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Gyro Zeppeli

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Everything posted by Gyro Zeppeli

  1. If Nintendo really were as greedy and money grubbing as people say they are, don't you think they would make new entries in smash bros a little more often than once every 6 years?

    1. Azure Envy

      Azure Envy

      No they have Pokemon for that.

  2. Less than an hour left until I can play the new Dark Souls 2 DLC. Im so excited!

  3. Ah teeth, my dental adventure started when I was just a wee bite of a lad, my teeth had only just come in. My sister and I were spinning around in a swivel chair just having a ball and joyous laughter. All was fine and dandy until she happened to just accidentally, let go. FWOOOSH! I flew across the room and my face slammed into a wall. Im sure that was painful, I do not remember as I was just a little munchkin. There was a lot of blood and my parents spent time searching for my teeth until they realized, I hadn't lost the teeth, they had just all been shoved right back into my head. When the teeth came back in, they were very screwed up and eventually, had to be pulled so my adult teeth could get in. Many years of braces followed, and now my teeth are wonderfully aligned. I am 19 and have no issues with my wisdom teeth and am hoping that I never do, as my father never had to have his taken out. Regardless, that is my dental adventure.
  4. Ever since the "4th flavor" episode of Codename KND, I never put sprinkles on my ice cream.

  5. Jet Set Radio is fun but tough. I just don't see why skating around and tagging things merits calling in tanks.

    1. Demonic Soulz

      Demonic Soulz

      Because Hayashi is a crazy SoB

  6. Writing the lyrics to a solemn song is tough.

  7. *sigh* I want to play the new Dark Souls 2 DLC, but I need to go to sleep.

