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Everything posted by 00Pony

  1. "I have seen something I like. I shall make it mine!!"
  2. @, Kai'sa gave a dry chuckle as she stood, rubbing her arm with one hand, "I would think burning this place to the ground would be difficult, taking into account we're on the ocean. Human ships down burn very well either, being made of metal," She glances at the doorway, still speaking, "I should be able to get you some sort of food, but the map... I don't know if that's within my realm of possibility. I'm permitted to view them, obviously, but it's difficult to try and relay or show them." She didn't really wait for any sort of response before she left. Several minutes would go by before she returned, carrying a tray of assorted sustenance. She stopped and seemed to be at a loss for words for a few seconds before cursing under her breath. If one knew how to discern her expression, they'd see that she was trying to figure out how to pass the food in without opening the door and potentially setting a prisoner free. The answer came in her finally finding a hatch that she was able to slid the tray through. She grimaced slightly as she stood, "I see Justus used actual prison doors. Didn't entirely expect that." The Changeling sighed once more, waiting for the Queen to finish. After a few minutes of silence she spoke up, "Justus is probably on his way back by now... I doubt he'll stick around too long with the strike team. I'd rather not be in here when he gets back.." --- @@Hypn0ticD,@@Pripyat Pony,@@Dawn Stripes, "I have confidence it'll all work out. But anyway... I'll see you then." Was all Logan had said in response before she hung up. He wasn't one for cell conversations, save the exceptions where he spoke with Scott. But those were often necessary when seeking advice or guidance, and seeing as how they were rarely in the same place, phone conversations were often all they had. The next several hours went by in relative silence for the officer. Ulysses slept in the back seat, and there was no one else in the vehicle. Just him and his thoughts. It was a good opportunity to think about a great many things, one that he readily seized. When it became apparent that they were indeed turning off to stop at a motel of sorts, Logan shook his thoughts free and focused once again on the present. A couple minutes later the small line of vehicles were stopped. Logan exited his Charger, Ulysses close behind. Considering the contents of the vehicle's trunk, Logan made doubly sure that the doors were locked tight and the he had the keys within easy reach within his jacket's pocket. Once that was taken care of and he was reassured that his pistol was within quick and easy reach, Logan made his way over towards Applejack. He gave a smile and a nod upon reaching her, sparing a glance at the hotel before bringing his eyes back to her, "Do you want to head in and scope out the place, or would you rather go for that walk right away?" He asked. --- Diliges maintained a rather neutral expression as he climbed out of the vehicle. The tall Changeling stretched with a slight grown, taking in the entirety of the motel's exterior. It looked like most others he had seen in this world. Rather unassuming. He was on the lookout, as usual. More so now, however, since he had received his Queen's message. There was another group hunting them now. They were apparently well armed, something along the lines of a private military squad from her description. They also had air support, if he properly recalled what 'choppers' were. So it was with an analytical eye that he followed the majority of the group into the motel. Instantly he was hit by a feeling of unease, as if they were in danger. But there was nothing wrong. The interior of the place was very well kept, and the staff that he could see seemed no different than any of the other humans he had encountered. Curiosity, a bit of boredom, and other such usual emotions and feelings stretched out from the people within the place. The woman behind the desk gave them a smile that, while it seemed bored and tired, still managed to be friendly. He only gave a nod in return. -- Angie hopped out of the car soon as the doors were free. Naturally, the first thing she did was stretch and take in the sight of the motel. Just like every other motel of its kind that she saw. Instinctively she took inventory of the contents of her pockets. Applejack still had her phone, but that was no big deal. She rarely used the thing anyway. Wallet was still there... Headphones? Check. Pistol? Yep. Extra clips? All there. She wasn't quite prepared for when Shawn's arm wrapped itself around her, but miraculously she managed not to shriek or jump at the contact. She took one second to gather what had transpired before she smiled slightly and walked with him. She let her mind wander briefly to think about the fact that they never really even had a conversation about whether they were a couple of any kind. She basically just dropped hints, he picked up on them and here they were. Certainly felt like it, and it was becoming increasingly clear that Stephen had drawn such a conclusion. She had no problem with that. She'd have to find an opportunity to bring up the subject to him. That would probably be pretty easy tonight, considering. Upon entering the motel she was hit with a sense of... plainness. It was just like literally ever other motel she'd ever been to. Maybe a bit cleaner, but hey, she wasn't about to complain about that! The staff seemed almost a little sincere in the friendly aspects of what smiles were thrown their way. There were some other people in the motel's foyer, as was expected. Angie drew in a breath and let it out slowly, glancing at the interior. The woman behind the main desk watched each of them as they entered before eventually speaking up, "Hello and welcome! I assume you're all together? How many rooms will you be needing?" (I can't believe it took me this long, but I finally have a reference for how Logan's field jacket looks. Just click here) (Also forgive me if this seems oddly structured or whatever. I've been running on four hours of sleep all day)
  3. "I am proud of you Twilight. Remember that."
