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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Suitaloo

  1. If you live in the continental US, look outside tonight. The Princess Luna is in all her glory, alone, without the sun reflecting off of it. That... That honestly makes me wonder the effects of a full lunar eclipse on Princess Luna...

  2. That feel when the banner says it's taco tuesday and you haven't had tacos in a long time, but really really like them.

  3. https://derpicdn.net/img/2014/10/14/743094/large.gif So I found an image on derpibooru that basically describes me to a T.
  4. So having seen the new Mad Max I can confirm that everyone in Maryland drives like they're on the Fury Road.

  5. Is anyone else loving these new banners? I certainly am.

  6. https://vimeo.com/99423361 This is literally the greatest video I have ever seen on the internet.
    1. A Black Circle
    2. Megas


      I love that video so fucking much

    3. Miles


      LOL! That was glorious XD

  7. Ok this new banner is pretty awesome. My Life as a Teenage Robot was a pretty awesome show.

    1. MountainDrew


      One of my favs when I was younger :D

  8. That season 5 premiere was literally pony communism.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Wait, wasn't Animal Farm a democracy? The pigs formed a government of sorts and controlled the farm. That's why it reminded me of democracy, except it was a lone member.

    3. Suitaloo


      Not really, Animal Farm was where "All animals were equal, but some were more equal than others".

    4. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Oh! I gotcha.


  10. Search Gaming console on google. Right now. Stop reading this to see where I'm going with this do it now.

  11. So I found a gym that I really like. It's completely parkour-central and it's so much fun. They even have classes and the first one was free, so I had a taste of it and I can't wait to sign up. I'm just probably going to be sore as hell tomorrow. Oh well.

  12. I need a bottle of everclear... I need to forget the past few hours...

  13. I just thought of something that would probably taste either really good or really bad. Deep fried hard-boiled egg. Shell removed of course. I need a deep frier...

  14. I got some new vape juice. Peppermint stick. I think I'll try some menthol flavors next time, I like the cooling effect it has.

  15. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/9930-Far-Cry-4-Review Looks like I won't be getting Far Cry 4 then. If it's really just more Far Cry 3 but with less interesting characters and riding elephants, eh... It would have been a definite buy for me if they would have kept interesting characters like there were from Far Cry 3.
  16. And now to start shopping for the reddit Secret Santa and the PLounge secret santa! This'll be fun!

  17. So, I've started vaping. I like it, it tastes better than tobacco smoke, doesn't have any nicotine or carcinogens, and is overall a cheaper investment to pay about $115 now than continuously pay $6 a day for a pack of smokes per day, plus it has a bunch of tasty flavors like strawberry shortcake and churros and peanut butter! And the one I got looks pretty cool, the main body is copper and has the button on the bottom recessed in so I can sit it down vertically and the b...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CheeryFox


      They do have the ability to change gene expression. But I'll agree to some extent, there's less chemicals and real cigarettes are way harsher.

    3. Suitaloo


      That's still under examination as far as I'm aware. But I agree, regular smoking is way harsher, and it's a great alternative.

    4. CheeryFox


      Hope you don't go back to the real thing. Best of luck to you... =)

  18. So, I may have broken/sprained my ankle this morning. I woke up to a text alarm from a lady who's dog I let out every morning because the dog is old and incontinent, and my leg was still asleep so when I tried to walk on it, I fell and banged it on something, so now putting any amount of pressure on my left foot or even just moving it makes it hurt.

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hugs* I hope you feel better soon ! :)

    2. Suitaloo


      Thanks. Luckily, my mom is an x-ray tech, so when she gets home from work, she should be able to tell for sure and know how to set it if it actually is problematic.

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      That is good to hear X)

  19. so apparently this is a thing. Alright, that's enough internet for tonight.
  20. am I a bad person for cracking up at this?
    1. Poetic Justice

      Poetic Justice

      That music

      Why pick THAT music?!

    2. Poetic Justice

      Poetic Justice

      OHH, it's a parody. I thought this was the official commercial.

  21. I can never listen to pendulum the same again...

  22. Payday: The Heist is free to keep, today only! Everyone go to the store page on steam and redeem it! It's a great game, from great developers, but it's only available for free for 24 hours, don't put it off!

    1. Blue The Pikachu

      Blue The Pikachu

      Another reason I love Steam, random free games :') thanks for the heads up!

  23. Oh my god this is hilarious
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