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Everything posted by 00Pony

  1. @@Pripyat Pony, Diliges nodded, leaning his back against the nearest wall and crossing his arms. He chuckled as Clare stated she would be dying her hair the same way that Rainbow's appeared, "That's sure to get a good reaction out of her..." He said, amused. He looks down at his hand for a second before casually stating, "It's almost to bad that I can't use my transformation magic on anyone but myself. Your hair'd be done in less than five seconds," he shrugs, "But anyway, I am ready, whenever you are." --- @@Hypn0ticD, @@Fireblaze, They had finally gotten underway, and after a few minutes of driving, they had arrived at the warehouse. They were some of the first to arrive, Angie observed as she got out of the car. She head Shawn let out an awe filled whistle, and from her peripheral saw him turn to her, smiling and offering an arm as he suggested going inside to marvel. Angie chuckled, lacing her arm through his, "And some people say that chivalry is dead!" She said, with a slight smirk, before responding to the question, "Yeah! That sounds like a plan!" They had not gotten very far, however, before the sound of more cars pulling up caught the brunette's attention. It was Nick - the relative to Charles - and another man whom she gathered was to be the DJ for Pinkie's shindig. Nick called out to them, asking if they'd like to give a hand in carrying the equipment inside. Angie shrugged, and looked to Shawn, "I suppose we could give them a hand, yeah?"
  2. @@Miss Reaper, Ariel really did have a cute little smile, even if it did seem kind of forced. Saronyx shrugged that off as still being under the initial shock of falling through a rift into an unknown place. In the back of his mind, he hoped that he might someday see her give a full blown, genuine smile. She had stated that his rambling was fine, just that she was unused to such conversation. Saronyx acknowledged it, but still remained silent until breaking the boundary of the forest. He stood where he was, lowering his outstretched hoof to the ground as he waited for Ariel's response. She eventually said that it seemed to be nice, and that it was peaceful. Saronyx laughed, and walked back over to her, "It definitely is! It's a got a little for everypony - be they Earth, Pegasi, or Unicorn - and the townsfolk are all quite friendly. And it's just got this nice, homely kind of feel about it. I think you might like it, Ariel." He smiled, before turning to face the town once more, "Come on, I'll show it to you!" With little thought on the gesture, Saronyx gently put his hoof on her shoulders to coax her along. No sooner had his hoof made contact with her coat, did every muscle in the Crystal stallion's body tense, and he gained a distant look to his eyes. It lasted no longer than a second, but it was enough for him to have gained his answers. He gently took his contacting hoof away and started towards town, refraining from shaking his head, despite the overpowering urge to do so. Through the years he had managed to learn how to keep the effects his ability secret, acting as if nothing happened. It wasn't something that he consciously did, but whenever Saronyx made contact with somepony he'd never touched before, his ability attempted to look upon part of their pasts. He was always able to shrug it off and move on like nothing happened, but this time was different. Her past was shrouded by a thick veil of nothingness. It half felt like he was trying to look into the future... It took a couple seconds before it dawned on Saronyx. Her past, was the future. Ariel, was from the future of his world. The Visionary had only moved a few feet ahead before he glanced back at Ariel. He said nothing, and his expression had not changed, but his eyes spoke for him, should she meet them, "You really are a long way from home, Ariel... Farther than I think you know."
  3. @,@, Saronyx skidded to a halt, giving Redwave an incredulous look, "Damnit Red, I'm a Visionary not a miracle worker!" The Crystal stallion shook his head slightly, looking across the pandemonium. It seemed that Orion's flames were spreading, but they were still yet to get out further into the more forested area. Saronyx looked back to Redwave and Willow, then pointed into the trees, "This way. If we're quick enough, we should be able to slip away unnoticed." He began to trot forward, past the mare and stallion, glancing back once to make sure they were following. Saron heard Willow inquire to Redwave as to where they were going. The Crystal decided to let the Captain answer that, and instead focused on getting as far from the Alicorn as he could. Silently, he sent a prayer to the Empress, that she may allow his other companions to make it out of there safely as well.
