OMG Fluttershy's a bloodthirsty carnivore! ROOOARR!!!!
Well aside from that particular scene and a few others, MLP: FIM is known for its very "kid friendly" themes, which include a lack of blood, swearing, and obviously overtly blatant sex themes among other things. Unfortunately its neither consistent nor reasonable at times, considering their censoring of Derpy, questionable episode morals and role models, and equally overt and blatant examples of racism and bigotry that sadly have far reaching implications or aren't sufficiently addressed.
Vegetarianism is one of those interesting areas that drew my attention. Not just ponies it seems, but also other sentient creatures seem to avoid the consumption of meat. Dragons might very likely consume meat, but the show successfully dodges that bullet by showing that the likes of Spike have a fond taste for gems and minerals. The show even manages to successfully avoid the discussion of alcohol by having ponies get drunk off salt instead:
I guess that's the Equestrian version of the Salty Spitoon.
Ponies of course are by no means pure herbivores. Not counting meat, they've consistently been shown to consume eggs and dairy products, among other things. A lot of fanfiction writers seem to gloss over this point, which boggles me. Apparently its so shockingly wrong for Twilight and co to realize that humans or any other species or society like Griffons kill and eat meat. Yet its perfectly fine for the ponies that they apparently round up certain animals and exploit them for their own gain, including food production.
Let's just see the wiki's analysis of how Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness, treats her chickens:
Domesticated chickens are seen for the first time in the episode Fall Weather Friends. Applejack and Rainbow Dash needed to escort a few baby chickens through the mud pile to the other side as one of the tasks of Iron Pony competition. In Applejack's case, they run away because too much mud was splattering on them, whereas Rainbow Dash safely carried them while protecting the chickens from mud with her wings. These farmland birds play a more prominent role in Stare Master. When they refused to go to chicken coop for sleep, Fluttershy "convinced" them to do so with her stare.
Yes, kindness my ass, pardon my Equestrian. That's nothing short of coercion and duress to some otherwise helpless chickens. I'm not trying to be a bleeding hippie here, but that's not only rather hypocritical of the Element of Kindness, also considering she's supposed to be good with animals, but its a bit inconsistent with the show's vegan animal friendly theme.
Of course if that were just all there was to vegetarianism on the show that would be the end of that controversy. But unfortunately it isn't. You also have characters like Daisy Jo the intelligent talking cow:
And they're being rounded up, herded and ignored as if they were just slaves farm animals. Then of course you have questionable scenes like this:
I'm not even stepping into the territory of mules, yet but really. I don't know who I'm angrier at for this sanctimonious duplicity, the ponies for consistently behaving like they live in a racially pure bubble, or Hasbro and the writers who make the ponies preach morals like friendship, kindness and understanding, tolerance and then pull of stuff like this and crass mule jokes (let's not forget this is from the same show that also tries to teach about race and stereotyping in society).
It would be one thing to treat farm animals like "farm animals" for example, if they were portrayed as such. Its a whole different concept and standard though when those same animals can talk and interact intelligibly. Believe me too when I say I'm being critical. I am a big Applejack fan and yet despite that I find many of her interactions with other characters and species questionable.
Coming from a show that seems so strongly concerned about promoting its image and "values" at times there really is a lotta horse shit that's smeared our ways at times. So much for promoting vegeterianism.