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About dishraglord

  • Birthday 2014-04-20

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  1. I don't think anyone has posted this image yet, it's a chart that shows the official mega evolutions, it's not official so take it lightly. (I don't know how to actually post the image dont judge pl0x) http://nintendo3dsdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/megaevols.jpg Mega sableye is on extreme levels of want right now. So uhh mega garchomp eh? Scary thoughts man. On to the new pokemon, the Ice dino seems pretty bad sadly, the typing is awful, the ability seems cool enough on paper, but in reality shouldn't get much use, if its special that would be the worst scenario, the most powerful rock STAB it could get would be power gem, even then power gem has awful distribution, the ability wouldn't be able to help it much hyper beam is just a bad move don't deny it, being ice type doesn't make it any better, the only normal move it would be able to take advantage of is hyper voice for a whopping 5 more damage then ice beam. If its physical which I hope it is, it would fare a bit better, ice body slam seems decent enough, stone edge and hopefully ice shard would go well with it, and giga impact is just as bad as hyper beam, another thing is this Dino looks slow, along with a bad defensive typing this Dino doesn't seem to be that great. I dislike the designs of fennekin, and chespins evo's, glad to be a part of team froakie, it's evo looks awesome. I'm a fan of the other new pokemon as well. Litleo's evolution looks pretty rad, and the foxes look really cool. I am in love with fairy types now though, I always hated those dragons, the immunity just makes it even better!!!
  2. I don't know about you guys but I hated the gen 5 metagame, gen 4 had it down, simple and nothing was really overly ridiculous. I really hated gen 5's competitive atmosphere because there was far much more luck involved, and I have awful luck. The new moves seem like they could really flip the competitive scene and that's what I think it needs, keldeo and scizor have been running rampage for far too long and the new mechanics look like they could balance out the annoyance in the game. As far as the new mega evolutions I really dislike venasaur, a flower, vines and extra palm trees, too good. I think charizard looks decent, it looks more like a dragon now at least. I think blastoise got the best look though, the triple arm cannons make it look like its a evolution instead of a upgrade.
  3. YA TIEM TO GET DAT SKIN ON MAH WAY TO GOLD LES DO DIS YA Oh wait, I can't play league until 3 more weeks, and I have a maximum of about 8 days to do so.
  4. Singed can get pretty ridiculous late game and there's nothing at all you can do if it gets to 40 minutes and the score isn't 42-0. I've experienced quite a few losses due to singed just being too tanky for the team to handle, I believe he has the highest win rate of any champion in the game right now. He's so easy to play and works well in all competitive levels, a fully stacked tear and one or two tank items and you're ready to go run into a team and kill everyone. I've been maining top recently because I started playing dumb for a while after I got a winning spree going with lissandra. I just began to start running into teams and then I get melted, bad habits of playing lissandra only too much. Yeah so I got tired of dieing so I started playing top more, renekton and nasus are mah main mans, I've really been trying to improve my rumble though, I make the worst ults ever. There are a few top owners I've been itching to play for a while, gangplank, and new yi most prominently. Sometimes I get this idea in my head that when I buy a new champ I'll become the best player in the world with them if I practice hard enough, and then I buy the champ and get sick of them after 5 games. The way I like to play league is just having fun, only play ranked when I'm in a good mood, take a break if I start losing often, and only play champions that are fun to play, and right now I want gangplank because his kit looks super fun, bank plank and crit plank are so stupid I want to try it so badly. I've had to take a break from league for a while now, which is probably for the best, I was on a enormous losing spree before I had to take a break from it. My match history is just a big mess right now, 9 losses and a hilarious custom game where I one shot a teemo going at the speed of light with hecarim.
  5. Man I haven't been able to play league for a while and I really wish I could try yi now, I really like how he isn't completely useless late game now, with the right build that true damage on e can do an awful lot, he's like a good irelia now.
  6. Honestly there has to have been so many times in middle school when someone yells out jordan, I look back reply and it wasn't meant for me, the kids at my school dont seem to have any decency either so they make fun of me for that as well. There was at least 20 times when someone yelled out my name in seventh grade and it wasn't meant for me. Freaking hate that feeling.
  7. A large problem many found with it was well..... Everything that wasn't the animation? The plot of it was just plain dumb, and they decided to slap a pointless meme in at every chance they could, the music they made was decent at best, there was no buildup at all to the supposed main plot point the double rainboom. It literally was rainbow thinking for 5 seconds and then it happened, not to mention the element of loyalty stole her friends potion she worked a majority of her life on for her own selfish needs and ended up demolishing ponyville in the process while not even taking action for it afterwards. Iunno, I didn't really like it, the animation was show quality excluding a couple of hiccups, and the voice acting was nice, that's just my personal gripe with it at least.
  8. Sounds like a pretty good idea so far, I thought the song was pretty cute as well. I just hope this doesn't have double rainboom syndrome. Looking forward to it.
  9. Today I'm gonna be ryzing to the top of the elo system ryze only heh heh heh, until you know. I'm last pick go support and we lose.