  4. @,@, @,@@Icy Void, Saronyx gazed up at the Alicorn defiantly, his gaze simply reading, "Do your worst, and prove me right." But the worst, never came. Something distracted Orion, and Saronyx was dismayed to find that it was his allies. Any chance at making this stallion see was effectively thrown out the window by this point. The Visionary leapt back as the flames that had very nearly been touching him before grew in size and intensity. His resistances might have protected him, but quite honestly, Saronyx was not keen on giving that theory a try. Among the 'reinforcements', he only recognized Redwave, but there were at least two more. One, a Pegasus, had the tenacity to fly distraction on Orion. Either a very brave, or a very stupid action. But then again, Saronyx's own actions could be viewed the same way. All of these thoughts and processes went through Saron's mind in the time it took him to hit the ground in his backwards jump. Soon as his hooves made contact with the dirt, he skirted around the enraged Alicorn, aiming to assist Redwave in extracting Willow. May the Empress damn him, if he was going to leave that young mare in danger with this disillusioned brother of hers.
  5. @,@, Saronyx's ears perked forward at the response he received from Orion, "Oooh.. Well now, isn't this interesting?" He said, mainly to himself, before speaking directly to Orion, or whatever was assuming his visage, "Am I speaking now to an Aspect of the Litany itself? I should feel honored, but frankly, I do not." Orion demanded that Saronyx leave. Despite the obvious danger in it, The Visionary did the exact opposite, and took a step closer to the Alicorn, even as the negative flames sprouted around him. He decided to grace the words with his own answer, "Perhaps there are, but I have yet to discover their Rifts. In every world I've gazed upon in which you exist, you have only ever brought the world down into darkness, and turmoil. In fact, if I recall correctly, in one reality it was you that caused Sombra to fall from glory! I am somepony who bases my beliefs on what I've seen, not assumptions. So whether or not whatever you have in store for my world is for its betterment, or its destruction, I'm going to do everything in my power to keep that from happening." He narrows his eyes, looking the Alicorn in the face, "So what are you going to do now, Orion? Litany? Will you strike me down, as a threat to your goals, and show Willow exactly what you are, and what it is you do? Do what you will. I am waiting." This may very well be the day that Saronyx would perish, but he was actually peace with it. His gaze briefly caught the sight of the mare in question lying against a tree not to far from the flaming Alicorn, and he gestured to her briefly with his head, "You seem to be proving what I've said earlier true. You cannot control this power, and there you are, causing harm to the one you swore to protect..."
  6. @@Hypn0ticD,@, @, @@Dawn Stripes, (I now owe two people kudos for Biblical references. This pleases the 00Pony.) "You shouldn't worry so much, Twi," Logan, who had been privy to the whole conversation, says as he stands, sliding his firearm into its holster at his waist, "Friends remain friends, no matter the distance - be it physical or metaphorical. You guys share a bond stronger than any other I've personally witnessed on this planet," He moves so he is standing closer to the rest of the group, "Just because you were bestowed with the title of Princess, doesn't mean you're going to stop being friends. My family is spread out over the entirety of the country, and yet we still remain friends." --- Catherine had given the rest of Jack's crew a look that clearly read, "You are just jealous, and you know it." before allowing herself to be lead off by him. --- @@Pripyat Pony, "Sounds like a plan!" Diliges responds, with a slight grin. He folds his arms, tapping his fingers against the upper half over one of them for a few seconds in thought, before jokingly saying, "Suppose I should change into something a little more fitting, eh? What would a 'top Pegasister' such as yourself suggest? Casual? Formal?"
