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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by 00Pony

  1. I believe he meant for everyone involved in writing that person's particular story. If the person was writing it alone, or with someone else, and they joined on the 29th, they'd have to fill the 50,000 quota in a single 24 hours. And that would be terrible for everyone involved with they writing. That, and it's just a figure of speech. EDIT: I am happy to say, that at the end of my writing period for this day, my current word count tallies up to 4103 words! I am incredibly excited right now. Also, I find myself really liking my main characters.
  2. Simply put, I want to read all of these when they are finished, should the necessary links be provided for such a thing. My current word count is at 2,470, with more to be added before this day is up. That's one advantage I have in being a homeschooler, and currently unemployed, is that I can write at just about any time in the day that strikes my fancy. I have made it a goal of mine to write at least 2,000 per day. Writing: The one thing that I can overachieve in.
  3. @@Hypn0ticD,@,@@Pripyat Pony,@, Angie had remained relatively silent upon following the twins out of the building. As they contemplate the whereabouts of Logan, Applejack, Jack, Catherine, Dennis and Rainbow, the first two couples mentioned turned up. She gave them an emphatic wave, and gestured to head inside the warehouse, before retreating after the twins. --- Upon arriving at the destination, Logan found a spot to park his Charger, and shut the machine down. Applejack speculated that they should join the others right away, and exited. Logan agreed, doing so himself, and after letting his canine out, made his way over to the rest of the crew with AJ. --- Having finally arrived at the warehouse, Diliges sauntered along after Clare as they joined up with the rest of the crew. His Finder asked whether they were late, to which he responded, if only to himself, "I think we're actually some of the first here." Upon taking another glance at her hair, Diliges stops, and waving a hand over his own, changes it's hue from coal black, to the same prismatic appearance. Pulling one of the longer sections down before his eyes and taking a look, he scoffs, "Okay, no. Not cutting it for me." He said to himself once more, before changing it back. He had partially wanted to do it to piss off Rainbow a little, but both not liking the look - and wanting to stay on good terms with the ponies - kept him from it. --- Catherine followed along with Jack, giving a laugh at his antics to Colette, waving the bacony treat about like a child with a new toy that they were eager to show off to their friends. (Could be better, but eh. I'll bring Bowen back next post)
  4. "To put things terribly bluntly... that was interesting." Saronyx thinks to himself, upon seeing one of the company, whose name he was sure he did not know, come gallivanting back the group astride a Timber Wolf. Impressive, foolhardy, and excessive. But all the same, it was done and in the past. There was a rather nasty rock placed before the Crystal pony at this moment in time, and he was determined not to receive another cut like the one on his right foreleg. No such luck to be had, on his part, for as he stepped around that particular rock, he had placed his hoof onto a rather unstable one, and lost his footing. While he managed to keep himself from becoming impaled on any of the offending razor stones, Saronyx still sported a rather noticeable gash on his side. With a silent curse and a growl, he stood again, sighed, and continued to move on. He had worked through worse during the Oppression. But that did not stop the infernal thing from stinging like a thousand angered wasps.
  5. @@Scootadress, Color me intrigued. We are something of opposites there. While, as you said, you are more of the visual artist in story telling, I am a solely literary artist. Stories I can tell in words simply enough. My personal story for this delves a bit into the history of Twilight Velvet, the mother of our dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, and one of her closest friends from the time that she was her daughter's age. I am personally really excited to get this written and onto the web for others opinions on it. I can only hope that I will reach the deadline in time. Though even if I do not, I will still finish and post it.
  6. @@Scootadress, In my personal case, the novel I'm writing is a fanfic. Don't get me wrong, I have concepts and ideas for about the next three years of NaNo lined up. Simply that I've had this fanfic idea in my head ever since issue 11 of the comics, so I wanted to get that on to words. For those of you not my writing buddy on the website, I'm happy about the fact that I have two thousand words written for it so far. Still no title, however.
  7. Still do not have a title, though

  8. First day of NaNoWriMo: 2001 words in just the prologue. I am feeling good about this.

  9. "Do you see this look upon my face? It is one of disapproval."
  10. And thus begins, NaNoWriMo. Let's do this thing.

