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Everything posted by 00Pony

  1. My post has been slower coming than I'd like. I've hit a stumbling block in two ways. One, I'm trying to figure out how to make dialogue between Sebastian and Kai'sa make sense. And two, clap came up that stunted my progress. But it will happen before long, if my word means anything
  2. I'm about halfway done with my post as of now, and will complete and upload it sometime tomorrow. My phone's running close to death and I am without power at the moment. Sorry for the long delay.
  3. I can confidently say I will have a post before next week. Hopefully tomorrow, or Wednesday, best case scenario.
  4. Back to Blake

  5. All of my hype. All of it.
  6. @@Hypn0ticD,@@Pripyat Pony,@, "Ain't it just..?" Sebastian said quietly, under his breath as he circled the destruction briefly, making a pass over the vehicles in the lot and strafing them with weapon fire to demolish them, before moving off finally. He remained silent for as long as the others did, until he heard AJ and Twilight speak up, the former asking where they were going and the latter asking how long. Granted, the Southern accented woman was asking Logan, but Sebastian answered in his stead - after all, he knew and Logan didn't, "I'm taking you to the Deus Solis, an old USN battleship about a hundred miles off the coast of Miami, and Orchestrator's headquarters!" He had to yell in order to be heard over the Hawk's rotors, "We're just inside Kentucky, and considering Miami's at the southernmost tip of the US... That's at least fourteen hours or so if driving! Luckily for us however, we've got a UH-60! These things have a top speed of nearly 190 MPH! Estimating the distance between here and our destination is about... 1897.416 kilometers - that's 1179 miles, give or take - so we've got roughly six or seven hours till we're there! "I suggest those of you who aren't on 'watch the pilot' duty get some sleep while you can! I'll wake you up up when we're about two hours out and give you guys a lowdown on what to expect... Trust me, you're going to want sleep for this." Sebastian flipped a switch and the doors on the side of the chopper slid shut, after which, he gunned the controls and took the Blackhawk to its top speed. -- For the first hour of the trip, Logan remained in the co pilot's seat. After that ended, he woke Angie and she took his spot while he got rest. Once her hour was finished, Angie would go to wake up Logan, but be diverted by Diliges - who had been awake anyway - offering to take third watch, reasoning that he was technically tasked to keep an eye on the pilot anyway. Angie conceded and the cycle continued until they were only a few hours away from the Deus Solis. --- A knock sounded on the chamber door. Kai'sa looked up from the weapons laid out on her table and stepped over, opening it. Outside was an agent known as Maestro, "Ah. Sarah. What is it?" She asked, referring to the woman by her real name for the first time in years. It clearly surprised her, but she shook it off and saluted her, "Ma'am... The Warlord's Blackhawk been spotted coming towards us. It's almost time, ma'am." The Changeling sighed, seeming content, and walked over to a wardrobe in the corner of her quarters, Sarah remaining in the doorway as she removed a black chest piece of armor that looked faintly like a carapace. Kai'sa ran her fingers over it briefly before gesturing for Sarah to help her put it on. The agent obliged - surprised to see how light the armor was, despite how heavy it looked - and stepped behind Kai'sa as the Changeling inspected herself in the mirror. She gave a smile and turned to walk past Sarah to the table and retrieve her armaments before heading to the door, "Radio Darius, Sarah. It's time." The blond haired agent nodded, and sent the signal. --- @, For the last several hours, the agents would remain in the room. Ramirez and Nedry and their cronies occasionally moving about, taking turns standing at the door - avoiding the window where Book and Boone sat - playing cards or taking quick naps behind their visors. Book was among those who dozed, occasionally. However, he was wide awake when the time came for him to be needed. The man sT up a little straighter, putting on hand to his helmet above his ear and gripping his M240 SAW's handle with the other. Whatever was said on the other end, he nodded and stood, taking his LMG in both hands. He flicked the switch marked 'safety' to 'fire', and as Boone and the other agents in the room looked at him, the giant of a man opened fire. Nedry, who was napping, was