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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Cwanky

  1. I am very sorry if this offends anyone, but one of the most common unwarranted intrusions I've seen so-called bronies commit is going onto another person's Youtube video or feed, often which is entirely unrelated to anything remotely MLP let alone equine in nature. Typically the offender says something like "it needs to be 20% cooler" or even a random "DERPY r00ls!" type of remark. It is quite rude and honestly is often spam, especially since many of these attempts are blatant bronies trying to promote and spam where its unwanted. When people go to watch a "Let's Play Mario ______ playthrough" they're their to listen and discuss the video they came to watch, not to listen to MLP fandom, much less Call of Duty diehards, racists, religious fanatics or anyone else that's unwarranted. There's a place and time for everything, bronies and ponies included. As much as you think something needs to be "20% cooler," other viewers may not share that sentiment. I think Guiles theme does go with nearly everything, but I don't feel the need to blast his theme at high volume every time I go down the street.
  2. Well looks like a got alotta sh1t to post tomorrow

  3. Oh boys, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaccckkk!!!!!!!!

    1. Sky Warden

      Sky Warden

      Hi, Back. I'm Boys.

  4. noooo!!! Do not want sore throat damnit!

    1. Moonlight


      Eat some ice cream? It makes me feel better. :P

  5. Hope ya'll enjoyed the bronycon. Nice way to top off the summer after ComicCon

  6. Well I'm finally done with law preview. I feel like I'm overloaded with data and school hasn't even started yet

  7. If Im not one already, law school will make an ass outta me

  8. Pretty much when I lost my former excitement for Weekends, including Saturday mornings, I still enjoy late Saturday and Sunday nights but for more adult shows. Of course this also coincided with the decline with a lot of quality shows or their cancellations. I went through 2 phases of childhood nostalgia, 1st in the 90s with classics like All That, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren & Stimpy, Scooby Doo, Simpsons (which still survives), and Rugrats. Anyone remember kids WB? They introduced classics that for folks like me stay etched in my mind, not limited to the Batman series, Jackie Chan Adventures, Dragon Ball, classic YGO and who can forget the original Pokemon? I still have watch Toonami when I can I am happier than ever to see its comeback. Tom was like the uncle I never had.
  9. I can't cry now. These tears could never extinguish those flames

  10. curse you & your socratic method Socrates

    1. Wingnut


      If John invented it, it would simply be called the Johnatic method instead.

    2. Cwanky


      Yea lawyers can be quite a spiteful bunch

  11. Do I REALLY have to say it? He's in my friggin avatar for crying out loud. Of course its Cranky Doodle in 1st place. Followed closely by Iron Will. Discord by the way transcends rankings. You can't measure chaos kiddos.
  12. This is one of the best Creepypasta's I've read in awhile. Simple, yet haunting.

  13. since Ive already done a topic on nonponies recently may as well get a poll started. Any special requests out there?

  14. This is harder than it initially seems: Applejack: The Last Roundup Fluttershy: Keep Calm and Flutter On Rarity: Suited for Success Pinkie Pie: A Friend in Deed Rainbow Dash: Read it and Weep Twilight Sparkle: Its About Time Spike: Secret of my Excess Cutie Mark Crusaders: Ponyville Confidential
  15. Its a close one and even though I think that Mayor Mare won her elections fairly (or so I suspect thus far) and has the support of Ponyville, Mrs. Harshwhinny handily comes out on top with no contest. The reason is quite simple actually: How many people have the authority, let alone power to get a being as powerful and revered as an alicorn bowing on their knees before them and reduced to a state of despair and stress? Not many, definitely not Chrysalis without considerable force, Sunset Shimmer or even Discord. And yet, Mrs. Harshwhinny simply by appearing at the right time and place, caught the attention and pleas of Princess Cadence and no to mention the Elements of Harmony with ease, albeit with a few nuisances along the way. Power my friends, need not be brute force, raw magic, speed or any special power. It can come from something as basic or innate as status or one's own self will and inner strength. Fluttershy taught us this well. Something similar could be said of Mrs. Harshwhinny, and Mayor Mare.
  16. Do you know what it is? Its a mirror. Go look at yourself in some time. No I don't mean to groom yourself, look pretty or handsome, pop that nasty zit or yank out that irritating facial hair you may have. Look at yourself in that mirror. This is who anyone, little girls included, should first and foremost look up to - themselves. Only you can tell you who you really are - not your teacher, life coach, parents, siblings, best friends, not even God (if you believe in such a person(s)). If you cannot first believe in yourself and know who you are, how can you possibly hope to aspire to be someone you hardly know on a probably superficial level? I will say that though parents, siblings and close friends aren't necessarily "role models" they can help shape and guide you and often nurture and truly care for you so don't take that for granted. People need to choose their own role models, not have society try and create some idol for them to worship. You are who you choose to be, not what anyone else tells you. Always remember that.
  17. cant believe im sayin this but im gonna miss school when im done

