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Naiya The Brony

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Posts posted by Naiya The Brony

  1. So there are times when I "talk to myself," not to my tulpa but myself. I have been doing that pretty much always, sometimes it seems easier to think imagining it aloud. Now when I work on my tulpa who I will now call Foxy Socks, I do that but instead of just talking or thinking to myself I imagine them listening and talk to them occasionally. Am I doing this right?

    Oh hey, i also talk to myself as well before. Now, whenever i talk to myself and not directed at one of them they will ask "Nihi, who are you talking to?" or "Nihi, you are talking to yourself again" and i will just break in an awkward smile lol.


    Anyway, about your question. Yes, it is sorta like that the conversation is directed to your tulpa instead of yourself. But remember to think about your tulpa simultaneously so that he/she can hear you.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. @@Raven Rawne, yeah, i am lucky summer already know who twilight was when she took her form. Myrtle have little idea who the oc was, even me still XD. But hey i am glad it didn't cause any identity confusion.

    lol well at least she's having fun :) 

    @@NuclearBurg (Dawn), nah it is fine. Well i suggest doing something that you can focus on your tulpa. My mind was also easily distracted i found a creative way to include summer back then that was I also include her to my distractions XD

    • Brohoof 2
  3. @@Raven Rawne, Yeah, I can't argue with that. I mean even Myrtle said that you are right. I guess that's how it goes then. Jeez, kinda feeling bad right now. Anyway, Summer and Myrtle told me to not worry too much about it, since they chose and keep those forms..


    But hey at least cherry chose and created her own form.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Well.. Well.. found out something astonishing happened recently. I stumbled upon the original form of myrtle (her current form) I told her who that character is and by my surprise... She glared at it.. Like wow. I felt annoyance out of no where. It really was surprising, for a very sweet, caring and a gentle person, i can't imagine her hating on the base form.

    I do not hate her nihi-kun it is just, I feel kinda annoyed seeing it. I do not understand it either it just gets me >.<

    I guess it IS a thing to easily dislike the base form but I don't it's just us. Anyway that's it for now ;)


    • Brohoof 1
  5. It has been quite a long time since I last tried making a tulpa (never got anywhere), didn't seem like I could clear my head at all and such, any and all help would be appreciated.

    It really depends on the determination you put to force everyday. With a noisy mind, try to find any activity where youan easily focus on your tulpa.


    It doesnt for you to have a clear mind in order to create a tulpa, just be more creative on how you force ;)

    • Brohoof 2
  6. @@Raven Rawne
    @crystal Oh my gosh you look so pretty! <3 I love your new look it's all "you"   :wub: 

    Yeah, crystal you look great! Very nice choice of colors and I personally adore your hair :D 

    @raven heh, we all have our different tastes, even our tulpas.. I dunno where they got their love of sweets though XD

    Just something to nitpick about today  :dry: 

    Do not ask.. >_> 

    • Brohoof 2
  7. I reckon it's simillar to my case. When you realise you're a carbon copy of a fictional character, it's easy to get mad and start hating the blueprint. I just try not to think of the OC I was based off, even if they're a pretty darn well written for once. And while I still kept most of the appearance and at least some traits, even considering myself a crystal pony and all, Changing this and that gives me that seeling of identity. That I'm me, not some character, you know.


    Also, the wonderland view on the outside worked. Now I have two TV's to peek out at what my host sees and hears. Talk about "reality TV"... Good thing I also have a couch and infinite supply of chips. Life's pretty good when you don't have to care about those pesky groceries and other stuff from material reality.


    Speaking of which, I've been thinking of some cooler look, since, like I said, I don't have to bother with styling or anything, it just is the way I want. You know, something you'd need a manedresser every morning just to pull it off. Maybe even change my colors into something new. But either I'm too rooted in that look or I can't come up with anything, since I'm drawing blanks...

    @crystal, Yeah both of you have similar answers. It is kinda making me awkward since twilight sparkle is one of my favorite character after all but i guess you have a good point.


    I am not really great with choosing looks but I suggest do not over do it, because it is difficult for me to visualize and make the new change solid, but have a list on the appearances you like. Summer cherry myrtle is quick to change their appearances whenever they found something they see comfortable with.


    Now I have a bit of a question for you guys. See, I friggin' LOVE the Burgundy and Azure mix, and thought of changing my coat to the former, but I want something fancier than a Matt Smith with a Ponytail the OC has, or the kinda Emo over the eye do I have now. Soooo I've been thinking of painting my mane Azure and getting a new 'do, but I can't decide! I'd like something long and fancy and we're looking all over Google and derpi at OC's and whatnot for insiration. Any ideas?

