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Sweet Pen

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Status Updates posted by Sweet Pen

  1. And to think it has been a year since SU: The Movie aired, wew!

    1. Miss


      Damn. This calls for a rewatch


    Need to share my stuff anyhow!

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Cool profile banner! :D

  3. I need to be active here agaiiiin, eugh. 😪😪😪

  4. Yello.

    1. TheRockARooster


      Hi Sweet Pen, how are you?

    2. Sweet Pen
    3. TheRockARooster


      Wow, that’s cool but I hope you get to rest.


      It’s really nice to see you again.


      Wanna be friends on Discord?

  5. Love when I get teammates that only throw games in Overwatch.

    1. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Love when I get that in Paladins myself. :dry:

  6. That surely was one good ride towards the finale of SU.

  7. Tomorrow's last episodes of SU:F. I'm not ready for it to end at all.

    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      :laugh:Finally...oh dont get me wrong im a peridot fan... And pearl.... And lapis.... But it has to end.:)

  8. Oh boy, those last episodes of SU:F was truly something I haven't expected at all.

  9. Mmmm SU ends this month... I'm kinda curious about how it will go.

  10. Hooh, fresh profile.

  11. It's so chaotic for me to keep track of all the places I'm part of. Guess I need to take small times for each social media.


    Anyhow, I'm still alive.

  12. For peep that used to be in contact with me for a long time in this forum and kinda misses me around, just saying that I'm even more active on Twitter (Baited_In).

  13. Is anyone having trouble connecting to Discord?

  14. What's popping around? Got myself busy with games and other medias.

  15. Minding my own business on google and this site came up from my saved links. I always forget this place still exists, lol.

  16. It's hard to gather people who are interested in adopts or old chars you put to sell, mostly when you aren't very known around.

    1. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      I know the feels. 

  17. I keep coming and going in this place that feels weird. Anyway, I am thinking again about selling my vampony, moslty because I want to get myself a tattoo.

  18. Just finished watching She-Ra, and I require more of it!

  19. I got a new fav character and she's the best.

  20. I wonder if can post adoptables here? Since I've been doing few lately, and they're kinda cheap.

  21. I'm back, now for good.

    1. TheRockARooster


      Welcome back, Cheeto.

  22. I should try drawing ponies again... Perhaps.

    Also greetings from the graveyard.

    1. TheRockARooster


      Go for it, Cheeto Puff.

      Awesome name. ^^

  23. Been VERY away from this place to be honest, and mostly because my computer cannot open it somehow. 

    For those who remember me, Sweet Pen was my old name, and now I've moved myself to Tumblr which you can go and follow me if wanted: baited-in

    I will probably stay very off from this place as I no longer gather interest in MLP.

    1. Snow


      Nice to hear from you again at the very least, do take care.

    2. The_Gobo


      Our favorite be orange cheeze poof returns!!


  24. Yesterday was a very great day, watching the most waited moment on SU.

    1. The_Gobo


      Eh, I was really enthused,
      and then I started watching the stuff after THAT episode,

      And now I'm slowly moving from barely past 'I'm okay with it' to 'i really don't like it' ^^;


  25. Started to gather stuffed animals from claw machines and I cannot stop it. No regrets.

    1. The_Gobo


      Awww, it's alright Cheesepoof.
      We understand XD


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