  8. Hey, look at that. Its a dork in stupid anime sunglasses. AKA, me. Who'da thunk it.
  9. *Kain walked out of the institution. It had been a rather amusing experience. The doctor who had been assigned to him couldn't stand the sight of blood,so when Kain showed off his powers, the doctor became very unsettled, very quickly. The doctor had needed to pause a few times to step out and regain their composure. Every time the doctor walked back in, Kain gave him a glare of annoyance, and every time the doctor stepped out, he just chuckled to himself in amusement. When the doctor had to give him the injection, Kain just rolled up his sleve and let the doctor do it. Kain just let the doctor do the injection without flinching, almost as if he didn't feel anything at all. It really was far from the worst pain he had felt. Anyway, Kain was now walking down the street, tossing and catching his chunk of iron. One toss, he missed the catch, and rameached out to grab it, but missed, however, the chunk of iron floated in the air, about a foot above the ground. Kain looked at it with wide eyes and then closed and lowered his hand. The chunk of iron fell and hit the ground. Kain bent down and picked up the metal. He looked at it and gave a slight smile. He stood back up and felt something dripping down his face. He put his hand to his face and wiped some blood away from his bleeding nose.* "Side effects, eh? Well I guess that's what happens." *He pocketed the metal and continued on his walk.* ------ *Alec was walking down the street, soaked with water. It was a nice day, and he wasn't swimming, but he couldn't get this stormcloud that was pouring water on him to go away. This hadnt happened in the longest time, then he went to visit the institute and they injected him with this strange stuff, and now the damn cloud wouldn't go away, no matter how much he tried.*
  10. *Kain sat down at a parkbench he had come across and sighed. He took something out of his jacket pocket. It was a small chunk of scrap metal, specifically a piece of pure iron. He placed it on the table in front of him and stared at it intensley, focusing on nothing but the metal. For the longest time he had done this nearly every day, trying, hoping to make himself more powerful by expanding his abilities from Hemomancy, to being able to control and manipulate iron. He figured it made sense, there was a lot of iron in blood, so maybe he would be able to get himself strong enough to control solid solo iron as well. But he had need doing this for almost a year now with no results at all. Not even the slightest tremble had he ever seen. He was very near the point of giving up trying. He just wished he could manage it. If he could do with iron what he could do with blood, he would be damn near unstoppable. He thought about the encounter he had with detru earlier. Hemomancy was near useless against one who could remove oxygen from the air. He picked up the scrap iron and pocketed it again with a sigh and learned back. There were trees all around, he loved plants, trees especially. He thought for a moment and decided to visit this institute himself. He walked to the institute while thinking on various things and once there, let himself in the front door.*
  11. *Alec walked down the street, bags of groceries and such in his hands. He was feeling fairly well. He had already gotten an apartment before leaving home. His parents and he had searched for one online and found someone in need of a roommate. A girl who called herself Echo. Her ability was fairly harmless, she could perfectly mimic anyone's voice with ease. A neat little thing that she could use to entertain people. Regardless, he was glad to have gotten moved in and settled so quickly.* ----- *Kain was walking through the crowd still rather smug that he had managed to piss off Detru as much as he had. He had heard her raging shouts as he had made his way out. But that had been a nice alleyway, and a good secluded spot for him to spend nights staring up at the sky. He sighed and stopped walking. He looked at the storefront that he was in front of. The window was full of television screens. It was a news interview, a popular musician and hearthrob, Alexander King had a few months ago, revealed himself as a metahuman. It shocked a lot of people and many considered it scandilous, the tabloid magazines went crazy, but King just overlooked them all. Kain rather appreciated the work Alexander was putting in, fighting to make metahuman hate crimes a more heavily punishable offense in more areas than just the sanctuaries. He wanted full equality for the meta's. Free from hate crimes, free from experimentation, and he was slowly turning more normal people to his side of thinking. Kain let out a little grunt of amusement before he kept moving. His vicious bloodlust certainly was not helping with this sort of thing.* (Echo and Alexander arent going to actually be anyone I use, just side mentions who dont really get much if any presence in the rp. Its just something I do from time to time in rp's)
  12. @, *Kain ducked and avoided the punch* "Ooh, so close." *He then reformed the whip into a brass knuckle and placed a nice strong uppercut into Detru's chin. He then attempted to slide under her arm and make his way behind her. He managed it and got a few feet away before turning back towards her and sticking out his tounge in a mocking gesture similar to the roadrunner from old looney toons cartoons, and then bolted toward's freedom. He ran out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk, which was now bustling with people, and he slipped into the crowd.* (I would'a had this last longer, but I have things I need to go out to do today. This fight will continue at a later time im sure.)
  13. "Oh lordy, please! Oh lordy don't hurt me!" *He said feighning fear. He pulled out his butterfly knife and flipped it open. He ran the blade across his wrist and blood began pouring out of the wound. He began to manipulate it, and shaped it into the form of a mace. He swung the mace around a bit, but the deoxygenating gas hit it causing it to get a bit gooey. he thought for a moment, and then reformed it into the shape of a whip. he cracked the whip a few times and smiled. He cracked it in the direction of Detru, barely missing her face.* "Laaaaadies and gentlemen! Come by and see the amazing deoxygenating elephant! She can make you suffocate in no time flat! Isn't that a spectacular sight to behold? Only seven dollars step right up and get yourself killed!" @,
  14. *Kain looked dumbfounded for a moment and then started laughing uncontrollably. This caused him to start choking on the lack of oxygen caused by Detru's abilities. He backed of a bit and took a few deep breaths of air.* "So thats what you do." *He said with a sly smile.* "Oxygen, in that case, blood is a bad choice to fight you with, huh." *He thought for a moment, he looked behid him to see he was backed against a dead end. To his right was the fire escape, left was a bare wall, and forward was his opponent. If he could manage to get past her, then he would be able to make a tactical retreat, she did not appear to be the fastest of opponenets, so he would probably be able to get away if he managed to get by, but he needed to focus on the getting past first, he stood at the ready, waiting to see what his opponent would do.* @,
  15. "Ah, isn't that majestic." *Kain said upon seeing her landing.* "You have all of the majesty of a turd, flying though the air. The monkey who tossed it has a great arm and amazing aim." *He looked at the arm of poor Tom Brian whom she had landed on.* "And the child who it was thrown at is obviously having a very bad day." *He snikered to himself and prepared himself to get out of the way of the attack he knew was coming.* @,
  16. *She had attacked, as expected, but not in the way Kain had expected. He dove off of his platform in time to avoid the attack and reformed what he could salvage of the platform into a claw to grasp hold of a lower rung of the fire escape and monkeyed his way down to ground level. He looked back up at his beast of an opponent.* "Geez, got enough rage in you for seven heavy roid users, dont you?" *He said, loud enough for Detru to hear.* "The way you look, you probably ate at least eight though." @,
  17. *Kain, who had been sleeping in a blood hammock high up in the alleyway heard her outburst and looked down to see the rampaging beast down below.* "Hey! You wanna quiet down?" *He shouted down at her.* "Some of us are trying to sleep!" *He said grouchily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He made sure to solidify the blood hammock into more of a platform, in case Detru decided to lash out at him with any possible ranged attack. He remembered seeing her on the boat, and remembered her short temper, so if it came to a fight, he would likely taunt her through the duration, hopefully making her attacks wild and sloppy in her rage.* @,
  18. *Kain was sitting on the ground, his mask back on, staring at the twitching body before him. Despite being covered in lacerations and obvious scars from wound's past, his victim, who should have bled out by now, was still alive. Tom Brian was having a really really off day. Kain, however, found it intreguing that this boy was still alive. He watched the body's twitching and the pleading look in his eyes with a tilted head.*
  19. *Kain stared up at the sky. He felt exhilerated at this moment, for he was also sitting atop a pair of fresh corpses in a dark back alley. After the arrival group had dispersed he had encountered a pair of local metas. They were both very cheery and had engaged him actively even though he had made it clear that he wanted to be left alone. Eventually he feigned giving in and allowed them to buy him a couple of beers, after which he pretended to be a lightweight and lured the two of them into a back alley with his pretend drunkeness, where he donned his mask and struck with a lunge of blood. The first one died instantly, not having seen it coming, but the other was a bit more on guard. He could control glass and he fought back. But when your power focuses on cutting up your attacker for defense, a hemomancer is for sure the worst enemy you could face. Kain slaughtered the second meta who fell on top of the body of his friend, and then Kain sat down on top of them. He took the cash out of their wallets and put it into his own, leaving a few quarters with them. He considered stealing their apartment keys, but decided against it, seeing as how they were very social people and would probably know all of their neighbors. Him taking up residence would be like hanging an "I'm a sociopathic murderer" sign around his neck. Instead he stood up and removed his mask, walking out of the alley inconspicuously and beginning to stroll down the street.*
  20. I watched two episodes of SAOII and I can't stay seated anymore. I love it, but I have no idea how people can marathon an entire series in one sitting.

