horse and Olaf were too funny!

  8. finally got ma new Luna shiwt in da mail :3


  10. Now i know why everypony likes Attack On Titan, It's like... Awesome!

    1. Moonlight


      Yeah, it's probably my favorite show overall.

  11. Look! Im arguing! Argue argue argue! this was probably my favourite ep of season 4 this far

  12. Has anyone seen the PONY.MOV series? is it just me or are those really, really, REALLY wierd?

    1. Malinter


      "I will issue you one final warning, Discord. Leave this place, or Die." Rainbow Titan is so awesome... and not a douche like normally is in the MOV. series for some reason. *shrugs*

  13. That moment when you find The powerpuff girls in the Crime series category of netflix

    1. ~StatesTheOblivious~


      Well, they defeat criminals, so...

  14. just finished my first digital fan art :) just a little Twilight, what do you think of it? http://agrj-5.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-Sparkle-422914350?ga_submit_new=10%3A1388274797

  15. stupid twilight wings... iv'e sat here for HOURS trying to draw a good pair, but they allways look bad and out of place from the rest of the body :(

  16. it feels like statuses posted today just gets lost in the swarm of "Merry christmas posts" :P

    1. Sugar Pea
    2. Swebro


      Christmas all the christmases! wait wut?

  17. So, got a pair of dog tags today, thinking about getting something ponyish on it. maybe Pinkie Pie name tag? Equestrian air force? Anypony got any ideas?

  18. Merry Christmas everypony!

  19. just finished Farcry3, most fun part? DA WINGSUIT! (even more awesome when listening to "ready by tonight"!)

  20. thinking about changing username. any ideas anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Swebro


      maybe XXxPr05n1p35XxX360Qu3ckzc0pezZZz1337P0N3ZZzzzZNuK3M04BxXX?

  21. Best idea in the history of ideas! What if... Hasbro or the mlp staff put all the music from both the show an EQG on Spotify? That would make my life complete!

  22. three words: Catbug is AWESOME!

    1. Nomadic


      Never doubt the worm.

  23. Can't pew pew bad guys this weekend so i'm just pew pewing A TON tonight! :3

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