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About MilBrony

  • Birthday 1990-05-28

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Planet Earth
  • Personal Motto
    When life gives you lemons, sell at 10%the interest and buy muffins.
  • Interests
    Bran muffins, blueberry muffins, cranberry muffins, music, MLP, and new muffin recipies!

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  1. They release another Equestria Girls movie that shows that the parallel world of Ponies is a delusion...then all the human mane 6 characters go off into the sunset and the series ends..... THEN LOCUSTS AND FROGS FALL FROM THE SKY AND EVERY FIRST BORN DIES!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  2. DOD makes military personnel take an online physical health assessment that deals with pretty much what you are talking about. and the more I talk to people the more I find that pretty much everyone 'feels' that way...but mentally or physically they are younger for some reason at least half the time. Example, Myself; Male, 25yo - PHA age 56
  3. ^ ^ Now that's how you walk off the job! While in Afghanistan we had a sniper that was giving us trouble, long and short of it was we found him and he is no longer a problem. But hidden with his weapons in the floor was a WWII Italian bayonet! MINE! Then it got confiscated when I tried to bring it back stashed inside my duffle bag
  4. Oh yeah...you can probably guess what I do by the name, but I try to work out at least twice a day when I can. I mainly focus on cardio in the mornings and do targeted muscle groups in the afternoons. Weekends are two-a-day cardio sessions or hill runs. Had my iPod set up for Bluetooth to use wireless headphones a few weeks ago but I forgot to enable security on it...and somehow another guy with similar headphones got synched onto mine, I knew he did because he dropped the weights in his hands, took the headphones off and gave them to his spotter and they were both pretty shocked to hear 'Pinkie's Brew' rockin' out!
  5. Awesome workout I discovered! But u need a buddy... 1) Person one gets in sit-up position with Person two seated on feet and hugging Person one's legs. 2) Person one executes sit-up and follows through into the standing position! 3) Repeat in increments of 10 4) cry
  6. Finally Back! wow...been a while, its great to see everyone sharing these stories. One thing I have been doing since being stationed in Alaska; I wear a Derpy Hooves beanie around post, this gets some interesting looks from the non-deployed guys. But what the hay...I'm secure in my masculinity! I can wear what I want! Brohoof!
  7. Yeah, I'm back! Just got re-stationed to Ft Wainwright, Alaska and within a few weeks I was already posted on a 24 hour desk duty. That night, I was sitting at desk waiting for the NCO to come back from dinner and he came back with his laptop and an external hard drive full of movies. As he watches a few on his desk, I went over to join him. Then he pulled up his tv shows, and we watched MLP until it was time to be relieved! /]
  8. Sweetness! Are there any MLP mods for minecraft yet? If not there needs to be lol. 20% cooler if there are some, i just started playing
  9. TRY THIS AT HOME! 1) Go to a public place or area with a large group of people such as say...a battalion-level meeting where all the bigwigs are going to be briefing you on something absolutely pointless to your job. (not like this would EVER happen in the military, right?) lol 2) Whistle the opening bars to My Little Pony 3) wait for someone to finish with the 'aaaaaah Ahhhh AAAAHHH aahhhh' bit... 4) Declare that person 20% cooler yes, this happened!
  10. I noticed that in Afghanistan, even though they are a mostly undeveloped nation, they only very rarely eat meat. Most of this is due to the fact that meat is considered a novelty dish served mostly when guests are visiting or during celebrations. As a result, the average physique I saw there was trim, and lightly muscled. The preferred dishes for most meals are dependent on rice with different vegetables that can be found. If no vegetables, then just rice. I started eating a mostly Afghan diet after a few months and I saw and felt results immediately. They also have a bland, yogurt-like substance from goat or camel milk. Strange, but good with salt on top or mixed with curry. (I know, trust me on this) But don't get me wrong, Afghan Goat is delicious! 'innocent animals'? OK. Idea; before any animal is turned into steaks, chops, fillets or cuts we put them on mass trial and find them guilty of being absolutely delicious!
  11. Went to a party last night and got black-out drunk, [The Following Is According TO My Army Buddies] Eventually we wound up at someone's home and continued to drink/ party/ etc... where he has two daughters; 12yo and 8yo, and one of them was watching an episode. I sat down with a bottle of Jack Daniels and started watching, and then one of the girls at the party who was seeing one of my friends joined us and started recording me on her phone...wow (facehoof*) I looked at her laughed, and then I said something along the lines of 'I got an awesome idea!' I stagger into the kitchen, grab some apple juice and pour it in the JD. "Applejack Daniels!!" A few moments later Derpy makes an appearance and I yell, over the music, "Derpy is best pony!!!!" When I woke up this morning, I found all this out...
  12. working on my b-day... sweet

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SwiftMotion


      @Hydlide haha

    3. Fluttershyfan94


      Happy birthday!

    4. MilBrony


      well, all I had were muffins lol. There is a cupcake specialty store here now though!

  13. The best thing I've found for quick workouts is to run workouts in circuits to confuse your body into compensating for muscles you used in the last exercise. So if you just did an arm exercise, don't rest, just do a leg/ chest exercise then do another set of arms. You can do this with low weights and still get a good burn
  14. Just had another one! (But kind of cool too) Went to go see Fast 6 and one of the previews was for EG, as soon as it started playing the preview me and three other people in the theater started cheering. It was dark so nopony saw our faces. So yeah, I'm gonna go see it when it premieres here in Kansas. If you are in the Ft Riley area, lets go herding!
  15. Rangers Lead the Way! Good luck with that bro! /] But yeah, mostly people around here that I hang out with kind of just shrug and go, 'whatever' I'm looked at as the psycho in my unit anyway lol
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