  21. *Kain grumbled and pulled his butterfly knife out of his pocket and flipped it open.* "Hope nobody is squeamish." *He said as he rolled up his sleve and sliced the blade across his arm. Blood started rapidly flowing out of the wound, but Kain began manipulating it around his arm and condensing it in his hand into a solid mass. He tossed it in the air a few times and then it turned back into liquid blood and flowed back into the wound he had just caused, quickly clotting and sealing up the wound.* "Hemomancy isn't the prettiest of abilities, but it is handy." ------ *Alec flinched when he saw what Kain did. He wasn't afraid of blood, but that was rather grusome.* "Anywhoozers, moving on from that, I can do this." *Alec pointed a thumb towards the boat they had all disembarked from and a large isolated stormcloud formed above it. The cloud started pouring out rain, then hail, and finally snow. The cloud returned to pouring out rain and there were flashes of lighting with thunder ringing out contained within the cloud.* "Weather manipulation."
  22. *Kain stood up from his seat and disembarked from the boat. He obviously had nothing but the clothes on his back and the things in his pockets, which included his wallet (filled with generous 'donations' from various kind souls whom he had encountered the night before.) his red mask which he wore during his 'activities' and his butterfly knife. As he stepped down on land he scratched his head and began to think about what he would do.* ---- *Alec followed Rikku off the boat and onto the dock. He had his backback and a duffel bag, both stuffed full of all the essentials he would need during his time here.*
  23. *Kain gave out a slight chuckle as he watched the goings on of the other metahumans among him. Maybe if he was lucky they would all slaughter each other, he would have a healthy supply of blood to use, and he could just take the boat, turn it around, and head home. But that was too optimistic of him, he knew things would calm down and he would end up stuck in the sanctuary for quite a while. He leaned back against the backrest of his seat and flipped closed his butterfly knife. He sat there anticipating the actions of those who's company he was in.*
  24. I need to invstigate Jojo's bizzare adventure.

    1. Panne


      I've watch only the first episode and it is actually amazing.

    2. Radiance64
  25. "Really? I've never gone a winter without snow. Living in the north will do that."*Alec said.* "And it doesn't look like we are really going to an ideal place for it. Mayhaps there will be some, bizzare weather patterns this winter." *He said with a sly smile.* "Yeah, it looks like the island is within sight." *Alec said looking out at the island in the distance.*
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