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Everything posted by Steve-A-Sketch

  1. Hello Guys. I have a new Youtube account http://www.youtube.com/thelunarwizard91
  2. Hi Everyone! I just found out the date of BronyCon 2014! It's once again August 1st-August 3rd! Better prepare early just to give you heads up! ^^ and 17 more days til Season 4 of MLP! :D
  3. Hey Everypony. Sad news. Our famous book author and video game author Tom Clancy has passed away yesterday The cause of his death is still unknown until further notice as informed by his family. He was 66 years old. Also like couple of days before his death, I just got his book, Teeth Of the Tiger I gasped as i saw the news.
  4. Well, Here is a pic of me and Rainbow Dash ^^ Just to make my starts a kick! ^^ Hope you like it ^^
  5. Hi Everypony! I just did my 1st MLP IRL photo ^^ Hope y'all like it!
  6. Hey everyone............ my great-grandfather just passed away yesterday (september 14th). Here is a link to my DA for more info. May he rest in peace. http://stevenator-20xx.deviantart.com/journal/My-great-grandfather-just-passed-away-400410601
  7. XD. Even though Books can help sharpen Books are helpful too at Libraries and such. Also here got movies too to check out
  8. I can guess why XD In this one I'm in, they have 6 User computers and 1 hour use is allowed. It's got 1 hour programmed timers on them
  9. Hey Daring Do! Ever herd of the Legend of Olmec's Temple?
  10. What up Everypony, I am the library ATM. Libraries have free wifis. Right now I am really in the mood to make my own Daring Do Book! XD
  11. Of course. I love Animals as much as she does! ^^ I just love exploring about animals, being friendly with them and gaining their trusts!
  12. Hi all again. I am watching over my great grandpa atm while my grandma does square dancing
  13. Hey Guys. I got the digital camera . Here are the couple of webcam pics of me and my camera ^^ Hey, you finally get to see who I look like ^^ Do I look nice? ^^ It make look like a small baby camera, but don't let the size fool you ^^ It's got excellent specs on this camera ^^
  14. Here is me as Steve-A-Sketch if I was in Equestria Girls Movie! Hope you all like it! I used Flash and off from this base http://taritoons.deviantart.com/art/Equestria-Girls-Bases-371833898 I loved that movie so much, it inspired me to make my OC ^^
  15. It was on a special sale on walmart online, $160 plus shipping and taxes, ended up spending $173. Now the price online is back up to $180! I would've spend closely $200! Looks like I bought it right on time too! Still I got excellent deal! ^^ This is the camera I bought http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sony-16.2-MP-DSCWX80-B/23204172?findingMethod=rr It will arrive between tomorrow friday and monday! They had some catching up to do of processing payments and shipping because of Labor day monday. (UPDATE) I just checked my order track, It already left my local post office! It might arrive today!!!!
  16. Heya Everypony. I just ordered a digital camera from Walmart called Sony DSC-WX80 and it's excellent I herd. 16.2 Megapixels 1080p HD Video Excellent Auto focus 8x optical zoon Once I get it, I might do more filmmaking and pics ^^ Prehaps even MLP IRL Videos and pics ^^
  17. Hey Guys............1st of all, my EarthLink DSL Connection failed due to crappy phone lines we have. So either we do Comcast Cable or Hughsnet Satellite. I already cancelled with EarthLink, thank God for their 30 days thing. 2nd..............Don't ever.....................EVER Steal Rainbow Dash's Daring Do Book!!!!!
  18. Heyo EveryPony! I successfully ordered my own Fast Freestanding DSL From a Provider called EarthLink! Finally my own fast internet and I'll be here more often! I'm this EXCITED!!!!!!!!
  19. Hey Everypony guess what? I successfully got my own city brony meetup group on the Equestria Daily Brony MeetUp Map!
  20. Well, I was REALLY wanting to go there! But due to unfortunate and stupid events, I was unable to go due to lack of funds. Well instead of being all time Jealous because I couldn't go and BronyCon was bigger the fun which is sortof killing me, I putted all that aside and as of August 5th, I decided to get serious with BronyCon 2014! I ain't screwing around anymore, I'm not just gonna hope I can go there, I'm putting my efforts and persistence into it, BIG TIME! Here's my video about it with a song and my drawing. Thus also dedicating this video for other Bronies who also was unable to attend BronyCon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELiLOVIgH-k I have plans while I wait for BronyCon 2014. 1. Order my own fast internet August 16th 2. Start up MLP Commissions that will aid my funds to BronyCon 2014! 3. Saving up each payday of my job which will also help and little extra money by doing other stuff and saving up change 4. Do Brony MeetUps 5. Watch Equestria Girls 6. Watch Season 4 of My Little Pony 7. Keep Chatting with you guys and be more social with Bronies here and out there. See you Bronies at BronyCon in 2014! I Vow To Attend! My Quest Has Begun!
  21. Oh okay I was planning to go to BronyCon, but wasn't able to go But I ain't quitting on next year!
  22. Whopsy. It was you then XD Must've mistaken you for him by avatar! DERP!!!!!!
  23. Thanks ^^ BTW, Delzepp told me about the poster you're working on?
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