the first to go, flayed by a hail of armor piercing 7.62mm. bullets. Before Ramirez or the others could recover from their shock and retaliate, they too fell under his hail of fire. Boone stares at Book, clearly frightened as the man turned to face him and leveled his LMG. But when he fired, Boone did not feel the bite of the bullets fearing throw his armor and flesh. He did hear two armored bodies crumple to the floor after the cacophony ended, and he turned to see the two door guards lying dead. Boone's attention was snapped back to Book as the man leaned down, removing his helmet to look him straight in the eye - Boone couldn't help but notice that Book was advanced in age, being easily in his late seventies. Boone could only hope he was that fit come a time he was that age - the younger agent's thoughts were detailed when Book spoke, "You have a problem with that, son?" The elder African American man asked. Boone shook his head. Book continued, "You willing to help me protect this here Queen as per Kai'sa's - or Artisan, as I suppose you know her - orders, and ignore anything from Orchestrator?" Boone tentatively nodded. Book smiled and straightened back to his full height and turning to look at Queen Chrysalis, giving her a broad smile briefly before speaking, "I apologize for that. Had to keep the plan under wraps till it was time to start up. Hold on, let me get you out of there, and I'll explain everything as best I can." As he finished speaking, the man walked around to the doorway, opening it and holding a hand out to the Changeling Queen, "Master Sergeant, retired, Darius Salvador Book, at your service ma'am." --- @@Hypn0ticD,@@Pripyat Pony,@, Now two hours out from the Solis, Sebastian turned on the red light signal within the Blackhawk's passenger chamber, before remembering most of them were probably asleep, and instead slowed the helicopter a bit and gestures to the one on watch, who was Angie, to wake them up. The EMT stood, bracing herself in the doorway, and raised her voice slightly to be heard, "Hey! Everyone! Wake up... We're nearly there. As you can probably see, Sebastian hasn't killed us. He's going to explain what we should expect down there..." She sat back down, twisted slightly to see him and the others. Sebastian glances back briefly before speaking up, "Not going to lie, you guys are straight up crazy for even thinking of trying this! Orchestrator's practically turned the Deus Solis into a floating fortress, and his home guard dogs are all ex military elite. Those guys you took out at the motel? Grunts. Still pretty damn skilled, so it's still impressive you took them down, but they're nothing like the people he keeps on the home front. Former Spetznas, Green Beret, he's got folks from all over. Seriously, if the guy wanted to go into the PMC business, he could probably give even G4S a run for its money, and he's nowhere near as big as them. "Orchestrator's got them all informed on what you guys are capable of, to a degree at least. If what I heard one of you say is true, then he's one of you... I don't know his motives behind wanting you all captured, but he's got his people trained to deal with you pretty well. Except flash bangs - which will be tossed at you and will blind and deafen you and really screw up your equilibrium. They have a three or four second fuse, but the bastards'll probably cook them so they go off sooner and minimize the chance of getting them thrown back. "Also tasers, which fire a couple prongs at you which, if they get stuck in, can transfer an absolute shit ton of electricity into your system and shut you down long enough to be bagged. They'll probably use tear gases as well, and of course, bullets," he pauses for breath, and possibly for dramatic effect, "Of course, that's if they catch us, which, not going to sugar coat this, is likely. This place is pretty much Alcatraz on steroids, and mobile. Security cams almost everywhere, and several patrol groups around the clock. Not to mention, we have to land on a designated pad, and chances are a group will be waiting for us, or worse, Orchestrator or Artisan themselves. If that's the case, We have a couple options. A: I can mow them down the this bird's guns and set off all sorts of alarms and probably be shot out of the sky within minutes. B: We land and try to take them by surprise, which is a stupid option, because all we have is a bolt action deer rifle, a semi auto civilian AR, my 9mm SMG and the .50 cal, which is would be our best bet, if it wasn't scoped and nearly impossible to shoot without mounting it I'm the first place. Or option