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Blog Comments posted by Heretick-Tock

  1. Wow, what a disgusting trick to pull on a community of people that want nothing but to show you support. Congratulations on betraying the trust of anonymous internet friends. You really pulled the wool over our eyes.


    I thought something was a bit fishy, and this re-asserts my original assumption of your character.


    When someone does go through with something as life altering and brave as what you claimed to do. They may come here looking for support, and they may not receive it thanks to you buddy. Good one.


    I feel no same. Zero. And anyone who feels betrayed by "online friends" most likely is a sad panda in real life.

    I have a disclaimer on my profile that says never to take anything I say literally, along with updates hinting that this was a joke.


    The whole fucking attitude was satirical in nature.



    Either way I give zero fucks what you or anyone else thinks, since I had fun with it.

  2. You're 21 and you could afford that?! Wow, either somebody really loves you, or you are making bank somewhere <.< eheh...sorry to be so fixated on that aspect. It's great you can feel more at home in your body, but goodness, I know several people who are trying their hardest to afford such an operation and it's going at less than a snails pace.


    Whatever the case, Congrats.


    The entire surgery was partially done by my aunt, who "gave" it to me as a late birthday present. In all, it was about $5,000 which was a significant discount. I was in a very, VERY special situation though.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Well I read through this and I'm just going to take two sentences out of this to start. 

    I wondered why in the world its called Satanism when "Many Satanist don't even believe in Satan" but "view Satan as a mentor, teacher or guide throughout life." How can you have someone/something you don't believe in be your mentor? Speaking of which, :"Judaic traditional view of Satan as a mentor" That confused me, and though I'm not in the Judaic faith, as far as I know they believe the complete opposite that Satan is the opposite of a good leader. 


    When Satanists worship Satan, they worship a metaphor for the Self. Basically, it's freedom from any sort of leadership.


    And Jews don't view Satan as the "bad guy". He exists to give us obstacles to overcome. Unlike Christians' view of Satan as a fallen angel who wants to take everyone to hell, Jews do not believe in hell, so Satan isn't an enemy who can punish them for all eternity. 

  4. I never get the internet's rabid fedora shaming. I admit it looks goofy and screams "hispter" and I'd never wear one myself, but unless it's on a complete slob they don't look nearly as bad to me as everyone treats them as looking. I've even seen a few people pull it off to some extent. 


    I personally wear either a camo ballcap, knit cap(like Radar from MASH) or leather fishing hat, but I'm a bit of a redneck. 


  5. Went through a fedora phase myself. What was I thinking? lol


    I love fedoras, but until I invent a time machine so I can star in a 1940s movie as a detective with a matching revolver, cigar, and trench coat, I'm not wearing it again :derp:


    The only person who can successfully wear a fedora is the Red Mage from Final Fantasy 1









    JT can rock one, as well.



  6. If you don't believe in yourself, then believe in the one who believes in you!


    But seriously, you're a teenage girl. Things get better in the real world where society isn't full of grown ups who act like teenagers-

    Oh wait, yes it is!



    This is because people are stupid; and you don't have to be like them. Don't fall into society's "bully" trap. It's full of losers who never made anything of themselves, so they take it out on others who seen vulnerable.

    • Brohoof 1
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