  4. "Many times I have heard ponies cry out, 'Why can't anything be black and white?! Why must it all be a muddled wall of gray?!' ... So I became black and white. It may just seem to be aesthetic to you, and perhaps it is. But if you think, if you use that brain you were given, perhaps you could find a deeper meaning? I am dark, and I am light... And there is light and dark forces in this world, but the gray pervades everything. Is a villain truly a villain? Is a hero truly a hero? It is all a matter of opinion. Because you see, that's just the thing. Nothing is just 'black and white'. Contradictory? Perhaps I am. But perhaps I'm just in a dramatic mood and am thinking too deeply into this. But then again, perhaps I am not? What say you, my little pony? What do you think?" (Yeah, definitely thinking too deeply into that)
  5. (Hey! Look everyone! 00 didn't make you wait for two weeks (he thinks)! Progress!!) @@Miss Reaper,@@CharChar, Saronyx had moved ahead soon as both his companions were through. He made sure not to leave too much of a gap, however. He moved at a pace somewhere between a trot and a walk. The sun was bright and warm, the breeze gentle, the atmosphere filled with positivity. Well, mostly. It was a fact of their biology for Crystal ponies to be empathetic beings, sensing and thriving off the feelings around them. In an abundance of positivity, like Ponyville or the Crystal Empire post Revival, a Crystal pony was at their peak of mood, health, and the aesthetic, crystalline luster of their coats. Of course, negative feeling also had an effect. Enough of that could make even the brightest - which bears both literal and metaphorical meaning to his kind - and most cheery of Crystal Ponies to a depressed and angry wretch. Not to mention their coats became incredibly dreary and dull. Luckily Ponyville was a very cheerful place, and Saronyx had learned over the years to keep a chipper demeanor, despite his empathy screaming at him to do otherwise. As such, his good mood remained and his coat still shone forth with the usual luster. The day's atmosphere was rather infectious. The sun's warmth seeping into his coat and notwithstanding the negative feelings positively radiating from his companions, he remained undaunted on the outside. Break was worried about something. Or if not worried, then anxious... Weren't those the same thing? Ah well. Whatever it was, it likely had to do with Ariel. Poor girl... She didn't seem to be figuring out that this was the past, and she certainly had a lot of internal strife. Saronyx bit the inside if his cheek. The longer he waited to inform her of where - when - she was, the harder it started to become. Call it foolish, but it was. The Crystal stallion knew she would find out sooner or later, and if it wasn't from him telling her... He didn't want to think of what might happen. So in order to keep his spirits up, Saronyx began to hum. Tunelessly at first, but it soon shifted to the Anthem of the Crystal Empire. He wasn't a singer. Not by a long shot, but he could manage to keep a pleasant tune and tone when humming. He could tell when somebody or something was out of tune or if they missed a note, but he could only point it out, not show them how to fix it. That was the task Serenity - his twin sister - put upon herself, always the critic. Wonder what shenanigans she was getting herself into up in Canterlot right now? Saronyx brought his mind back to the present. He was still humming the same Anthem on repeat, mainly to himself. But they had arrived at their destination, for he stood right in front of the trees to Golden Oak library. The Crystal let his tune die out, cleared his throat as he once more reminded himself that he had two walking companions, and gave the library door three, short and solid knocks, then stepped back to wait. --- (Alright, Twilight time.) "Well, that's 'The Principles of Quantum Physics'... Again. What was that, the fifth time? You might need to start considering a new book, Twilight Sparkle." A wreath of