C, and both most likely to succeed and most ridiculous, we wing it. "Assuming B or C work, we can try and sneak into the ship and get to the Queen, take out whatever guards she has and get her back to the bird, them we're home free. Until they send squads after us, in which case, we're screwed. You may think we could try and seek asylum somewhere, but Orchestrator's got a long list of contacts and potential blackmail. Would not be surprised if even asylum couldn't stop him," he sighs, "This is pretty much hopeless. If any of you believe in some higher power, I suggest you pray to it. We're going to need all the help we can get..." -- Logan obliged Sebastian's last sentence with action. Not much sooner after he finished speaking, the officer bowed his head, closed his eyes and clasped his hands in a silent prayer that would last for several minutes. A prayer for safety of all his allies involved in this. A prayer things would go adequately. A prayer for success. As soon as he finished, Logan sighed and picked up his rifle, checking it to make sure it was loaded and that he had extra magazines within easy reach, and eventually did the same to his pistol, and after he was sure he was prepared, Logan took Applejack's hand in his own, kissed her and said nothing beyond, "I love you. Remember that." Angie followed his lead with the guns and gave Shawn a nervous smile, before a quick kiss. Diliges would merely look out of the window at the land as it went by, working himself into his combat mindset. After whatever would happen in the remaining hour, the Deus Solis eventually came into sight. Sebastian continued to bring them in, muttering something about it being odd that there was no radio hail under his breath. Eventually, the helicopter would begin to descend, knowing that opening fire on them would make their chances of success even less likely. And Sebastian would curse as the ship grew closer when he saw who stood on deck. There was Artisan - wearing some sort of black armor the Changelings may did familiar - and a full squad of agents lined up behind her. She looked smug with herself, and it pissed him off. All the same, Sebastian set the helicopter down and stood, looking to the Rescue Team, "Well folks... Let's go shake hands with hell." Even as he spoke, the doors to the chopper would be forced open, and beyond them, Artisan would be standing with her smug smile and her agents with their guns held ready, but despite their being aimed at the Blackhawk's inhabitants, the agents would not have their fingers on the triggers - a sign they were not planning to fire. The woman, standing with her arms crossed until that point would spread them wide as she spoke, "You lot are the Rescue Team? I've been eagerly waiting to meet you. I know you're probably all confused, and would like nothing more than to see me dead, but I would advise against that. My agents wouldn't appreciate it." She would nod towards the gun wielding men and women briefly before continuing, "I'm sure Sebastian - Warlord - has explained all of it already, but he was not completely informed. Firstly, Artisan is merely a call sign. I am like you," she would look to Cicada and Diliges particularly here, "My true name is Kai'sa. Changeling Hive Commander beneath your Queen's mother." As she would speak, her stark red hair would shift to black, and her hazel eyes to turquoise with the unmistakeable green aura of the Changeling. Kai'sa would cross her arms again, "And you lot are going to help me free the current Queen, Chrysalis, as I'm sure you came here with the intent to do," turning on her heel, Kai'sa would begin to walk away, "Come along. I will explain all as we go." Without even waiting to check if they followed, she would continue, her agents waiting to escort the team behind her. (I'll try and make an adoring fan character at some point. Maybe)
  7. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo assuming I don't pass out before I finish it tonight.... there might be a thing Passed out yesterday shhhh anyway,@Hypn0ticD, I'm working on my post now BUT I need to be reminded of where RTA (keep going to call it RTAA - Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures) are. Part of me wants to say Arizona, but I can't remember for sure (course, may just be because I have Arizona tea right now). This is somewhat important to me post continuing.
  8. Am I the only person in who doesn't care about the World Cup, or Splatoon? It certainly seems that way.

    1. IridscentNionios


      The real World Cup or the Mlp World Cup? I care about how greece goes but i don't watch it.

