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Yellow Diamond

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Status Replies posted by Yellow Diamond

  1. "A Dog and Pony Show" is on today. One of my favorite episodes.

  2. "A Dog and Pony Show" is on today. One of my favorite episodes.

  3. "A Dog and Pony Show" is on today. One of my favorite episodes.

  4. "A Dog and Pony Show" is on today. One of my favorite episodes.

  5. "A Dog and Pony Show" is on today. One of my favorite episodes.

  6. Maybe you should join Majestic 12... in a body bag!

  7. Maybe you should join Majestic 12... in a body bag!

  8. Maybe you should join Majestic 12... in a body bag!

  9. My Rittle Pony, Engrish is Magic

  10. My Rittle Pony, Engrish is Magic

  11. My Rittle Pony, Engrish is Magic

  12. My Rittle Pony, Engrish is Magic

  13. Maybe you should join Majestic 12... in a body bag!

  14. I'm up at 8:00 AM. How do normal people do it day in and day out?

  15. I'm up at 8:00 AM. How do normal people do it day in and day out?

  16. I'm up at 8:00 AM. How do normal people do it day in and day out?

  17. Strained my oblique. Now I know why hitters go on the DL.

  18. Strained my oblique. Now I know why hitters go on the DL.

  19. I slept from 5am-8pm. Geeze.

  20. Oh hey cool I have a twitter account now: https://twitter.com/JamesConnolly88

  21. Oh hey cool I have a twitter account now: https://twitter.com/JamesConnolly88

  22. Wow, this forum is so addicting that I don't want to leave to take a pee!

  23. Saw TDKR today. It was great. Bane was an awesome villain.

  24. Saw TDKR today. It was great. Bane was an awesome villain.

  25. Saw TDKR today. It was great. Bane was an awesome villain.

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