  11. @@Miss Reaper, (Apologies on the delay) They were along the outskirts of the town now. A few of the assorted citizens gave them friendly waves, which Saronyx returned in kind. None approached them, however. Ariel began to speak, answering the Visionary's question. She said that Diadem wasn't as peaceful as Ponyville, that there was fighting everywhere. Saronyx looked at her as she spoke, and briefly turned his attention to the north, in the direction of his home, "Sounds kind of like my city, from a time much older than this.." He said, though quietly and more to himself. His attention was once more drawn to his companion as she spoke once more, stating the ponies of her home did not like each other, and bore no trust. And to her especially, for being different. At this, Saronyx trotted ahead and began to move in front of her - backwards of all things! And tilting his head, he asks, "You're serious? That's rather ridiculous, if you ask me. You don't seem all that different to me," - "I say this knowing you are from the future, and now knowing that circumstances there aren't the greatest.. What have you gone through, Ariel? Why don't they trust you? specifically? What make you so different from the rest...?" he added mentally. He shifts so he is no longer before her, and once again begins to walk alongside her, "No offense meant Ariel, but I don't think I'm liking the sound of Diadem City very much. If they do not trust you, a Unicorn, the Empress only knows how they might react to a Crystal Pony like me!" He glaces about at their surroundings: the quaint little structures of Ponyville. Much different from each of their home cities by many respects. Saronyx clears his throat slightly, "But anyway.. This is Ponyville," he makes a wide gesture with one hoof here, "First impressions? What're your thoughts?" On the exterior, Saronyx was behaving as he normally would, whether Ariel was from the future or not. But it was his mind that was working differently. Diadem City. A place with little forests , and where ponies bore little trust for each other and fighting was prevalent. If this was the future of his world... Saronyx could not keep himself from wondering just what in the Empress' name happened to send all of this, the world he lived in now, down into that state? But that would be an enigma for another time. Right here beside Saronyx stood yet another enigma. Ariel... What made we so different from the rest of her kind, that they would discriminate her so much? What had she gone through to make her eyes - or rather, eye, having only seen the one - read so much suffering? What's more... Who was she? Was there something she had hidden from him, much like he had hidden his ability from nearly everyone else? Only time would tell, he reasoned. But in moving past all of that, Saronyx focused on Ariel's response, and where to take her through this little town next. Probably give her the chance to ask him some questions, as he'd been asking all of them until now.
  12. (Seriously. I want a drake aspect. Stop making it so adorable! In other words, keep making it adorable) The group had begun to move through the field of razor rocks. In going with Kingfisher's advice to watch their steps, Saronyx was careful not to touch the stones. His skin was tougher than normal pony skin, and thus he was usually spared the more superficial lacerations and the like, "But what better way to cut crystal, than with diamond." He had muttered quietly to himself as he made his way through. After all, Kingfisher had stated not to let the metal of armor to stop the stones, so why would a Crystal's flesh? Had it not been for the incredibly aggravating angle of the sun, and its making the ground underhoof shadowed in the worst ways possible, Saronyx might have made it through with little trouble. But with things as they were, upon exiting from the worst of it, Saronyx had made it through with a fair amount of smaller lacerations, and only one - on his upper right foreleg - that bled enough only to be a little more than annoying. Nothing serious. The blood would be clot in the wound before he would loose enough to worry about. He glanced back at the way he had come, giving a small sigh, "And it is times like this that I wish I were a Pegasus. Or a Unicorn, with the knowledge of transporting myself through the fabric of space." the Visionary said to himself.
  13. @, I am gearing up by going into denial. I'm kind of glad that tomorrow is the beginning of the weekend, because then I can just binge on writing. As for actually gearing up.. Mainly just brainstorming how I'm going to start, and where I'm going to take things, and how they'll pan out. Daunting, but doable... I hope
  14. It's depressing when you buy the extended edition of the Hobbit, and two things keep you from watching: Not enough free space on your phone. And you computer monitor not supporting HDSM or whatever. I am very peeved