    2. remove p l e a s e ?
    3. Hypn0ticD


      I could care about the world cup, myself, but I don't!

  9. Soon... Soon I shall make a thing. Soon. Hopefully. Probably. I'd better.
  10. Assuming I didn't somehow kill this, I should hopefully be able tomorrow
  11. So, Nico Vega's a pretty cool band. I suggest Trocadero as well.

  12. @@Miss Reaper,@@CharChar,@@C. Thunder Dash, (Nope. Totally didn't forget about Twilight. Huh uh. Didn't happen.) (Also, pretend this came out a few days ago.) Well, that was to be expected really. You play with fire, and you are more than likely going to get burned (or someone else will. But if you're prone to being a pain sponge so others don't have to feel it, you're definitely going to). Saron was certainly playing with fire here, standing near an obviously mad pony that seemed all to keen on cutting a nice, bloody, red gash across his chest or face with a glowy-magic knife. That was made abundantly clear as she answered his question, stating she feared nothing and drawing the knife back. He could have moved to dodge - one plus side of seeing things like an incredibly vivid dream, you tended to learn some tricks - and he really should have made to dodge the assaulting blade, but he stubbornly stood his ground like an idealistic idiot, "Hey, if she sees herself stab me, that should shock her out of her madness! Flawless plan!! She definitely knows me and/or cares about my well being enough for that to work! Per Cor*, Saron! You really are smart!" he thought, his mental voice heavily drenched with satire. *(Per Cor: By the Heart. Crystal Pony variant of 'By Celestia' and other similar utterances.) It all played out well, though, all things considered. He didn't get gutted by a mare that he had kinda sorta sworn to help, and neither did anyone else. Of course, she was still behaving in a stark raving mad manner, but you had to take things as they were and be optimistic about it. Like an idealistic idiot. Really, Saron, you're only an optimist at the best of times! This is not the best of times! This is where you're supposed to be a realist. You know, like 'Oh no! There's a crazy mare with a magical knife standing in front of me, and she looks like she would love nothing more than to stick it into me. I should probably move out of the way, because I am an intelligent and rational pony.' Yep. Classic Saronyx. He glanced slightly over at Galatea as she spoke to Ariel, the latter having looked to the former, this giving the Crystal enough of a sense of security to allow himself to break visual contact with the Unicorn mare. Perhaps Galatea was what was needed? Perhaps she could snap Ariel out of this state and- oh, no, that was just him being optimistic. There was Ariel's knife, sticking in the ground right in front of the Earth pony mare. Okay, scratch the 'mother figure talks some sense into the deranged' trope thingy off the mental list, it's back to the drawing board. Ariel stated she wasn't talking to 'Téa' - "Téa?" he thought, "Under less dangerous circumstances, it might be cute that she calls her that. As is, though, that just makes me shiver." Ariel was once more focused on Saronyx, yanking her knife from the ground and looking over it as she recalled her original plan to find out just how resistant a Crystal's hide was. Oh, yeah, she wanted to stab him, didn't she? Funny how the memory works sometimes. Especially when you're a stubborn numbskull who, instead of backing up like a freaking pony with your life experiences and the like would, Saron instead walked towards her because why the heck not?! What's the worst that could happen? Oh yeah. YOU GET STABBED. Saron ignored the voice in his head that was telling him to do the opposite of what he was doing, and instead walked till he was only two feet away from her, smirked right back at her like the arrogant twit he was pretending to be to cover up the fact he was scared out of his mind - so why doesn't he run, you ask? Have you not been paying attention? He's an intelligent idiot - and said, "Well then, give it a go!" And because he's a stupidly lucky, intelligent idiot, Saronyx All-Seer (a kinda pretentious name given to him by Serenity, who thought that 'Omnia Vates' sounded too outdated, much to his chagrin. But at least he didn't need to translate it to the modern pony language, for those uneducated on apparently 'dead' languages, of which there were many) managed to avoid being run through once again, this time because Break intervened. Except he didn't talk to Ariel like Galatea did. He tackled her, and then talked to her. That works, too. Saronyx watched the two go to the ground, raising on eyebrow. Of course, there wasn't much for him to do now except watch and offer assistance as needed. Which, as far as he could see, was not right now. (Oy vey, the heck's up with my writing style this update?)