  7. @,@, "I would stand between anyone and anything that would use a power they do not understand - that very nearly nopony fully understands - to 'make a better place'! You want to rid this land of conflict?! How exactly do you plan on doing that, Orion?!" Saronyx said forcefully, his baritone voice hitting an uncharacteristic volume. He shook his head, "You sound all to close to a stallion I once knew. A powerful Unicorn, and a caring protector. But you know what happened? He sought a deeper power, and it corrupted him! It controlled him, and made him harm and destroy those he had once promised to protect!" Saronyx growls, "Your heart is in the right place - and your goals understandable - but your methods are lacking!" The Crystal stallion closes his eyes for a second, and regains his composure but does not continue speaking, instead watching the Alicorn, and his sister. Was Saronyx a more brash stallion, and a warrior, he may have produced arms and attempted to strike this stallion down before this 'conversation' got anywhere. It probably would have spelled his undoing, even with his resistances. Besides, he had learned some interesting things during the course of this. And he may very well learn more.
  8. @@Miss Reaper, ('Suffering from Suffering?! Darnit auto-correct...) Saronyx gave a small smirk at the faint flush of color in the mare's cheeks as she caught up, an began to move alongside him. She answered his question in a few sentences, stating that Diadem City was noisy, and rather than trees, buildings surrounded you. Saronyx gave to short nods of acknowledgment, before responding, "It sounds a little like my old home in the Crystal Empire. Towering buildings, and snow. Lots, and lots of snow, though within the main city of the Empire it was almost constantly summer, and the Crystállum luminum - the Crystal Lights - would constantly be streaming forth from the top spire of the Palace. It was all quite beautiful, really." he was going to say more, but he finally caught the supposed hint from Ariel's short answers, and did not add any more. Just as well, to. He had been about to delve into what it was like during the Oppression. No need to tarnish the visage with those memories. Saronyx cleared his throat, "Sorry if I've been talking your ear off, Ariel. It's not everyday I meet somepony from someplace that I've never seen!" He chuckles slightly, "But anyway... Town's just right through these next few trees. Should be another minute of walking and we'll be looking out over Ponyville - easily one of the nicest town's you'll ever see. Only been here a week, and already love it," he realized he was rambling again, and gave a sheepish laugh, "Sorry, I'm going off again." The next minute passed in relative silence, until, finally, they broke free of the tree cover, and were greeted by the unabated light of the noon day sun. Saronyx trotted out from the shading of the trees, the sun glinting off of his crystal-like coat as he turned to extend a hoof outwards, as of presenting the town as a prize, "I present to you, Miss Ariel, Ponyville! Bit of a downsize from a city, but I find I prefer it, to be honest."
  9. @, Catherine let out a heavy sigh of relief when she saw Jack finish the race safely. She shot Jack a bright smile, and worked her way down from atop the pit box to make her way to him as he spoke about getting to the party. She gave him a quick hug, and nodded, "Right you are, Jack!" Was what her voice spoke, though her eyes bore a message all their own: "I am glad you are safe..." --- @@Pripyat Pony, "Oh-ello? What's this then?" Was the initial response that Cicada would recieve from her subordinate. It was a rhetorical question, really, but his next message was one of acknowledgment, and his next words were spoken aloud to Clare, "So, in the off chance we were out of the loop, there is a little shindig being thrown by Pinkie Pie it seems. Cicada has relayed the address and time to me. I will consider that our own little invitation." --- @,@@Dawn Stripes,@, Ulysses had followed his master into the main room after he entered, trotting alongside to keep up with the man's long strides. Logan had positioned himself against one wall, sitting cross legged as he undid the strap on his torso holster, went about clearing the chamber of his firearm and removing the clip before setting the device carefully to his side, before focusing on reworking the straps on the belt to allow it to attach to his waist, listening to the conversation in silence as he worked. During this time, Ulysses had padded about the room, passively seeking attention of some kind. He found a small sliver of it from one of the nice smelling humans, the one that had fed him the meat earlier! The canine allowed his tail to sweep the air behind him a few times at the couple of scratches he got, before she moved off. She smelled.. What was that scent? Embarrassed? Something like that... More like.. Flustered! She smelled flustered. And worried. Ulysses angled his head slightly, but did not pursue her, instead turning to face the others in the room. The prominently blue nice smelling human (because dogs cannot see purple), was speaking to one of the normal scented ones. The nice smelling one seemed worried and anxious about something, and whatever she and the normal scented one were discussing in that odd language the humans used, it didn't seem to be helping much. Unsure of what to do, Ulysses trotted back over to the most familiar human, his Master, and lay down gently beside him, resting his chin on his Master's knee - which earned him a rub between the ears - and contented himself to look over the room. Logan glanced up at Twilight and Dennis as the spoke, letting his gaze rest on Twilightfor a few seconds before focusing on his self imposed task. He would have to find an opportunity to ask her about the possibility of his - and any others that wished to come - returning to Equestria with them.
