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Misha gave a chuckle as he picked up his tea cup. "You hear that Zeke? She said it feels like she died and went to heaven. Must feel reeaallyy good." He said, taking a sip from the tea without any sugar. He usually just liked it plain himself. "Now, I do have one last request of you my dear. Nothing too bad. You see we drove here for quite a while from our group's little base back in Novarius. And in order to get back we obviously need to drive again. But my car doesn't appear to be in... tip top shape anymore." Misha explained as he pointed back over to the burning husk that his car had became. "So I beg of you to let us borrow one of your own so we can all make the return trip back?" He finished and then took another sip of his tea. "If I may add, I'll even let you keep the bikini for a car ride." Misha added.
Before Misha sat down he skipped over to Raiya and pulled out his phone. He put his arm around her shoulders and snapped a selfie that encompassed both of them real quick. The contrast between Misha's giddy expression and Raiya's not so happy one was the first thing he noticed as he examined the photo afterwards on the screen. "That's a keeper." He commented as he sat down and put the phone back into his pocket. He crossed one leg over the other and waited in his seat patiently. "So how does it feel?" He asked.
"Excellent." Misha commented, now face to face with Raiya. "But don't forget the second part my dear. I get very thirsty after a victorious battle. And it would be a shame if I was just looking at a street or the inside of a dull building by myself." He explained as he held his hand out over to Zeke. "Case please." He stated.
Misha waited politely with his arms still behind his back for the man while keeping a friendly look. However at this point he figured the man wasn't getting back to his feet to fight. His hands fell to his sides and he gave a look of disappointment now. "Why the long face?" Misha asked, trying to not to chuckle but failing. He didn't really want to kill the man, he figured it wouldn't leave the best impression of him on the gang or it's leader. However the rules of this fight were to the death, and he couldn't just disappoint everybody now. Misha walked over with a sigh, booting him right in the chest to knock him over. As soon as he rolled off his back Misha picked him up by his clothes and heaved him to his feet. He grabbed Saul in a headlock from behind and then abruptly snapped his neck. Dropping him to the ground as soon as it was over. Afterwards he looked around, carefully inspecting the expressions of everyone around. And then finally turned his gaze up to Raiya. He didn't say anything and just lifted his arms up and dropped them back to his side in a shrug like gesture as he wondered what would happen next with a small grin on his face.
"Oh I know of the Templars, years ago I knew one. They're an interesting lot." Misha was able to get out before the man rushed back at him. For some reason he had his hands rested behind his back. This time he had time to figure out how to deal with him, and as soon as he reached and went for the hit he dodged the uppercut to the side. From the man's flank he picked up his leg and slammed his boot down right on his knee joint. With Misha's force it easily snapped and broke. Afterwards he performed a combo of a roundhouse kick that reached up to the man's face to daze him, and then pushed off Saul's body with his boot and skipped a few feet back. "However even though I can commend you on the useful skill of stripping beginner level magicians of their power and then overwhelming them with your strength. Your actual fighting skill falls off against people with more experience then bar fights. Templars should be masters of close quarters combat. You wasted your potential fighting weaker people. You became slow and weak, never learning any technique besides feral attacks with no real challenges around." Misha explained as he waited for Saul to make his next move. His tone slowly grew more dark as he talked.
Misha gave a slight groan as he rolled off the pile of smashed crates. Coughing a bit from being winded from the kick. However his next emotion wasn't exactly what would be expected. He started to laugh, rather loudly in fact. Considering his situation and tone, it was a bit more disturbing than his usual laughs. He slowly got up and adjusted his jaw back into place as his vision began to return to him. He rolled it around to make sure he was still fine and then dusted off his clothing real quick. Only after he made his way back through the crowd and into the ring did his laughter finally die down. "Now I get it... how foolish of me to miss it. You're a Templar aren't you gorilla?! Now it all makes sense. In a city where almost all threats are magical, you can deal with them all easily. Clever. I have to commend you on that." He stated with a cheerful attitude. He arched his back to emit a slight cracking sound. "And packin' some heat too arent'cha? I haven't been slammed like that for years. It's a refreshing feeling if I do say so myself..." He added as he waited for the man to continue.
Misha stood silent now, carefully listening to everything that was being said. He wanted to inspect the sigil but the man didn't give him much time. As he charged Misha extended his arm out towards the man and went to fire a blast of energy. However to his surprise nothing happened. With his time to react gone he couldn't do anything to stop the man. His fist connected straight against his jaw, nearly dislocating it and causing Misha to stumble a few feet back. His vision was all blurry now and he felt dizzy, but he still tried to fire another blast to no avail. Now sure that something was very wrong with his magic he blindly threw a punch back at the man.
