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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by DiscordPF

  1. Don't worry, it's mostly just conversation between Blazing and Gloom. Not essential to the overall plot or your character at the moment. On another note: Is it safe to assume that my group is all following me? I don't want to move other characters without permission, but finally getting to the city would probably be a good idea to advance the story.
  2. @,@@ParsoOfEquestria, (removing my character was intentional, thank you for being patient) Ceres snapped out of her thoughts, Parso was now close-by and addressing her. The new ponies had gone off with Pelate and Monkshood, leaving only herself, Parso, and Wish at the pond. Ceres shook her head, re-adjusting her position on the rock. "Oh, hey Parso. Wish." Ceres' mind was still in recovery from her analysis of the situation. Going into deep thought always brought her into an almost meditative state and thus disconnected her from her surroundings to an extent. Ceres smiled, "So I don't know about you two, but I'm getting hungry. Why don't we go get something to eat at the mess-hall?"
  3. @@Mint Drop, The front page of both RP threads say cabin 4, but I won't fight you on this. It really doesn't matter what number it is. XD
  4. This RP doesn't have very active members... two of the three other people in my 'group' haven't even posted since we had the scene-shift.
  5. @, @, @@RussianRoulette, Ceres rolled her eyes, "You assume that everypony is familiar with Equestria's entire geography. Sorry to dissapoint, but I'm not exactly the combat type that studies that sort of thing." Ceres sighed, "But I'll take your word for it I suppose. I don't have anything else to go on at the moment. Let's head over there then, c'mon everypony." Ceres gestured for everypony there to follow and started to make her way in the direction that Veertus was pointing, towards the city.
  6. @, Ah, gotcha. That part just wasn't explained. Please be careful to explain things as to how your character came to that conclusion if it seems like the characters shouldn't know it based on observable facts.
  7. @@Mint Drop, Hey Mint Drop, I know you put your character in cabin 5 to wait for others to come and interact, but recent changes made the mares all in cabin 4. Just assume we have bunk beds or something and it'll work out. Just an FYI so you can move your character. Just say something along the lines of somepony telling you there was a room reassignment.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metagaming_(role-playing_games)
  9. It seems that everyone is doing the opposite of what Veertus wants XD @, Your last post was a bit meta don't you think?
  10. Ceres laughed as some water was splashed her way, the tension from the group as a whole was dispelled. Things were going well. Ceres turned and swam to the waterfall itself, moving herself up onto a rock that the waterfall was close to. The mist shrouded the area around her, as she simply sat there. Ceres closed her eyes and just listened to the waterfall, content to relax for a moment while she collected her thoughts. 'The others are busy getting to know the two newcomers. I think I'll just watch them for now, I'll approach them later. They seem to be close though, either siblings or lovers. And the stallion seems to have a thing about putting his clothes on, as if he's uncomfortable when he's naked.'
  11. @, It all depends. If the approach seems insincere and fake then Ceres will probably think he's faking it. But if the approach seems sincere, she'll take note and file it away for later consideration.
  12. @, You need to give Inks an exit. Otherwise the story has inconsistencies and Inks is just forever in that particular spot in the cabin.
  13. Well, you really don't "start over". Ceres is pretty much saying "prove to me that your not a rude, insensitive jerk". And since actions speak louder than words, just be yourself and things will be fine eventually. Or not, depending on how your character actually acts. Keep in mind that Ceres does pay very much attention to detail, and analyzes ponies very carefully and thoroughly.
  14. Oh, you mean in real life? So do I lol. I've been on both sides of that fence. I used to be an uber-nerd (I still am inside XD). But yeah, I can see how that behavior would be... unsettling to people who usually get treated this way. As for the forgiveness thing, Ceres' argument is pretty much this: I understand that you say that you're sorry, but I don't believe you until you prove it to me somehow. She just used different wording. And no, she isn't asking for favors and everything else, she just had a bad first impression and would need to see your character acting natural more to change her opinion of his character. Make sense?
  15. @, Ceres sighed, 'This one must be dense.' "I meant if anyone knew where we are specifically! You know... so we can find the others and get out of here? Or do you honestly plan on doing whatever this... thing... says without question?!" Ceres gestured to the image of Veertus. She almost face-hoofed, she couldn't imagine that anypony would actually want to be controlled by someone else. Ceres was always in control of her life, and having her strings being pulled felt like she was being violated in some way.