magenta light enveloped the large book, lifting it from the small stand and closing it with a soft 'thump'. It then lifted it to the empty space upon the nearby bookshelf, sliding perfectly into place alongside its siblings. Twilight sighed, extinguishing the sheath of magic around her horn as she stretched, extending her wings to their full length. It had been some time since she was first granted these wings, and with them the title of Princess. Even now, she was still getting used to their presence. Twilight folded her wings back against her sides once more, trotting briskly down the steps from her bedroom to the main foyer of her library-home, going over a mental checklist of things to do. Nothing really particularly important was going on today. It was just one of those lazy days where she could laze about, drinking some of Zecora's herbal tea mixtures and reading her selection of books for the umpteenth time. Although, there had been some immensely peculiar fluctuations of magical energy earlier. She didn't know what caused them, but she had sure felt the force of their happening. That was actually one of the reasons she read her Quantum Physicis book again. "Now I think about it... Going out to investigate those does seem like a more productive use of my time." She commented aloud, tearing her gaze from one of her high windows. Before she could get much further, however, she felt her ears swiveling involuntarily towards her door. Three knocks, short but solid. That was the Crystal writer, Saronyx, if she remembered properly. He always knocked that way. What might he be doing here? Her curiosity taking point briefly, Twilight trotted to the door, gripping it in the magenta light of her magic's manifestation and pulling it inwards, smiling brightly, "Good afternoon! What brings you by Golden Oak today?" She asked, her eyes moving from making contact with the Crystal's to his two companions. She recognized the stallion as Break Shimmerald, but the mare was completely unknown to her, "Who's your friend?" Saronyx returned the smile in the usual way, "Afternoon, Twilight. This is Ariel, first time visiting from out of town, and I'm sure you've met Break before." The alicorn nodded a greeting to Break as she stepped back and to the side to allow them entrance, "Hello, Break." she said, finally setting her eyes on Ariel. What was that look the young mare bore? Recognition? Something else? Odd. She glanced to Saronyx as he extended one hoof towards Ariel, panning it across to herself as he spoke, "Ariel, this is Princess Twilight Sparkle," She smiled at the other mare and held out a hoof as Saron continued, "Twilight, as I've said, this Ariel. I bumped into her this morning and she seemed a little lost, first time around here and all. I offered to show her around and Break decided to tag along," he chuckled good naturedly, "I think he wants to check out a book or something, he seemed pretty adamant about coming here." There was a look in that shiny old eye of his. A look that stated something was off. Something he would probably discuss with her at some point soon, she had little doubt. She gave Ariel another smile, "Give me a minute to get Break set up with whatever he needs, and I'll be back around to answer any questions you may have, or what have you." She then turned and trotted to Break, "So, what are you after today?" Saronyx cleared his throat, "So that's the recently ascended Princess Twilight. Was one of the Elements of Harmony. Pretty neat stories surround that," he glances to Ariel, "So what do you think about this place?" (So there's my first post as Twilight. Forgive me if I god modded, or if te continuity or whatever seems off. It is three in the morning for me right now. Also, if using text colors will make discerning who is talking easier, let me know and I will try and use them)
  6. "I like luster dust. What of it? ... Stop laughing... I'll shank you..."
  7. "And from the skies I shall rain the stars, so that the surface may be cleansed of the unworthy."
