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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Swebro

  1. Well my phone's been on reperation for the last week and a half, they couldn't fix it so i got a newer model instead :)

    1. repsol rave

      repsol rave

      love it when that happens :3

    2. Swebro


      And the best part is, my phone was water-proof and it had to get repaired for, you guesed it!

      Water damages! I'm like the only person i know with the ability to screw up unscrewupable things!

      is unscrewupable even a word?)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving for all you guys celebrating it! :)

  3. yay! season 4 banner :D

  4. S4 stream just ended. AWESOME! why can't it be next saturday yet?!

  5. woo! we got home early so i won't miss the premiere :P ( "early" well.. it's almost 3 p.m up here)

  6. will be away for the weekend and miss the s4 start:(

  7. wow, been away from the forums for awhile and just looked at my notifications: 63. i gotta get in here more

  8. went paintballing with some friends today. It was really fun, even though it hurt :)

    1. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      *old man* Back in my day, we had glass painballs and we had to pick glass shards out of our limbs!

  9. what is this "candy gram day" i hear about?

  10. finally got of my flank and watched the pilot for Breaking Bad, it was... different, so to speak

    1. Troblems


      Stick with it. You don't have to see Brian Cranston's tighty whiteys in ever episode. Promise.

    2. Swebro


      yeah, it think i will stick with it. Thanks for the info ;P

  11. the new mlp gameloft update is pretty cool :D

  12. the new mlp gameloft update is pretty cool :D

  13. Swe brony AvatarV.2 >:3

  14. Yay! tonight there will bo no sleep AT ALL! probably gonna roll around in the bed thinking: tomorrow is my birthday... how will it be? what will i get? an ponies of course :D

  15. wow... i just realised i can legally buy laser pointers on Friday!

    1. Swebro


      nah i mean i'm 14 on Friday >:3

  16. work experience program starts tomorrow :3 i had the luck to get aa spot on a café where me and my friends practice music once a week, so thats good... i guess?

  17. just got home frome my uncle's wedding. :) sweet celestia!

  18. right now i wish i had like, tenn thousand bucks

  19. if you want to see a good, kinda sad movie with some funny parts, watch "The curious case of Benjamin Button" recomended! in other news... Good night guys!

  20. That feeling when you find an anime(or show in general) that you followed then find out it has ended and wanting to watch it but its too bucking long too watch *catching my breath*, in my case it's bleach

    1. Soundgarden


      That's why I always stick with 12-24 episode long anime

    2. Swebro


      yeah, i think thats better, i watched all the 10 piano: the melody of a young girls heart eps about 2 years ago, not the most exiting anime but it worked. :)

    3. Soundgarden


      Watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica if you want some exciting stuff

  21. Just got back from the dentist, lost two teeth! It hurts a bait:(

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      I'm looking forward to getting my wisdom teeth pulled...yes sir. *sarcasm* :'(

  22. why is the internet such a big place that it keeps me up waaaaaay past when i want to sleep?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swebro


      ponies... I KNEW IT!

    3. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Especially Fluttershy.

    4. Jokuc






      um idk

  23. finally home after 3 days in Carlshamn :)

  24. Iron maiden on wednesday! it's gonna be awesome :)

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