  16. @,@, @@Nomadic,@@ParsoOfEquestria, Ceres sighed, 'He sure is persistent isn't he?' Ceres turned around and faced Pelate, a disappointing look on her face. "I know I gave you instructions on how to apologize didn't I? 'With your actions'. I don't hate you, I just think your rude and insensitive. So just chill out, if I hated you, you'd have a very nasty time of trying to walk around camp without looking over your shoulder every five seconds. I don't necessarily like you, but that doesn't mean that I hate you. Now stop your whining and have some fun, this is camp after all." Ceres shook her head, shaking off her thoughts on the matter. 'Some colts are just idiots...' She turned back and continued to stroke Wish's mane soothingly. She exhaled sharply, smiling as she looked up. 'Things are getting too serious right now... I need to break up the tension.' Ceres stopped stroking Wish's mane and grinned sadistically at Wish, her eyes flashing a playful predator like glance. She took her right hoof and splashed Wish with the water and swam off into the pond. She then proceeded to do the same to both Parso and Monkshood, antagonizing the oncoming splash-war. Grinning, she proclaimed, "Come and get me if you can!"
  17. @@Nomadic, That's a good idea... but no, there was cabins 1,2,4,and 5 but no 3. And I was at a camp once when I was a kid that had a similar situation. The real story was just that it was torn down and they never re-numbered it, but they made up this 'camp legend' that the kids all died in a fire and the camp was haunted and whatnot. It was pretty effective on us kids XD
  18. oh.... O_o... well then, if you don't put in a nice explanation as to HOW this happens in-game.. then expect another one of my shenanigans when it comes time for Ceres to go back to the cabin. Cause trust me, I'm already making cabin 3 a horror story.
  19. @@ParsoOfEquestria,@, @@Nomadic, Ceres smiled at Wish, getting into the water herself. Taking a decent armful, she splashed it over Wish's coat and mane, letting the dirt run off her coat with the water. She took a position behind her and stroked Wish's mane clean, ensuring that all of the loose dirt and twigs were gone. She looked over to the white pegasus who had introduced himself, "Oh, it's good to finally know your name! It's nice to see you again Parso." Monkshood walked up as well, somewhat of a surprise to Ceres. She just grinned, "Hey Monkshood! Why don't you join us?" Ceres motioned for Monkshood to join the trio in the water with her free hoof, the other hoof still running through Wish's mane.
  20. @, Ceres smiled as she heard the hoofsteps gaining rapidly on her tail. She knew exactly who it was, Wish. Simply walking to the waterfall, Ceres was content to just let Wish follow her there. Once they reached the waterfall, Ceres stopped in awe. The sun was hitting the water just right to make a misty rainbow where the waterfall was. Ceres turned to Wish and smiled, "Why don't we get you cleaned up?" Ceres took one of Wish's hooves in her own hoof and led her to the water, waiting for Wish to set the pace.
  21. @, @, Ceres stopped walking mid-step. She turned her head, giving Pelate a side-long glance that could kill a cockatrice. "Then you can apologize with your actions." She turned her head forward, calling out to Wish in a sing-song voice. "I'll be at the waterfall Wish, you can come with me or you can stay here. It's your choice, I look forward to spending more time with you."
  22. @, Your free to try I won't stop you, my character will simply act like my character does
  23. Ceres as a character loves control. She's bi and so she targets both mares and stallions. And if she can make it happen, she'd rather have them both at the same time. Now, I'm not going to take anything too far in the RP mind you. That's just an insight into her motives. If anything it'll fade-out and then it'll be like "... and then they woke up, cuddling eachother under the canopy of the trees..." But, she also loves having a strong influence. Even if it's not in a sexual partner way. So, she's pretty much latching her claws in and seeing what she wants to do with her new found friends (sexual or nonsexual). And just as an FYI: This is all OOC, so please keep your characters in character. I'd hate for you to be like "oh, I don't like Phoenix's character now so I'm gonna screw with him..." 'cause that wouldn't be fun. Everyone's character reacts with the limited observable information available to them, including mine. No one has mind reading powers XD
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