  10. @,@, Orion began to respond to his words , and Saronyx cocked an eyebrow in curiousity. The Alicorn's sentence faded into nonexistence shortly after it began to form. Saronyx narrowed his silvery eyes slightly, watching intently as the stallion seemed to change in the space of a second. The horn, wings, and even his eyes, glew brighter than before, and he finished what he had been saying before: he was willing to do anything. Saronyx sighed slightly, "Clearly..." He said, more in response to the last sentence. Craning his neck slightly, as if lazy, he continued, "But how will you make this world safe, Orion? The power from a corrupt tome such as the Litany? You believe this will grant you the power to keep ponies safe? If that is the case, you and I have very different views of what is - and is not - safe, my friend." He would not allow himself to show it, but Saronyx was startled. He hadn't entirely expected his attempts to reason would work, but what this pony sought to do, disillusioned as it was... It reminded him of Sombra, and that was not something he wished to see happen once again in any way, shape, or form. The Crystal stallion took a slight step back, awaiting the answers he was sure to come, whatever they may be.
  11. @,@, Despite Orion's demands, Saronyx stood his ground, even going so far as to take a slight step forward, "But what is 'everything'? What needs to be fixed, that you believe you may ever possess the power to do so?" He sighs slightly, "I have seen firsthand just what can become of one who seeks great power. I imagine part of your drive is from a desire to protect your sister? While the Litany may grant you the power to protect her for a time, what is to say that you will not end up being a threat to her, yourself? "I am afraid to say, that I doubt much of what I have to say will sway the decisions of my companions, on whether to stay, or not. I've stated it before. They fear the Litany, and the powers it holds, and with good reason! No good will ever come from that book being read! So tell me, Orion. Are you willing to allow yourself to become the villain of the piece, to protect your sister? Or your ideals? Exactly, how far are you willing to go, for your gain?" (just gonna sit here and wait for him to get blasted...)
  12. Brother comes down the stares to show me a video of him shooting an exploding target. Yep, this is America.

    1. IridscentNionios


      I am lazy... and bored...

  13. @@Miss Reaper, (Apologies for the delay.) Saronyx had watched with a sense of curiosity, and even a little pity. It didn't take much to tell to hat this mare was suffering from suffering. What, he was not fully sure, but may the Empress curse him if he wasn't going to help any way he could. The Crystal Pony had seen plenty of suffering during his time in the Crystal Empire. He had made it a type of drive to ease the suffering of others, if he could. It was here that Saronyx suggested leaving the forest, and shook his head to clear his mind, causing his own mane to flap, making a faint sound like that of crystals dropping to a glass floor. The Crystal Visionary nodded when Ariel voiced her agreement in leaving the forest, stating she did not like it. Saron had started off in the direction of town, glancing back briefly to make sure she was following. He found Ariel going to the east, rather than north - as lead to town. With a light chuckle, he called out, "Excuse me, Ariel? Ponyville is this way, my friend." Saronyx waited until she caught up before continuing on, and putting voice to a question that had been eating at the back of his mind for the past few minutes, "If you do not mind my asking, would you care to tell me a little about where you come from? This.. Diadem City, was it?" (I apologize immensely if that was a little bit godmoddy. It's late where I am, so some may have slipped through)
  14. Ooooh dear... here comes the anxiety! I actually do have some vague idea of what I want to write. It was a context spawned from reading one of the IDW MLP comics, so it's obviously going to be a fanfic of some description. Lets hope I can turn this idea into a fifty-thousand story...