  8. (Okay, here's how I hope to handle this: Kai'sa will give Chryssie what info she can before clearing out edits Justus gets back. He'll be a bit confident in his agents to handle the rescuers, but wouldn't take into account family ties, not that Kai'sa's really related to Chryssie but hey (I hear Wash screaming 'Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal' right now) Anyway, Kai'sa gives info, Chryssie passes along info, rescuers get info and just seconds to a minute later everything hits the fan. That'll make the agent post come a little later, obviously. Sound good? Am I procrastinating? Yes, but with good reason as I am still working out some kinks) @, For the first time since she came there, Kai'sa gave a truly legitimate smile, "I was hoping you'd ask that. Yes, he's on a job, but will be back. I can tell you a little bit. The organization is surprisingly well equipped. They are essentially a paramilitary group. The strike team trying to stop your friends have a chopper or two, and are all pretty well armed with military grade firearms. I'm not sure how many of them there are however." She glances at the clock, "They will try to capture any Equestrians, and likely will kill the humans, though they might capture them as well. Why, I do not know. Any other specific questions?" --- @@Hypn0ticD, (Yep, Logan's a baritone. Trust me: I don't need translation. I read a ton of Brian Jacques. He wrote every accent phonetically. Scottish are surprisingly difficult.) Logan couldn't help but crack a smile at her voice. There was always something immensely charming about a Southern accent, and hers was just the best of the bunch. But he was no stranger to detecting things. Through the chipper greeting and her sweet tones, Logan could tell there was an underlying of sadness and irritation. She confirmed this suspicion soon enough by relaying information. Apparently the other ponies were grabbed at the race. Had it been in his nature, Logan could have swore. The officer sighed slightly, "That's mighty unfortunate... I understand how you feel, hun... As soon as we get that Queen, we can start heading for the rest. At least we'd better." He fell silent for a second, biting the inside of his cheek before responding to the last portion of her speech, "I guess a stop might be necessary. But, yeah, I'd like that, AJ." A few more seconds of silence, and then, "How're you holding up? What with everything happening so quick and all.."
  9. @@Hypn0ticD, "I did not expect you to." Diliges responded, looking back out the window towards the setting sun. (assuming it is setting.) -- Logan's attention was briefly snapped from the road ahead of him to the phone sitting in the cup holder of his car. The device was ringing and the ID displayed Angie. Then it was either her, or AJ. The officer reached down and picked up the device, tapping the 'answer' button as he placed it to his ear. After a second he spoke, "What's going on?" Simple response for an uninformed individual. (I am kinda pressed for time and still blanking on how to execute Justus' team's delay. I'll try to make a post about that later tonight) --- @, Kai'sa sighs, "Loneliness is indeed a frightening concept... It is something I've dealt with for years. Imagine losing your connection to the Changelings. Not in the way you have, you still have two that you can hear. Imagine losing all of them. I wasn't a low ranking member back home. I was raised in the Hive... I was able to hear many of us. To have that suddenly torn away, no communication to anyone, was rather jarring. I have become used to it, though that does not lessen its pain." The Changeling laughs mirthlessly, "Kindness is a pretty rare thing to come by out here, especially in my line of work. Even back home, though you addressed that... I guess we're all broken in some way." She runs the back of her hand over her forehead, staring blankly into space for a few seconds before she answers the Queen's final question, "I cannot say for sure. I like to believe that I will, however. Justus has to know that I'm not so compliant so as to follow him forever."
  10. @, Kai'sa shrugged, "I've been gone for two decades, or more. My parents are likely dead and I never married. To my knowledge I am an only child. But you are correct. I am unable to really do anything other than rant against it." Again, the Changeling shrugged, "I know the name Cicada, though I would not know to whom it belonged. This 'Diliges' is unknown to me entirely." She leaned back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest in response to Chrysalis' question. Kai'sa stayed silent, considering it before she ran her hands down her face and answered, "As I stated I do not know Diliges. He is one of yours, that is all. Cicada, if I recall, was a friend to you. That is enough. The ponies? I cannot say I know them personally. They wish to get home, and I believe they are willing to do most anything to get there. I admire them that. The humans? I know only about them from their files. Like the rest, David is only human. He lives, he loves, he has his faults and his pros. If you have grown attached to him... I suppose he cannot be all that bad. I've tried to keep myself from becoming too... attached to these humans, lest I have to... 'dispose' of one." --- @@Hypn0ticD Diliges chuckled for a few seconds before sighing, "Trust me... We're not lying. There are none that can replicate a Changeling's connection to the Hive," he glanced at Applejack and grinned, "Much less imitate one's signature. She's here."
