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Yellow Diamond

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Status Replies posted by Yellow Diamond

  1. Saw TDKR today. It was great. Bane was an awesome villain.

  2. Saw TDKR today. It was great. Bane was an awesome villain.

  3. I had forgotten how funny "Applebuck Season" was until I rewatched it today.

  4. I had forgotten how funny "Applebuck Season" was until I rewatched it today.

  5. MLPFORUMS SECURITY ADVISORY SYSTEM made and done! http://oi50.tinypic.com/imkxuw.jpg

  6. *Sees status updates about a troll* So what did I miss, guys?

  7. Trying to smell a stick of deodorant. End up shoving it into your face instead. Discover that it tastes pretty good. Fail or win?

  8. Can you believe that the same cartoon characters that little kid's watch everyday on MLP are the same characters some older people wanna have "fun" with? o_e

  9. Can you believe that the same cartoon characters that little kid's watch everyday on MLP are the same characters some older people wanna have "fun" with? o_e

  10. I was feeling a bit down; but MLP managed to pick up my mood. Go figure.

  11. I think I'll go watch "A Friend in Deed." It's on The Hub today and I need a pick-me-up.

  12. Can't... stop... watching... MST3K...

  13. Can't... stop... watching... MST3K...

  14. Anyone else shaking in anticipation for the Dark Knight Rises?

  15. Can't... stop... watching... MST3K...

  16. Eating peas out of a bowl with a spoon is so underrated.

  17. Eating peas out of a bowl with a spoon is so underrated.

  18. I'm going to go into the pool. I'll stay there for.. Hmm.. FOREVER!!!

  19. Your avatar never ceases to hypnotize me.

  20. Does 4chan have moderators?

  21. Your avatar never ceases to hypnotize me.

  22. Does anyone else have a million bookmarks saved on their browser?

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