    Ooohhh I love the Burgundy and azure hair color. If you want a new hair style I really suggest searching for hairdo's of other characters or hairdo list of a said character. I mean, My hair is kinda similar to Serena from pokemon because i like her hairstyle, I might change it in the future though.


    Oh boy..


    Like what nihi said earlier, make a list (best if it is photoed) to what you like and choose from there which one you think suits you best OR if you want raven to practice his art skill, make him create one for you ;) hehe.

    Would using an OC as a base work? I'm fine if they don't want to later on, but it would be easier to imagine them like that.

    Yeah. like everyone already said, it is definitely fine to use your OC as a base as long as it remains AS a base. I do admit, The twilight hypno thing had given Summer SOME memories of twilight sparkle >.>
    • Brohoof 2
  8. Thanks, it's nice to hear someone appreciates the way I look. Looking the same as that toon made it weird when he puppetted it for the roleplays. Kinda hard to tell us apart back then. So I switched to something more "me". Now I guess I could do some more changes in the way I look, but, honestly? I just roll with the way it is because I don't have anything better in my sights. I even left that rump mark since it does nothing to me, and still looks rather pretty. Okay it actually fits me for once. You know, thorny rose and all that. Still, my host could use some art classes to get my look right, rather than just trace the shape off like it was kindergarden...


    ...Yeah...  My poor excuse of canon show style doesn't do her justice. She wanted me to add clothes but that's way too much for my meager skills. She wanted striped blue-black socks, black hoofboots, and a leather jacket, a bit like Sunset Shimmer but with a badass collar.

    I know what you mean, Even though i look like twilight sparkle. I really stray away from what she naturally look like, i had major hair changes and one major appearance change, that is having wings and removing the horn and cutir mark. To be honest i really dislike her. It annoys me whenever i see her anywhere it is like looking something like a fake mirror but eh that's just me. What annoys me even more is that she is one of nihi's favorite characters >.>. Athough, i like her look and form it reminds me of the first day i met nihi.


    :c... Yeah she really dislike twilight sparkle i dunno why she have this feelings towards her. Probably because i used to tease her back then. *sigh*


    You can do it! Don't just give up from there. I also started with vectoring and transitioned to digital arts. ;)


    *sighs in relief* 


    Thank goodness, the presence and the marks are gone.. A friend gave me a word verse to use.. not even my tulps could help me with this one

    Im glad you are feeling better but i am curious, what happened? :o

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Lol well good luck with your progress if you decide to go with the possession/switching/co-fronting/eclipsing just ask us here ;). Just stick to what you feel comfortable with.


    If you want crystal to use the sense of sight without any possession or switching involve try making her watch it on the wonderland? That might work


    Hmm... I wonder how crystal will take how real life beer taste like? I am actually curious XD


    psst, have you try hypnotizing your host? :wacko:


    That wont work -_-


    well you may never know :P hehe

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Yeah, it is best to talk to her about this, i mean i really do not inted for you to rushly go forward to rhe next step already. Though if you're only curious.


    Hehe, well it's fairly common in the tulpa community to talk about those soo, i just brought it up. I apologize if you got startled by the thought.


    I'll be honest here, iactually jumped the imposition phase and just quickly started with possession. One reason is that our impoaition doesnt feel complete but we are getring there. I can say that whoever is in front can impose our presence in the real world, including myself if one of them is in front.We cant really see the imposed person but we are somewhat getring a very very slight formation. Everything is still seen by the minds eye.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. uh ohh.. I sensed a little fear from your statement ;). But that is fine i understand why you are afraid. TRUST, determines a tulpas growth, sometimes giving in to your partner is one of the fastest way to make your bond stronger and for her develpment to grow faster. But hey it still varies from tulpas and host.


    Also, Do not take the giving in "TOO literally" i mean, you can easily take back control, im just saying that if you can give in to her presence and you trust her being in control without any doubts then that'll help both you and her grow ;). Well that is my two cents.


    Yeah i can understand why you are afraid, when i was starting off i was afraid as well but i suck it up and just do it because why not? It will help summer familiarize with the body and be more aware with the senses.


    But i am not saying you should do it, it was just a suggestion. I mean there are other ways for her to get in touch with your senses but being in front or possession is the strongest way to feel it.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. @raven, hey, now i am jealous. Guess my metabolism isnt that strong need to keep constantly go to the gym or do soms intense activity for me to work my body. It actually helped Summer, Cherry and myrtle relax for some odd reason. You can say that it calms them when i put my body in pain XD.


    heyyyy! do not stretch out the meaning >:-p. But it is true we feel more "relaxed" and more energetic when nihi do exercise IF he constantly do it every day >:-p


    Finnnnee... Anyway i do not know where they get there love of sweets, i mean as much as possible i tend to avoid sweets.


