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Philosophy Pony

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Status Updates posted by Philosophy Pony

  1. Thanks once again Twitter and Forums ponies! You are all so great!

  2. Well, I'm off to the mall soon, like the happy capitalist that I am :) Tweet at me guys! @PhilosophyPony

  3. Special somepony!! Woot woot!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aurora Bass

      Aurora Bass

      Love = Best thing in the world <3

    3. Caitlin Spark

      Caitlin Spark

      So I take on a project and this happens? Ok...

    4. Blue Moon
  4. I sometimes reuse the coffee discs for my tassimo brewer. Is that gross?

  5. My dog takes fetch to the next level. You can throw it for her....but you gotta catch her first to get the ball :P lmao

    1. Mutemutt


      My dog is similar; she'll bring back the ball/stick but won't let it go. It turns into a game of tug-o'-war and back to fetch after I win.

    2. Philosophy Pony

      Philosophy Pony

      It's adorable right? Keeps you on your toes lol

  6. Sartre changed my life, I love his work. I really wana read nausea it sounds amazing!

  7. If you drive by my house, all you will here is Alex S.~ Party with Pinke, blassting lmao! It's so loud in my house right now,it's intense

  8. Back online! Aww yea :P

  9. Uggh my Internet connectivity is bucking messed! Why God :(

  10. Drawing doodles of filly's in class all day :D lol

  11. Forever looking for that special somepony....*sigh* :/

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I know that feeling all too well. :( I fear that I may never come across mine...

    2. Philosophy Pony

      Philosophy Pony

      Were a couple of Cranky Doodle Donkey's aha.

      I know mines out there, If I exist, why can't she, am I right?

  12. Full of vegetarian pizza! :S

  13. It rained for 3 seconds outside lmao!

  14. Oh, non-pony identity day is tomorrow :P lol

  15. My first OC posted could be better but eh, I did it ina day. Next one will be 100x better,promise! :3

  16. My OC's taking forever! :/ First one so I guess I do need a lil practice :S

  17. watching A Canterlot Wedding pt1! my fav season finale

    1. lyrabrony


      I loved that episode/special!

    2. Philosophy Pony

      Philosophy Pony

      I know right? The changelings?! Awesome villans, It's an awesome episode :P

  18. I'm gonna make some OC's today! yay!

  19. Uggh Im running rampant with work! My desk is cluttered beyond all measures!

  20. I'm loving the forums! Awesome stuff!

    1. Radiance64


      Good to hear. :)

  21. First day on the forums. Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!

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