  13. For those who were unaware, this is how the inside of a Black Hawk is arranged For seating reference of my characters, Sebastian is sat in the pilot's seat, obviously, with Logan in the copilot's for the time being. Angie is seated in one of the seats looking out of the doors - the one behind the pilot - Ulysses is lying down against the wall behind the copilot. Diliges is seated in a random place that I'll decide later. I'm going to mention where they're all seated in my next post anyway, so this was a mite pointless other than the picture but meh.
  14. So it turns out I have no idea what I'm going to post. I apologize for this, and try to actually come up with something before to long. Again, sorry for how long I've been absent.
  15. "I've got a missing girlfriend, a guy who's pregnant, an idiot who thinks his pet just died, and our worst enemy running around unsupervised in our base." I love this show.

  16. @@Hypn0ticD,@@Pripyat Pony,@, (So yesterday didn't work out. Passed out before I could.) Diliges had only given Twilight a smirk, one that was a mixture of satisfaction and understanding, in response at first. Only a couple seconds elapsed before he called back, "I can accept such a risk, Princess." -- Alternatively, his smirk and humor instantly faded when Stephen gave Cicada a lecture. His mirth was instead replaced by irritation, and the Captain stood at his full height, fists clenched tightly as he prepared himself to advance and strike the human for his insubordination. Clare managed to speak up before that, and the physical confrontation was avoided. (Not really saying anything, but my brain isn't functioning enough to figure something for that out.) -- Logan nodded his acknowledgement to Applejack as she led Twilight away. He watched them for a second before turning his attention to the confrontation between the Changelings and their respective Finders. He was actually planning on stepping over and laying into the lot of them himself, but before he could do so, Twilight and AJ returned, the former beginning to give orders. When she was finished, Logan couldn't help but give an impressed chuckle followed by the words, "Well said." Beneath his breath. All the same, he gave a solid nod, "I've already stated I'm willing to take responsibility for him." Angie, who'd been standing slightly off to the side with Shawn, holstered her pistol and saluted, saying, "Got it!" Before realizing she might as well have left her pistol in her hand. She settled for resting her hand on its grip. -- Diliges had arched an eyebrow high when Twilight came back, speaking authoritatively. He hadn't really expected that of the Princess, and under other circumstances, he would have disregarded all she said. But as it was, he made a grunt in confirmation, "That is within our capabilities, yes. I'll keep an eye on such things." -- "Well, that was the idea." Sebastian said, more to himself than anyone, after Twilight stated he'd fly them there. Despite his position, the pilot couldn't help but laugh when the Princess voiced concern over the helicopter's abilities, "You're kidding!" He glances to Logan, "She's kidding, right?" Slowly, hands still in the air, Sebastian stands, "That bird's a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk. An attack helicopter made by in America. These babies haven't needed magic to operate for the past forty years, and they're not about to start now. Plus, they can carry fifteen people. More than enough room." He lowers his hands slightly, "If you'll allow me, I need to get it prepped for launch. I suggest you all take five minutes to get anything important from your rooms or your cars. I don't think we're going to be coming back here after we leave." "Why not?" Angie asked, following him to the helicopter. "Because I'm going to blow it up. First protocol, leave no evidence. You guys have left your prints all over the place, not to mention a lot of bodies. That'll talk too long to clean up ourselves, so blowing it's the next best thing. Plus it looks cool as hell!" Now in the cockpit, Sebastian begins the process to turning the Black Hawk back on, "Logan, would you mind passing the message along to everyone?" The officer conceded, leaning out of the door and calling to the rest of the group still gathered, "Hey! Go get anything precious to your from your rooms and cars. We're not going to be coming back here. We can only risk five minutes, go in through the back and don't let anyone see your faces. I suggest you do it quickly." Logan then seats himself in the co pilot's seat, cradling his rifle slightly. Angie