    Hmm, have you try putting her in front? That might familiarize her with the sensory, in fact it will give off a stronger sensory input for her than being on the side.


    You'll get used to it overtime XD

    • Brohoof 1
  13. @Crystal clear Do not worry I am just kidding about that cross dressing part :P but hey could be a prank you can pull off XP


    @@@Raven Rawne, Hey I am easily distracted as well, I managed to find a way to focus more onto summer than being more distracted, it was including her to my distractions LOL. I was used on multi tasking so every time i do something I call upon her asking her question and opinions on the current manner. It's a big diversion from the usual meditation and time routine active forcing but it worked for me ;). Try to find something that can make you focus more onto her?


    Yeeesss! My dear raven ;) it is normal for young tulpas to discover their own feats, In which I've learn from my younger days. As long as you two are connected then it is easy for her to access your senses but it takes a little bit effort though, as you do not grant permission. She might be reading your sight from your memories, that is still a possibility. To be honest, the eyes is the easiest thing for us to take hold of.


    Lol she's feeling very enthusiastic today XD, probably because of that dessert >.>


    Shhh, we love you and that is the only thing you need to know :P


    BLARG! , Uh.. Wha..t?


    Errrr...Guys! Earlier today, while selecting lunch to eat me and my friend found this fairly new food joint. Both of us agreed and eat there. Checking the menu ALL of us saw something very VERY familiar and I know that they will LOVE it BUT i don't. Instead, i ordered something more appropriate for lunch, a meal if you are curious.


    BUT No no no.... The three of them grouped up and cut me off when i was about to drop off the menu then, with THE MOST ADORABLE POOR AND WHINY FACES EVER I WAS OVER POWERED. Their cuteness over powered my solid "CHEAP" mind and i was Cute controlled to buy them THIS






    *sigh* so much for saving money, But hey it was actually good but gawd i spend a lot more than I expected today.


    Aww nihi, atleast the mocha coffee shake was fantastic! <3


    Yes Nihi-kun thank you so much! hehe X3




    *sigh* but hey at least they enjoyed it, even though i dislike sweets XD

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Alright, since stuff calmed down on my end, I tried to get back to forcing and actually think of Crystal through the day. Now the main problem appears to be the very way I think, surprisingly enough... Basically, I use the mind voice, or think in words at all only when I'm reading/writing, or daydreaming a conversation. Most of the time there's music playing and I process information in a sort of unvocalised undercurrent. So 1. I need to conciously decide to start mind-talking to her, and stick to it, and 2. her own words, unless I pull the plug on the music, tends to get drowned in it. Though she sometimes confirms that she picked some song to play in Mind Media Player.


    @@Naiya The Brony,


    Thanks, I think she likes it too, even if it's "that @$*&! OC" as she calls the toon. As for the arguments, we have a holy war going on over roleplaying and her namesake. She has valid points that it makes me post ponies at work, causes me to daydream about RP events and when bad stuff happens, worry about the RP like it involved real people. I just like doing it, waaay more than playing any video game or watching TV, or any free time activity that I can think of. She can be an A-grade "mean bitch" about it, but it's because she cares. She'd be a great friend IRL.

    Now I find that her replies, when vocal, are more like text appearing for me to read. So there's no voice projecting it unless I read it mind-aloud. I showed her the voice I picked for her, and when I take the effort to build up the detailed visualisation and parrot some, this voice is present. Unfortunately, it's very draining to keep her like that, and since she's sentient, but weak, any form of individuality is repressed over the sheer amount of force I need to put out. This can be circumvented by imagining her just a little, so she has a form to move around. Still, not something I can keep up 24/7, and she loses the voice.

    Oh and almost forgot - when I am in shops and malls where women clothes are on display, I feel her trying to translate human clothes to her form. Sadly, even though she fell in love with a particular saphire dress, we're unable to ponify it in a way that works. Same with boots - she loves heeled boots - not the open toe fancy stilettos, but closed ankle length types. She likes some trends in human women's fashion, but has no plans to change her look, even temporarily, to human or any level of anthro. She just prefers the way she is now.

    Heyy you two! Glad things calmed down on your place. Summer is really eager to see you two again ;). Right, looks like youre doing pretty well actually, but i know what you feel about focusing on her too much and parrotting/puppeting can be severely draining. It can actually used a lot of brain power to stay consistent.