  11. @@Miss Reaper,@@CharChar, The Crystal stallion's ears swiveled from Break, to Ariel as each spoke. Saron gave a good natured chuckle, "Yeah, Golden Oak Library seems the place to be. We can head there and figure out where to go next," he started towards the exit, shrugging hi shoulders slightly as he walked, "It's not really the first place I'd of chosen, but hey. It's a curious work of architecture, and Twilight's friendly enough to newcomers, if a bit inquisitive." He moved past his companions, nudging the exit doorway open and stepping through to wait for them to file through themselves. (As I had said dozens of times before, sorry for the wait. Been dealing with some things IRL that have made it difficult for me to think. Sorry again, and I'll try to be far more active from here on out.)
  12. Fallout 3. Top RPG game. Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim are also a couple favorites. Lord of the Rings: The Third Age is also a great RPG with nostalgia value for me
  13. @, (I guess I don't see a problem with a lock spell - though I imagine that was to Hypno - I can guess what you're planning with that.) "My life was forfeit as soon as I apprehended Justus all those years ago..." Kai'sa said, despite knowing the Queen wouldn't care. She doubted it'd even lessen the monarch's efforts, and perhaps do the opposite. But she did feel something. At first she shrugged it off from how weak it was. But eventually it came back, a pressure drilling into the center of her head, where the jagged marking of where her horn should've been. Kai'sa furrowed her brows and eventually she cringed, bringing both bloodied palms up as clutching the side of her head, her expression turning to one of pain. The pressure had transformed from annoying to excruciating. Eventually it stopped, and Kai'sa searched her consciousness. Her suspicions were confirmed. She was still hindered. The Queen's efforts had done nothing. The Changeling have a sigh, feeling the warmth of the blood from her hands as it caused her hair to cling uncomfortably to the sides of her head. There was another hot liquid upon the front of he face. Tears. The Changeling growled, wiping them with the sleeve of her shirt. It'd been a long time since she had shed tears for anything in this world. They were tears of pain, and not just physical pain. It was pain from sadness and anger. Anger at the Queen for trying, anger at herself for allowing herself into this position. And sadness at the futility of the efforts. Kai'sa strode back up to the glass, wiping her bloodied hands off on her BDU's, and using her shirt sleeve to wipe the blood from her head, she gave the Queen a look that dripped with, 'why do you even bother?' She maintained a respectful silence as she spoke, listening to every word she spoke. She felt a small tickling feeling on her lips and rubbed her hand over it. Blood again. Seems even her nose bled from Justus' barriers going to work. She huffed, "'Reach out your hands and you tear me apart'." She said quietly. It was a quote she felt fit the situation. She gave a smile that was slightly less sad than her previous attempts. Kai'sa then chuckled, "If that's true, that he's scared I'll break free, it's probably why he forbid me from coming in here to see you," she glanced at the door, her chuckle turning from one of 'hey that's funny' to a much darker tone, "He even set up a couple guards to keep me out. I think I might have killed them, now I think about it. Heh, whoops. That'll be fun to explain... And clean up," she sat for a few seconds not saying anything, before she giggled, "No, I'm just fooling. They're not dead. Just gave them a solid whack. They won't wen remember I was in here. Kinda wish I'd killed them though She stopped, glancing down at her hands. She was still willing to kill for her kind. And willing to sacrifice herself. There was something that she thought was odd. Wouldn't his barriers had kept her from this? No. They were mainly magical barriers. Free will was something that was had to lock down. She could come and talk, obviously, but she couldn't unlock the cell. Both because he was unable to tell her hands to do so, and because she didn't know the password. Ah well. Kai'sa looked back at the Queen, "I don't imagine Justus will really appreciate whatever you have in mind. He's not really to find of Changelings." While she knew the Unicorn deserved everything that would happen to him, she couldn't help but feel saddened, and a little worried for him. The humans had a term for it, which was 'Stockholm Syndrome'. Some sort of phenomenon where a prisoner feels empathy and sympathy for their captor, and even cares about them. Some cases they defended them. Others they even started to care for them. Kai'sa? As much as she hates to say it she almost loved the Unicorn. It was mainly due in