  10. Throughout my childhood so far, I haven't done that many bad things actually, I was a pretty good kid in my younger years, I do remember being spanked a couple of times when I was 4 or 5 though, dad had a pretty hard spank though always left a big red handprint right on the butt. I do have one story though, whenever I don't finish my schoolwork my mom does this sort of trick where she doesn't feed me for a couple of days and she only talks to me when she wants me to do chores. I got really pissed off by it this one time and I told my dad she wasn't feeding me (he lives elsewhere) my mom is also a psychic apparently and has only checked my phone the few times I've said something bad (this is 100% true btw) and then she just cried a lot, called me a betrayer and said she didn't want anything to do with me. That was the part that really pissed me off though, so I told I didn't want to live her anymore, she basically broke down after that and cried the rest of the day until she apologized the next day, I then felt a mix of HAH UR DUMB and wow I'm a dickhead. I take a lot more responsibility now though and I rarely ever get in trouble nowadays. This is probably because my dad is like the nicest person I've ever met and we actually talk together without it being awkward to boot. I don't really like my mom as much which is why she punishes me more I suppose.
  11. I don't think I can put it much better then Mami did but I'll try. I'm not much of a one to be talking about this because I'm a kid as well and I'm spoiled, let me just share an example for y'all to ponder about. I'm spoiled because I own many electronics, including an iPad and a 3ds most notably, and even though I have those devices all I really want is for my mom to buy a PC that's actually good, I know I have my devices that I use daily to use the Internet and games, but I want a PC because I'm spoiled and want more of the Internet and games. I'm not very demanding to my parents about wanting things but still spoiled nonetheless, everyone is spoiled nowadays. That's just how it goes now, tell me please, if your dad says today you can go fix the fence or play video games and use the Internet, which would you rather do? I think we all know what option we should pick, but its not what most of us would like to do. In a day and age where technology goes so hand and hand with our daily lives, it only seems natural for everyone, even the younger children to have access to it. I'll say that many parents aren't that great and use technology as a medium for parenting, but some parents don't really have much of a choice, if both the parents work daily to have as good of a life for them and their kids, then why not give them nice gifts to make up for the time they have to spend working? Might as well use that money they make though, amirite doe?
  12. Normal: Porygon 2, I love how its better then its own evolution competitively Fire: Heatran Water: Empoleon, being the only kid in my school who didn't use staraptor and infernape Grass: Roserade Electric: Zebstrika Ice: Walrein, this thing can stall out entire teams in hail Fighting: Machamp, I just love the immense powerful feel of no guard Poison: Tentacruel Ground: Donphan Flying: Dodrio Psychic: either reuniclus or gardevoir, I love them both to pieces Bug: Ninjask, meh favorite pokeman evur Rock: Regirock Ghost: Sableye, prankster op doe Dragon: Rayquaza Dark: Murkrow Steel: Durant Fairy: Now that I think of it gardevoir fits this bill, I also had a bit of a crush on gardevoir when I was younger, coincidentally every ralts I've caught has been male. Favorite Type: Water, I really started to like water because nearly everyone played diamond and pearl in first grade, and nearly everyone used infernape, I'm glad to say I won most of the battles due to my empoleon. Least Favorite Type: Fire, they're just weak to all the common moves and it's really annoying. I would sign a petition to remove lucario btw.
  13. No mega stones do not give you +100% attack. They all give you bonus stats, some mega evolutions give an extra ability or a extra typing. In mawiles case it gets huge power for a ability which doubles attack. According to the corocoro scans they are triggered automatically upon entering battle with that pokemon if they carry a mega stone and of course have a mega evolution.
  14. Won't see it in competitive? Essentially what would the costs be? Lets take mawile for example, most offensive mawile run swords dance mawile normally uses life orb with it as well, with the mega stone you'll be getting twice as much physical damage just from the ability so just from there you free up a move slot that takes a turn to use when the mega stone does the exact same thing as swords dance for free, and that's not factoring the stat boosts it will get as well. Life orb also gives 30% extra damage with losing health every attack. So I don't know about you but I'd prefer 100% more physical damage then 30% and a life cripple.
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