  18. This is what I'm thinking as well. Though again with characters like Zecora it may be more acceptable in use since by that time post Bridle Gossip, she's already been "accepted" by the rest of the ponies and allowed to integrate into their society. It doesn't seem to be used within the vicinity of the bisons though. The other odd thing is this concept isn't universally applied. I don't recall once that the bison ever referred to themselves as "every/some/no bison" or the dragons and cattle in their own territories. This is considering as well that the bison and dragons consider themselves fiercely independent and have their own sense of self worth and identity. Unfortunately what is meant to be something cute in the show actually seems to come off as rather arrogant and even "racial superiority" for more critical viewers like myself. It may be a cartoon and kids show, but it does attempt to address crucial themes like friendship, virtues and yes race and identity as seen in Dragon Quest and Bridle Gossip. Its just my hope that the show better addresses these issues in the future.
  19. There's quite a bit of a misconception here. DBZ is not hated, at least not until GT or after the Cell Saga. Certain aspects of the show that were often later poorly executed or abused are what people dislike. This includes but isn't limited to lots of garbage filler,super pointlessly prolonged dialogues and fights, predictable roid raging, poor and inconsistent plot development, horrible voice acting and dialogue etc. Quite honestly the list can go on for awhile, and DBZ wouldn't be the 1st guilty show nor the last of all these crimes. Bleach, Naruto, Tenchi Muyo and Rurouni Kenshin have all been guilty. I've heard the fans and I've watched these shows so I know. Still DBZ and Dragon Ball heck even GT are well liked and loved series. Kid Tony is almost always irresistibly adorable and fun to watch whether it's fighting alongside kid Krillin and taking on the Red Ribbon Army and King Piccolo or fighting corrupted dragons. Nearly every major saga I w watched in DBZ was worth it. Seeing Vegeta and Napa beat down on the Z fighters and grind it out with Tony. watching Frieda behave like a total maniacal alien warlord asshole to everyone. And of course watching the genocidal Androids and Cell massacre and terrorize Earth and have Goku step in one last time to save the day for everything he loves dear. People remember this stuff, even if there's lots of bad things. DBZ was inspired by a great novel Journey to the West and it in turn admirably lived up to that legacy that it carried.
  20. Well assuming that Cadence is in fact over hundreds of years old or immortal, that would make for a tremendous age discrepancy between her and Shining Armor. Moreover that relationship wouldn't end particularly well, considering that Shining Armor would eventually die as Cadence lives on in sorrow and agony. Short of Shining Armor being promoted to Alicorn or gaining some form of immortality that's a horrible fate to suffer. Just to illustrate the point I'm going to compare this hypothetical of Cadence to Arwen using this famous scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=N3Tl9bNmCKo
  21. Yes Twilight why can't you and your friends be more reasonable when it comes to addressing anyBODY, not just anyPONY? Its perhaps just a few folks like me but it rather irks me how the citizens of Equestria and ponies elsewhere choose to address a collective group as any/some/no pony, even if a sizable group of the populace addressed in question aren't in fact ponies at all, or considered as such. So the better question I feel compelled to ask is, who does the term pony apply to and why is it applied? Is it a simple matter of Equestrian grammar and linguistics or is it an implicitly form of racial and national identity, like the terms American or British? Even the non-ponies in Equestria, say for example the Donkey Cranky, use the term applying it to themselves. In fact, someone may correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't recalled the term Equestrian being used to refer to any group of people. Sure for events, locations and places, but not people. This might be justifiable for races species like donkeys, mules, and sentient livestock as well as accepted or assimilated characters like Spike and Zecora, but the use of the term suggests, unintentionally or not, a bias or dominance over other equally worthy beings. Even Princess Celestia herself refers to her vassals as my little ponies, though of course a lot of the times she's addressing the Mane 6 so this might be understandable. I still regard her as probably the most rational and progressive of the characters, as in being open to everyone, considering the many subtle gestures she does for others, but the tone and implications are still there. It would be very interesting to see how Celestia interacts with non pony characters like the bison, Zecora, or even the cattle so I'll be hopeful to see her progress in this and many other dynamics in the future seasons. Yes the show is called My Little Pony, but its also called and its main theme is Friendship is Magic regardless of whether you're a pony, brony, zebra, donkey or even a human (as seen in Equestria Girls).
  22. Sigh life was so much easier when you didn't have to worry about all these finances, getting insurance and memorizing all these damn dates and passwords

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