sits behind the cockpit, running her hand down Ulysses' back as the dog sits in front of her, letting her eyes wander over the M82 set into a slot on the wall of the Black Hawk, the way a child's eyes would to a greatly coveted toy. While they waited, Sebastian had gotten on the helicopter's loudspeaker and shouted for the people still inside to get up and leave. It took two of the five minutes for him to get fed up enough and throw in the prospect of being blown up if they didn't run. That got them to scatter and run. When questioned about how their testimonies would affect the groups safety, Sebastian answered, "The organization has ties all over. It won't go public, and if it does, it won't involve a helicopter." When the five minutes had passed and everyone was on board, he would raise the helicopter several hundred feet up and away before launching the rockets destined to destroy the evidence. The resulting fireball was magnificent addition to the late evening sky. (Whoops)
  17. Right, so my post was supposed to go up last night, but it appears I passed out before that happened. I'll remedy that soonish
  18. @@Pripyat Pony, As I said earlier, I'm aiming to post today, likely much later in the day. He'll have some thing to say/do then.
  19. Yep! When this was created, it was set sometime between Season 3's finale - thus making Twily an Alicorn - and Season 4's premier. I don't think it's changed any so that season four's passed for them, Hypno'd be the one to ask about that (though I'm sure it's still post S3, it pre S4, as obviously no mentions of S4 have been made throughout the 204 pages)
  20. @@Hypn0ticD,@,@@Pripyat Pony, Logan remained silent as the others discussed what should be done. Shawn and Cicada were in agreement on trusting Sebastian, at least loosely. Applejack, Twilight and Stephen were far more skeptical. Understandably so. Were he in their place, he probably wouldn't be too keen on trusting someone who had only recently been hunting them down. All the same, it irked him an made things immensely difficult. He glanced down at Sebastian, who was remaining perfectly still with his hands behind his head as he flicked his eyes from one of the group to another. -- Angie bit the inside of her cheek, thinking over what had been said. She knew Sebastian from the past as well, though to a much lesser extent than Logan. On one hand, he was a friend, and she was sure he was telling the truth, but on the other hand... He had been a part of this organization thing that was hunting the Equestrians. Even if he was under some sort of mind control spell, how could she really be sure that he was free? She hated not knowing. She glanced to Logan, who wasn't exactly aiming his rifle at Sebastian, rather holding it in a ready position to gun him down if need be. That was scary to think about, Logan having to shoot a friend and all. It wasn't completely impossible - the sacrifice one for the safety of many and all that - but it still scared her. Angie shook her head slightly to clear that thought from her mind, instead focusing on the matter at hand," We could end him if he turned out to be against us," she said, "But I think doing that'd be a bad idea... As far as we know, Sebastian's the only one that has any sort of knowledge for flying the helicopter, and without the pilot controlling it in the air, we'd all be dead anyway. And without him, our chances of ever reaching the Queen are little to none." She sighs, "Yeah, it's a sucky situation, but we don't really have too many options, do we?" Angie finished. She looked to the side for a second when Ulysses came trotting past the group gathered at Sebastian to sniff the pilot. The man stayed still while the canine inspected him. For a second, Ulysses did nothing, but them his bushy began to wag and he bumped the kneeling man's forehead with his nose before looking to Logan. -- The officer made eye contact with the canine for a short time before giving a dry chuckle. Logan cleared his throat before looking back to the others, "I know most of you have your reservations about trusting him. Heck, I understand why you have them. But I want you to trust me on this. I know this man, and he's a terrible face to face liar," he glances to Ulysses for a second, "And if not me, then at least trust the dog's nose." The last sentence was said with heavy satire. Logan shrugged slightly, "If he proves to be against us, then I'll take blame for proposing we trust him. -- Diliges had been standing silently for the duration of the discussion, merely staring at the ground in contemplation and