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repsol rave

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Status Replies posted by repsol rave

  1. My only concern with getting a Nokia phone is that I might break my desk if I put the phone down.

  2. Happy V'day dude! And what's up pal? Haven't seen you in a long time!

  3. Happy V'day dude! And what's up pal? Haven't seen you in a long time!

  4. Can't believe a boy in my year sh*t themselves in P.E today ...last time that happened was all the way back in Primary school :/

  5. Gosh my cousin says that at his school the kids have to buy a V-Day gift for an assigned classmate, and it has to be at least $5. That sucks :( I would feel weird getting a teddy near from a guy I don't even talk to xD

  6. Happy V'day dude! And what's up pal? Haven't seen you in a long time!

  7. chocolate milk is my valentine <3

  8. Can't believe a boy in my year sh*t themselves in P.E today ...last time that happened was all the way back in Primary school :/

  9. Staring Contest! Go!!! 0_0......................

  10. watching the neverending story, oldschool stuff.

  11. once upon a time, there was a pretty little girl, with eyes of heaven. her name was greta.

  12. so, my heroes (Endymion & The Outside Agency) created a track with the lyrics voiced by Morgan Freeman. my life is complete now.

  13. so, my heroes (Endymion & The Outside Agency) created a track with the lyrics voiced by Morgan Freeman. my life is complete now.

  14. so, my heroes (Endymion & The Outside Agency) created a track with the lyrics voiced by Morgan Freeman. my life is complete now.

  15. so, my heroes (Endymion & The Outside Agency) created a track with the lyrics voiced by Morgan Freeman. my life is complete now.

  16. i'm gonna get a tattoo! awesomeness

  17. i'm gonna get a tattoo! awesomeness

  18. i have today off, but i actually went to school... what the hell brain?

  19. oh hey, i found a cool new monitor! -pricetag 500 euros- *slowly clicks away webshop*

  20. oh hey, i found a cool new monitor! -pricetag 500 euros- *slowly clicks away webshop*

  21. oh hey, i found a cool new monitor! -pricetag 500 euros- *slowly clicks away webshop*

  22. oh hey, i found a cool new monitor! -pricetag 500 euros- *slowly clicks away webshop*

  23. free music? yes please! :D

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