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Sazama Ichida

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Status Updates posted by Sazama Ichida

  1. Nice to see you again. Couldn't find your friend request for some reason.

    1. TheRockARooster


      Same to you, Sazama. :coco:
      How are you?

  2. If only I could start over...I know things would be different this time around...*sigh*

  3. So many people are suddenly banned...What's going on?

  4. Hey there. Have we RPed before?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      What do you like to do in RPs? I like a good adventure with epic fight scenes and killing monsters.

    3. North Star

      North Star

      heh, I havn't rp'd in a while, but when I did I think the longest running ones tended towards adventure, with a little bit of a drama and silliness. I tended to enjoy exploring places more than fighting, but a little bit of action could be fun.

    4. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      Awesome. What's your Discord?

  5. I'm so glad you got unbanned. Man I've missed you. I know you don't recognize me, but we've talked before.

  6. I'm removing people from my friends list who I don't really know or talk to or remember. So if you know me and/or still want to talk, just message me and I'll add you back.

  7. I just want to be loved and know what it feels like because I never had a real family...Just two parents that abused me...I just want a family and to be loved and accepted...Is that so wrong? But everyone always leaves me eventually...I guess I really am just a cancer...

  8. The people on here really must hate me...Whenever someone else on here makes a Life Advice topic they get a huge pity party. But whenever I do it people say mean and insensitive things to me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rikifive


      On the surface maybe yes, but the presented problem, arguments, and attitude (your topic is extremely insensitive and unapproachable), are vastly different, which impacts on who replies and how they do so. But okay, that aside, in the topic you compare to, "getting a job" is actually mentioned as well, but it's not so apparent, as the current primary problem on their end is the paperwork, so that's something they get advice on.

      Not that I defend or blame anyone, I don't want to judge who's right and who not. I'm merely sharing my thoughts on something you've shown and asked me. You're free to take what I say with a grain of salt or straight disagree, it's really up to you what you do with it, it's not like my opinion changes anything. I don't want to argue, I just wish you the best.

    3. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      How was I being insensitive and unapproachable? Because I insulted my worthless parents? Why should the people who reply to that topic care?

    4. Rikifive


      Sorry, I choose to back off. I don't know what do you expect from me, I'm unable to help you.

  9. That's right everyone. I have recently come to the realization that I am Trans. I've thought this through a lot and I'm not like other guys. Never have been. I was always weak and effeminate despite being born with male genitals. My voice is very highpitched especially when I scream. Many people thought that I was gay and even thought I was a girl for years. As well as when they saw me and when they hear me talk on the phone. And I'm just plain not cut out to live as a man either. I'm too weak and dependent on others. So I've decided to stop running away from who I am.

    And this lovely character you see here is one of my Anime RP personas. I hope you like her.

    1. Miss


      Congrats 🏳️‍⚧️:grin:

  10. Hey, do I know you? Were you wanting to RP?

    1. SCS


      Hi there! I don't think we ever properly met, I just added you because your name sounded familiar from my old times here. 

  11. Would anyone like to play D&D?

  12. I realize that I've hurt and offended people on here...I doubt this will mean anything to anyone...I doubt they will even remotely care at all...But I really have matured over the years...I also doubt they believe me, but I truly am sorry for everything I've done...*sigh*

  13. Let me know if you wanna add me on Discord to play Dungeons and Dragons.

  14. What the Hell happened to the forums while I was gone? I can't even find the most recent topic in a forum when I click on it now.

  15. Hey, I wanted to inform you that your Discord account has been hacked, You should probably do something about it soon.

    1. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      Oh wait, you already knew.

  16. I see you've started RPing. Glad to see you've kicked off your career.

    1. Silly Druid

      Silly Druid

      I wouldn't call it a career, I'm just having some fun with friends.

    2. Astralshy


      *Cheers you on, Silly Druid :3

  17. Been depressed and unmotivated and really want to get my RP groove back. Looking for a partner who has a decent variety of characters for MLP DND Adventure type RPs. I should probably specify that I am looking to be a follower instead of a DM. If someone can make a good story with a good villain in a campaign for me to fight and defeat that should bring my spark back. I have many characters of different classes and alignments.

  18. Hey there. What's up?

    1. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky

      *perks up curiously and smiles* Hey there! Thank you for dropping by to say hi! How're you doing?

    2. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      Not great. Gonna go to the doctor soon. Noticed you sent me a friend request. Was wondering if you were wanting to RP?

  19. I'm shocked someone still showed interest in me here. Guess I'll come back. I thought the people here hated my guts.

    1. J.J


      That's how it's been for me on here for years, and I'm still confused as to what the truth is, I don't know if I'm being toyed with or if I'm make new friends...

  20. That does it. That definitely does it. I'm leaving this site and never coming back. I'm sure nobody cares but yeah...Let me know if you'd like to add me on Discord for RP fun. I have tons of OCs each with their own unique personality and design. And I can play canon characters too. And I especially love D&D-like adventures and quests in RPs. Despite the fact that you'll see me online, I won't be posting much anymore if any. And soon not much longer at all.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      Even if it's not you, you still deserve to be supported.

      No problem. Nopony has to be left alone, all of us has the right to be loved.

    3. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      Thank you. Been a long time since anyone has said that to me.

    4. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      I am still appalled and outraged. I mean this was the fucking Life Advice section! This is supposed to be a sort of “safe zone” where you can ask for advice regarding whatever you need help with, without having to deal with harassment. And once again this is why I am leaving this site. Both due to toxicity and also due to the lack of moderation. And this? This right here is a perfect example of that.

  21. Has anyone ever told you what a great job you do handling things? Seriously, You should run for president. I love the kind of points you make.

    1. Venomous


      Thank you.

      I appreciate the compliment!


  22. R.I.P my old Discord account...PM me if you want to readd me.

  23. My Discord account got hacked and sent a bunch of spam. I apologize for any trouble this may have caused. I will be making a new account.

    1. Windy Breeze

      Windy Breeze

      It's not your fault; just be careful next time :fluttershy:

    2. Sazama Ichida

      Sazama Ichida

      Guess you must've been in one of the servers. Please give my sincere apologies to all those who were affected.

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