  15. @,@@Icy Void, (Don't remember if Saron ever learned Midnight's name, so I'm just going to claim he did.) The stallion named Midnight also stated he would aid Kingfisher in anyway he could, should she feel she need it. He even went on to state that he could help in the tactics department, and even had experience with Alicorns. Saronyx thought for a few seconds, before speaking up as well, "I to may be able to assist in the strategy department. I am not much of a fighter, if I can help it," a few seconds more thought, "And I suppose I may as well divulge this, though I am not sure exactly how much this may help as of yet. I am what is known as a Visionary. I can look into many other realities, and see their past, present or future. While this particular aspect may not help, there is another. I can look into the past of this world. Any point in time past, and any point in space." He shrugs, "Through my observations I have learned much, including having seen what a Litany can do in one reality. I will merely say that particular rift's future is unseeable." Saronyx looks at his hoof, "Being a Crystal Pony, I bear a natural connection to the Crystal Heart. So long as it remains in its place in the Citadel, I am nearly immune to any form of normal magic you may encounter. Enough of it will still harm me, and I've already learned that Orion's magic will affect me much quicker and easier than normal magic," The Crystal Visionary glances in the direction of their destination, "I would suggest we move, soon as we are able." He said, partially to himself.
  16. @, (I want a pet little drake aspect thing. It seems kind of cute actually. I want to name it 'Amiculi' - 'Little Friend'... Pardon me, I'm tired.) "Did... Did he just hiss at us?" Saronyx thought to himself, thoroughly confused, and intrigued, by the Pegasus' actions. He had seen many strange things before. But surprisingly not a normal type pony hissing. Unless, of course, he wasn't a normal pony... No, stop that thought there. Now is not the time for musings. There will be time for that later. Saronyx stretched subtly, the last of his flesh finally feeling completely normal, and no longer true crystal. Kingfisher spoke, and he turned to face her as she thanked those that stood by her. She seemed a little surprised by the support. Saron smiled to himself at that. For her tough exterior, Kingfisher was still just a pony. She want on to excuse that she was no leader, but she would try her best. Saronyx raised a hoof, but did not make contact, "I could tell that Redwave had faith in you. As such, I too will have faith in you, miss," no, not miss, "Captain Kingfisher. You ever feel like you need help with something, do not hesitate to ask. I will do my best to help."
  17. Convenient, considering I have a character that is a Captain in the Equestrian Air Force. That character being Captain Carmus. I have a few more militant OC's that I have yet to really make any bios for, so if you need more, let me know and I'll throw a few up.
  18. @, Splinterhoof Hills. Saronyx had seen these particular hills before, but never traversed them himself. And to think, he had been so close to a potential location of such a powerful artifact... Had he known, he may have been able to at least try and keep this all from happening. But alas, what was done was done. No use looking back and wishing things to have gone different. He allowed himself to be amused by the irony in such a thought coming from him. One of the Pegasi from before was there, waiting for them. He advised them to turn back, that this would be a suicide mission. Blast was the first to speak up in support of Captain Kingfisher, something that obviously surprised the mare. She gave a small speech, before carving a line in the earth, stating that if any were to pass it, they were not to return. Saronyx merely passed over to her side, making the comment, "I've seen many things, and have gone through hell and high water in my time. I have no reason to fear death, personally. I will stand with you until this ends. It's the least that I owe this world, and Redwave, for as little as I really knew him." (homework.. you make me miss a lot, and I do not appreciate it)
  19. I guess it really depends on the pony's experiences with the human. If they've seen that the human is actually genuinely nice, and not so different, if just another species, I imagine they might defend them. As much as I'd love to imagine AJ would defend a human like that, I think she may actually be one of the ones to be afraid of them at first, if her reaction to Zecora was any indication. Fluttershy may be a bit timid at first, being Fluttershy, but being the Element of Kindness as well, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be averted to them for long. Considering Twi's opinion towards Zecora initially, I feel like she would be her rational self and actually try to get to know the human rather than instantly become afraid of them, and through doing so, end up being one of the ones to defend a human, even against her own friends, and possibly win them over... dangit now I have fic ideas.
  20. Friend of mine shared this on her Facebook. Thought that I might throw it up here as well.. Funny scene from a movie of my younger years. And it pretty accurately describes how I feel going into this.
  21. Spent several hours completing a worksheet for a class I could care less about - but apparently need to graduate. Turns out, my computer didn't. Freaking. Save. The document. Guess who's going to bed at four AM tonight?

    1. Mephala


      That is the worst thing, ever.

      What was the worksheet on? :c

    2. 00Pony


      That it most certainly is.

      The worksheet was on Anatomy and Physiology.

  22. @, By all means, go right ahead and add me. Part of the reason I made the account and shared it here was so that you guys could add me if you so pleased.
  23. Hmm. Yeah, didn't think about that. I accidentally linked it to my profile set up page, rather than the actual profile, heh. Here, this link should be proper.
  24. Just set up an account on the website myself, going under the same alias there that I do here, that being 00Pony, of course. (the avatar margins there are killing me D: )
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