part to having felt so positively of him before, back in Equestria. And she hated herself for it. So where would her loyalties lie when the time came? She didn't know, but she hoped it'd be the proper one. She walked to the far wall and pulled down a first aid kit. She walked back over to the desk and sat before the glass, silently gathering what she needed before she started to bind her hands. A minute went by without her speaking before she finally, without looking away from her hands, she said, "So, enough of these depressing talks about me... Who came through with you? Anyone I might know?" She desperately wanted to change the subject. The Changeling didn't need a hive connection to be able to tell that these subjects were causing the Queen just as much stress as she was feeling. -- @@Hypn0ticD,@,@@Dawn Stripes,@@Pripyat Pony, (This post is made under the assumption Logan and his bound are in their vehicle on their own) Angie nodded to Shawn, complying with his wish to put AJ on speaker phone. The EMT had to admit hearing her crying was making her get misty eyed, so holding the phone with one hand, she glanced out the window as the countryside swept by. She came to the realization that Logan wasn't aware of this recent development. She'd give him a call next... Knowing him he'd probably get real pissed off but not really let that be known. And he'd probably wish he wasn't in separate cars. Ah well... --- "Not much farther now sir! Shouldn't be much more than five minutes I'd say!" Justus' ear piece carried the helicopter pilot's message clearly to the Unicorn's auditory nerves. He smiled, "Excellent." He glanced at his subordinates, raising his voice slightly, "Get ready! And remember, try not to blow them up until we're sure which vehicles have Equestrians and which don't! If you can, capture them. We're trying to slow them at least." Everything seemed in order. Some of the agents were positioned somewhat ahead with spike strip nets deployed. These devices had a spike strip on one end, and were designed to impale the spikes into a vehicle's tires, and as the objects rotated the net on the other side with wrap around and clog the movement of the wheels, immobilizing the vehicle. They'd set up two of them, all they had been able to bring. That left one vehicle that wouldn't be stopped by the first two, granted they didn't manage to keep from slamming into them. He had a few agents instructed to shoot their tires. There were eleven agents, not including him. As soon as things got underway, he'd have himself exfiltrated by the standby chopper. He wanted to get back, make sure the Changeling had stayed away from the prisoner... Not long now. Not long... (If this seems odd, I apologize. I'm somewhat tired.)
  14. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the Gamecube. That was first game that I technically played, and it is what got me into the whole pastime.
  15. @['member=nioniosbbbb], Kai'sa sighed, resting her forehead against the plexiglass as Chrysalis recounted some story that she wasn't sure was fact or fiction, "It's not quite that simple." She said, glancing up finally. Chrysalis was a sight to behold, yes, but Kai'sa did not feel moved. If anything she felt angry. Angry at what she saw as naivety in the Changeling ruler, anger in herself for allowing herself to be trapped here and bound, drawn in by one she once called 'friend'. But she didn't lash out, she didn't scream or slam a wall. She merely shook her head, fists clenched so tight her nails drew blood from her palms. The fallen Changeling spoke once more, "What has been done to me cannot be undone so simply by something as empty as 'heart'. If it could, I would have already killed Justus long ago. Clearly I have not. To break what's been done to me... I don't know. I haven't any idea what it will take, short of the cursed Unicorn breaking the spells himself, which he would jot be inclined to do. As soon as he got his magical powers back and found a way home , he'd kill me in a heartbeat. And once he decides you... Your friends... Are no longer needed he'll either kill or abandon you here as well," she placed her bloodied palms on the separating sheet of material, "You have no idea how hard it is to be disconnected. You get so used to hearing them that the silence is deafening. It's soul crushing." She takes her hands away and inspects them, falling silent once more. --- (I'm honestly not sure what vehicles everyone's in right now, so I can't really post responses accordingly through Angie or Logan. But hey, agents.) @@Hypn0ticD,@,@@Dawn Stripes@@Pripyat Pony, "They just crossed the state border, sir. Headed steady in your direction. ETA is anywhere between ten to fifteen minutes, barring any detours or unforeseen delays." Justus - The Orchestrator - gave a contented sigh, "Very good. Keep your eye on