  15. @, Catherine had given Jack a small thumbs up gesture as he headed for his vehicle, before doing just as he had suggested she was permitted. As he began to make his way down the track, Cat folded her hands together, resting her elbows on her knees, and her chin upon her folded hands, "You better make it out of this.." --- @, Logan brought his own hand up to place it over hers for a few seconds, before nodding, "Alright... I'll see you inside." He gives her hand a light squeeze before, somewhat reluctantly, stepping back inside the house, shutting the door gently behind him as he goes. --- @@Hypn0ticD,@@Dawn Stripes, @, Upon returning to the room most heavily inhabited, Logan stops upon seeing the 'ponylicious' recreations, despite having absolutely no idea what they were in the first place. The officer takes a couple seconds to process the event, Rainbow's request for the recorder to show her how to make a YouTube account snapping him back to reality, "So.. what exactly did I just witness?" He said, mainly to himself, as it had been meant to be a thought.
  16. I cannot stop listening to Blackgryph0n and Baasik's IMmortal teasers...

  17. @,@, The Visionary nodded, "It is an admirable trait for him to wish to protect you. I would do the same for my own sisters, had I any." Still speaking in his amiable tone, Saronyx tilts his head in a random direction, "I apologize for the actions of my companions. Some of them seem to be of the rather... 'Gung ho', mindset. I am sure they are frightened by the power you have received, Orion Starsinger. Many fear the power of such an item. I can only ask that you are careful in your dealings," he turns his gaze from the stallion to Willow, "And that you do not let your search cloud you judgement for your family. I know all to well what happens when one you look up to, becomes to hungry for power." Saronyx may have spoken out of his normal way, but there was something specific about this stallion that made him feel it was necessary to speak in such a way. May the Empress damn him if he was to let another fall prey to hunger for power. He holds out one hoof, "I promise that I will do all within my power to keep my compatriots from attempting to harm you, or by chance your sister. I just hope that you understand why it is that they do this." - "And that I will gaze upon your past to learn exactly why you are after the Litany.." He added mentally.
  18. @,@, Saronyx gave a small bow to the siblings, "It is my pleasure to meet the both of you, Willow, Orion Starsinger." He stands back to his full height, taking in every detail about the two siblings that he could. The ethereal wings coming from Orion.... They led Saronyx to believe that this was the stallion who sought the Litany. He would have to choose his words very carefully. Before his gaze lingered to long, Saronyx spoke up, "If you are not opposed to it sir, miss, may I is quite what it is the two of you are doing out here? You do not need to feel obligated to answer, if you do not wish to. I am merely curious."
  19. @,@, "I am sure that you are going to be fine." Saronyx had said, only shortly before the mare had released her hold on the branch. The Crystal pony had been prepared to catch her, when a cyan aura surrounded the girl and snatched her from the air, going in tandem with a completely new voice, that demanded who he was, and what he wanted with his sister. Saronyx turned his gaze in the direction of the voice, and managed to keep his reaction to a subtle twitch of the ear upon seeing, what he would refer to as, a Pseudo-Alicorn. Not one to be impolite if he could help it, The Visionary ha been about to answer when the other stallion demanded to know what he was, and that he speak. The millennium old stallion gave the Pseudo-Alicorn a stern look from his silver eyes before answering in a level and calm tone - in complete contrast to the other stallion's angered tone, "I am simply known as Saronyx. My aim had been to assist that young mare - your sister, I presume - in extricating herself from the tree. As for what I am... I am a Crystal Pony." He raised his eyebrow slightly, "But I would like to ask a question now, if I may. Who, and what, are you?"
  20. @, (It still feels a little coincidentally-convenient to me. Ah well.) "I am able to see that." Saronyx said in response to this curious mare's statement, though it was more to himself than to her. In all reality, her branch wasn't that terribly far off the ground. The worst she'd obtain from a fall such as that would be a few bruises, some minor lacerations and probably be sore for the next day or so. Then again, panicking tended to make one see their predicament as a lot worse than it really was. She pleaded for him to help, and despite the short fall, Saronyx obliged, trotting until he was standing directly beneath the mare, "Just keep calm, miss. You are going to be fine. I'm right here to catch you." His voice was the same ever-present calm that he used in most of his dealings. (and here is my shortest post to date)
  21. There's a certain sense of accomplishment to be had upon showing your non-Brony sister BlackGryphon's music, and she likes it.