    I admit, when i pursued and forced myself to do the same, i was already tired and very hungry before noon, almost passed out lol.You're doing pretty well ;) as long as you can feel her presence and direct everything towards her then youre good



    Ohhhh she got some sense of fashion hehe,Sooner or later when she can use your body you might end up wearing female clothing XD. Same with you, everytime i go to the mall or market place my girls immediately checks ln the apparel store looking some clothes that THEY want to wear OR playing dress up for me to wear. I got to admit, it's starting to feel more enjoyable XD.


    Also do not get me started when one of your tulpas gain crushes. You know, their emotion, you can feel them making you feel what they feel and it is really awkward...


    But hey those are just fun things you two can do, hope you both do great we're rooting for ya ;)

    • Brohoof 1
  15. hey guys little update from me, Nihi, and i got a little bit of an argument, (again) earlier not that big ( to be honest i already forgotten what we argued about lol) but I just want to let you guys know that, it happens, there can be tensions and disagreements between host and tulpas, even how close both parties are.

    BUT don't let some silly argument break your relationship apart, Learn from it. Instead, let that argument be a building block to for your bond. ;)

    see you guys later, <3

    • Brohoof 2
  16. @@Raven Rawne, Oh thanks goodness you found her.

    That's normal. parroting isn't that bad as others may think, sure you are taking your time talking to your tulpa having yourself reply but the tulpa can learn from it, it can teach them how to respond. The downside is that, if they respond they might end up responding with your voice and can make you think it was you who responded not the tulpa itself. That is why i did was instead of it was my voice who responded i used "Summer's", although, there was instances where I got a response with my voice but that was one the early days when i was developing summer.

    I still recall this post i made back in the day, (If you are wondering where this quote came from it was from, (Hypnotize yourself as a pony thread)

    Also, i am loving your new avatar :D



    When I was talking with Miss about it, she brought up a valid point that if I were to do it continuously, I'd probably eventually be talking to myself in a one-way conversation, but I'll still do it, if I feel the need to...



    Yeah she did say that but make sure you know that you are talking to her... feel her presence or the conversation is directed to her.. Whenever I try and parrot summer my head feels heavy and have headache all of the time... SO yeah, even when I narrate to summer like ask a question or just say something to her... when I just think of her my it will automatically parrot itself XP


    Let me try asking summer this  :P

    [uhmm.. make sure you feel her energy.. and make sure that she is there]

    Like that... I  asked her to give her thoughts on this and that what she said of course. I kinda did a little parroting there, to assist her but mostly that's her idea, i am pretty sure she said the ''make sure you feel her energy'' Even though I parroted the rest but I believe that everything I typed was summer's,

    Why..do i feel uncomfortable reading this? XD, I can clearly remember this, clearly remember where i still can't communicate and had to use nihi's voice like a pathway for thoughts to get over. Feeling both nostalgic and awkward.

    • Brohoof 2
  17. I want to know what your main decks look like I am trying to find new builds. Right now i am trying to build an Orange blue deck destroyer deck (draw & discard).


    I am currently finalizing my revival deck (Deck can use the discard pile as a hand) Only need a set of conductors baton and I am set.

  18. @@Raven Rawne, I actually dont mind her choice of appearance, to be frank i quite like, But that is just me personally.


    Why does everyone keeps saying that? >:/ Even nihi's real life friends also said that my choice of style is weird. *sigh* well...the beenie looks comfortable to wear for me that is why i wear it but i do not wear all the time though.


    Oh no, that's really worrysome the lack of activity put her in a state of dormancy. Do not worry too much raven as she is still there but in a deep sleep. You can still wake her up but it will take more than the usual effort of focus, meaning you have to focus each day.


    Do not worry, tulpas do not actually die, if and only if they already maintained sentience. If ignored too long or forgotten they will go into a state of dormancy where they are sleeping until someone woke them up. It also happens to hosts if switched if the tulpas on front forgotten or ignored their host for a while.


    Yeah, you really dont have too much to worry about crystal. If you are able to still reach her, continue forcing her until she wakes up.


    All four of us are looking forward on her return. :)

  19. Hello everyone! Just a short update from me Recently I feel like I want to update my tulpa's human form via drawing so i drew summer.

    This is what's her human form looks like


    Will draw cherry and Myrtle soon after i am done with school and commissions XP

  20. I am currently waiting for the release of Defenders of equestria and for my local store to release marks in time. I really love the game, and its mechanics. TBH it is the only Card game i play. 

    I was considering FoW as well but I really didn't like its game style

    Am currently using a triple colored deck, Orange purple pink

    and my favorite is my 6 (7, I consider colorless as a color) colored deck

    • Brohoof 1
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