them, Warlord." He responded. "You got it, sir." Came the prompt reply. The former Unicorn stretched slightly, taking a mental tally of his numbers. He'd left the Changeling to watch over the Docks, as well as a number of his lower subordinates. With him he had every available field agents, including Kai'sa's usual team. She didn't need them to help be puppy guards, as they were cutting off the 'rescue party' here. Goals were simpe: cripple their progress - either by literally crippling, or killing the humans - and capturing the Equestrians. Though it would be dangerous to bring all the Changelings to the same place. It was bad enough having their Queen so close to his dormant follower. To have all three would play hell on what he'd established in her. May not break the spells, but it would certainly break her mind and he'd lose a valuable asset before her time was done. She wasn't expendable, like that 'Snowden' fellow that had sold him information. That fool had served his purpose and that was that. They had a diversion set up and ready. Now all they needed was simple. They needed to wait. (So that's something then. I guess)
  16. @@Miss Reaper,@@CharChar, (Long overdue) Saronyx glanced briefly at both ends of the hallway as soon as he had exited his room. It was a habit the Crystal had picked up during The Oppression Era. Make sure none of the Indoctrinated were around to give you trouble. Wasn't necessary anymore, but old habits die hard they say. He finally let his gaze settle on Break as he asked his question. Saron nodded, "That we are." He said, giving the unneeded answer. He glanced from his fellow stallion to Ariel. Saron hadn't missed the look, though he knew not the effect it had on the poor mare. He spoke naught on the matter, and shifted his gaze back towards the staircase. So, the library then. Splendid place if you were into books, and the Keeper was a delightfully amiable mare. Plus the place was just neat to look at. Still, wasn't particularly the first place he'd have gone while showing someone around, but it at least provided a set destination. He'd honestly been planning on simply wandering and seeing what landmarks that lead to he recognized, or just letting Ariel ask what questions she might. The Crystal began to walk towards the staircase with the words, "Well, come along then, amicorum*." And he began to quietly him the Crystal Anthem as he went, glancing back to make sure that the two were indeed following along. *'Amicorum' loosely translates to 'My Friends' (Just thought I'd mention, I'd be up for giving Twily a shot, if need be. Just let me know.)
  17. "I'm majestic. I will kill any who say otherwise..."
  18. @@Hypn0ticD,@, To say that Angelica Serenity DuFrein was shocked by the news would have been a severe understatement. The normally chipper and talkative woman was shocked speechless. People certainly weren't making it easy on them in the least. She slowly nodded, knocking herself from the silence and reached for Shawn's phone. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, as she had been taught, and dialed the number of her own cell, which she now realized she'd never retrieved from the former Earth mare. She waited for the tone to end before she started speaking, "Hey... Uh, AJ? Got some pretty terrible news. The others... The ones who stayed back at the race. They got nabbed, just like the Queen..." She couldn't think of any other way to put it.
  19. I get to write a ten page research paper on some random history topic. This should be fun, considering history is one of my lesser enjoyed subjects

    1. Celestial Panzerhund

      Celestial Panzerhund

      That must suck... what interest you/what do you like the most?

  20. @@Miss Reaper,@@CharChar, Saron was one of those ponies that smiled often, as he had demonstrated. He was able to see Ariel's own smile when she responded to his first question was actually closer to the real thing. Though his knowing that probably had more to do with his being Crystal Pony than anything else. He nodded slightly, "I'm glad to here it." He said in response. When Ariel hesitantly stated that she was ready to leave, the Crystal nodded once again, a slightly more decisive motion this time around, and stepped over to the door of his apartment, opening it with an, "After you," and he waited for Ariel to step through before following. He could see Break leaving his own apartment at around the same time, and he gave the Unicorn a slight nod of greeting, though he wasn't sure that it was heard. (Hardly long enough to justify this taking twelve days to post. I am appalled at myself)
  21. So in the light of last Saturday's episode, apparently Crystal Pegasi are actually a thing. This completely shifted me world upside down. Time to rework that headcanon.

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