  22. (Decided the FL Agents update will be after Meteorite posts again) @,@@Pripyat Pony, "Personally, I say we go for it, my Queen. Never hurts to try, yeah?" --- @, Back inside the helicopter, Catherine had hummed her agreement with Jack's statement about their finding one another again, and giggled slightly at the kiss, and the pilot's quip. She'd graced the flyer with a smile as they left. Once outside, she walked hand in hand with Jack, glancing at his phone briefly to see what he was doing, before focusing on other things. Upon arriving within the garage, she gladly accepted the noise reducers from the racer, "Oooh yes, I definitely want these. Thank you." She said, as she draped them over her neck for when she needed them. --- @, Logan shifted one arm from Applejack's shoulders to wrap around her waist when she tightly returned the embrace. She thanked him, stating she didn't know what else to do. That she was wrong to try to ignore it.. She, again, told the man she loved him. Logan smiled, despite the turmoil within his mind, "It overjoys me to hear you say that, every time," he brought his lips to her cheek and held the kiss for a second or two before quietly saying, "As I've said before, I love you too, Applejack." It was a few more seconds that Logan held the embrace before in a more, normal tone, he asked, "You ready to head back inside, or do you want to stay out here a little longer?"
  23. @@Miss Reaper, Saronyx gave an approving nod when Ariel softly stated she was fine, "Glad to hear it." He said, again finding amusement in the contrast of their vocal pitch. It was down thing of an instinctual question for him to have asked. She seemed to be doing alright, aside from being scraped and bruised. But no broken bones, no major bleeding, unless there had been internal hemorrhaging. So far though, Ariel seemed to be doing alright. For a brief second, the unicorn mare's lavender gaze and locked with the silvery hue of Saron's, but she quickly broke it. That second was enough for the astute stallion to get a brief glimpse of her emotion. All of them were understandable, given the circumstance of her being here, whatever had caused it. He had seen that same look before, back in the Empire. It was a few years before the end of The Oppression, Saronyx had assisted a struggling mare with her load. She had sought him out that night to thank him, and she'd had the exact same look in her eye. Uncertainty about even speaking to him, confusion about why he'd helped at all, and the same fear that was in the eyes of every Crystal Pony during those dark times: why has this happened, and what will become of us? It was all Saronyx could do to keep himself from hugging Ariel right there, to comfort her the same as he had done so long ago for the slave. The Visionary cleared his throat slightly to break himself from the brief second revery and train of thought, before gesturing towards the town, "Anyway... What do you say we get out of this forest? Lovely as it is, it can be a rather nasty place."
  24. He had wandered in the night. Not very far, but further out of the camp than he had been the night before. Saronyx shook the haze of the vision from his eyes and yawned. Dreams were a common thing that everypony did, for some inexplicable reason. Lucid dreams were also an uncommon occurrence. However, Saronyx's were never just dreams. He was looking through Rifts, more often than not, and mentally following the specimens he observed turned into his actually getting up and moving. It was easy enough to pass off as sleep walking, but it didn't occur often enough to be such a problem. The Crystal stallion yawned one more time, and glanced back at the way he'd come. He could still see the camp, to some degree, an he was sure he could find his way back. Really, some form of explanation would be needed, but he didn't plan to be gone from them for to long. It was a self imposed tradition for him to wander in the morning, wake himself up. And so, Saronyx struck out at a leisurely pace in the same direction he'd been going in his sleep. For several minutes he kept this pace up, quietly humming the Crystal Anthem as he went. It was at this point that his ear twitched. Had he just heard a voice. The Crystal stallion glanced at his surroundings, not fully sure where it had come from, before looking up. Why he saw was, to say the least, rather amusing, if worrying at the same time, "Excuse me, miss? May I inquire as to what you are doing dangling from a tree branch?" @ (That felt a little godmoddy...)
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