listening. Finally, he spoke up, "Cicada's right," he began, before glancing to Angie and saying, "Would you mind taking care of her wounds while I explain, Angelica?" The EMT complied, taking medkit - which he's been given by Logan on the way out - he handed to her as she went over to the female Changeling. Diliges stepped forward to face the group as she did this, "And I'm not just saying that because she's my commander. It's true. Logically, we can believe this man," he focused on Twilight, "You're smart, aren't you? Think about it. Your bother was under my Queen's spell when she was at a strength beyond that her normal levels, due to the love she consumed off of him. "Remember, she was even strong enough to beat Celestia at the time. It would be much, much harder to break the spell with that as the case. Now think about this, he gestures to her forehead, and eventually his own as he speaks, "Have you noticed your magic being a little lackluster since we came here? Barring what you did in there - which required a good deal of shock and took a lot out of you - it hasn't exactly been easy or up to snuff, has it? This world has no magic of its own, and I believe our own magic is nullified here, and that grows more extreme with time. When I came here, I could still shapeshift as if nothing were different. But as my time here grew longer, it's become progressively harder to do even such a simple spell, and we've been here but months. My Queen's captor has been here for much longer, I am sure. He certainly didn't come through with us. It would stand to reason that his magic has weakened since coming here, and therefore, a mind control spell would be much easier to reverse." He pauses briefly before continuing, "Long story short, you couldn't snap your brother out of his stupor because the spell caster was far more powerful and was constantly renewing it, this making it much harder to break. This man was controlled by a much weaker version of the spell, and therefore, much easier to break." Diliges turns his turquoise gaze from the Princess and instead to the only other non Changeling Equestrian, "And you, Applejack. Are you not the embodiment of the 'Element of Honesty'? Surely you could be able to tell us if this man was being truthful or not?" He gives a slight smirk, though it quickly fades, "I know you bear no respect of my kind. You have made that very clear. But we have the ability to see the emotions of potential sources, and humans are no exception," he poits to her and Logan, tracing a line in the air as he speaks, "I can see the love between you and Logan," he then points to Angie and Shawn, repeating the motion, "And I can see the attraction between those two. "I can see the dislike you hold or Cicada and myself, the friendship you feel with Twilight. All of it. But or all that, I cannot see any fear coming this man about being caught for a lie. Only fear of not being believed for the truth. You ponies, having to live with my kind on your doorstep, you may be able to mask your emotions a little better if you try, but humans have never had to deal with a Changeling. They have no such skill." Diliges couldn't help but smile again. He was in his element now, "Like I said, you clearly have no respect for my kind and likely what I have to say, Applejack. But," He took a few steps back towards the group, focusing primarily on Twilight Applejack, "You two want two get home as badly as I do, that much I know. And to do that, your going to have to trust the word of a Changeling. Nothing risked, nothing gained, after all. The spell that sent us here requires it's original caster to reverse the effect. The caster just so happens to be my Queen. And if this Sebastian fellow has the means and the drive to get me closer to reaching her and getting home, I'll name my first born son after him. I'm a soldier, I know how to deal with risks, and I am sure as hell willing to take them. Are the rest of you?" The Changeling Captain crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow, staying out for a second before walking back over to Cicada, whose wounds Angelica had been working on cleaning and dressing the entirety of his speech. She'd be pretty much done by now. (If this seems paced oddly or anything - and it does to me - do note that I wrote this late at night, while running on an extreme caffeine rush, while listening to Two Steps From Hell. Blame that.)
  21. "You can outrun everything, but the debts that you owe."

  22. "You can outrun everything, but the debts that you owe."

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