Misha held up his hands in a submissive stance. "Fine fine fine. Whatever you say." He said to Raiya with a calm voice despite the situation as he faced Saul. "Oh there is nothing to be sorry about my dear man. A fight is a glorious thing. Every battle is a work of fine art to be cherished. I look forward to this." He replied as he trailed off. He politely gave the man time to channel his first spell, however he was in a fighting stance at this point.
Misha couldn't hold in his laughter anymore as Raiya started yelling. A clear smirk on his face now as began to clap his hands with a giddy expression. Misha stopped to close the briefcase and hand it over to Zeke as he got up. "Hold this for me, keep it safe my friend." He said with a chuckle as he turned back to the girl. "To the death you say?" He asked with an curious look. "Well well, this is even more exciting than I thought... Are you sure? I wouldn't want to kill your second in command and then stop you from getting your third, right? Besides, Zeke told me not to seriously hurt any of your monkeys." He replied as he started to ready himself. He turned his gaze over to Saul now, inspecting him from the looks of it. He held up his arm and pointed to him. "I presume he's the gorilla?"
Misha pulled his wallet back out and scrambled through it for a moment before he found two more golden keys. He slid them into two key hole openings at each side of the front of the case and twisted it open. Unlike before, a feint clicking sound was heard as the top half of the case opened up an inch, finally unlocked. "Part two..." He said as he slid the case around to face Raiya. "If I win, you'll also have to serve us tea while wearing this." He finished as he opened up the case. Sitting neatly inside within a foam outline that contoured to the shape perfectly was a high end white and blue striped bikini. By this point in time Misha's serious face quickly started dissipating as he was clearly trying to hold in laughter.
Misha didn't quite go on to part two. Around the case's handles laid another lock. This one a bit more digital than the first one. He put his thumb on a scanner attached to it and then put a combination of numbers into a small pad before the thing made a few beeps and then unlocked itself and fell off next to the chain on the ground. "Almost done." He commented.
Misha pulled out the key after a few seconds, unsurprisingly made out of gold. He unlocked it and let the heavy chain drop to the floor with a loud clank. "Part one, contrasting with Zeke joining for free, you will help us for free." He said as he started to unlatch a few things around the crease of the case.
Misha turned around and did a backwards skip to the car. "That's the spirit my dear!" He replied with a smile as he reached the trunk now. He almost fell over from being startled by Zeke's yelling on the way though. He didn't reply to him yet and just hoped Zeke would trust him. As he inspected the now melted handle of his car's trunk Misha decided that using the handle would be impossible. He lifted his boot up and jammed down on the hatch as hard as he could to wedge it open. After a few tries the thing broke open abruptly and spilled out the contents. Most of the guns and weapons that fell out were broken, however he picked up the maximum security case he put in earlier, still in rather good shape on the outside. Whatever it was made of seemed to be rather strong. Misha walked back over with the thing and sat down next to Zeke with it in his lap. He began working on the large chainwax-lock wrapped around the whole thing in an X shape by searching for a key in his wallet. "The stipulations on my side are pretty simple." He began to speak in between opening it.
As Misha walked out of the building the first thing he saw was his car, no longer in what could be considered tip top shape. "It's even worse that I thought..." Was the first thing that ran through his head. However his attention quickly turned to the pink circle on the ground. As Raiya rose from it he grew a rather pleasant amused face. Everything was going as about as entertaining as he wanted it. He kept quiet as the two talked, but by the end of the conversation Misha's face began to sour. "No." Misha said as he smacked Zeke lightly on his shoulder before continuing. "No... no no no no nonononono. That simply will just not do. That's boring. And I'm afraid I didn't drive hours upon hours to do something as boring as beat up a few thugs and lose a brand new car." Misha started off before he paused a few moments, now looking at Raiya and not looking anywhere near as nervous as Zeke. "I believe I have a solution here. A bit of a bet I suppose. I don't think that the street trash that wondered in the bar has sated my drive for violence today. I need something a bit more. So, how about a duel to settle this deal. You, Raiya Davi, get anyone you want to fight for you against me, Misha Zoloto, who will be fighting for Zeke Redsteele, formerly Daniels. Sound good?" Misha proposed, mimicking the same way Raiya brought up names before in his own speech. He began to give a chuckle for a moment before his voice grew a bit more theatrical. "But wheres the fun in a bet without a bitta' gambling? We gotta have some terms to make this interesting. If your fighter is able to beat me by himself, Zeke will join your ruffian posse for free. And you don't have to help at all. However... if I win..." Misha began as he walked past Raiya and slowly made his was over to his car, looking a bit melancholy about it's condition.
Misha nodded. "I suppose that may help. Need a bit of breathing room and I smell too much alcohol in here." He commented as one of the gang members tried to attack him from the side. He quickly turned to face him in time to see the man throw a punch. However Misha quickly ducked under it and brought his elbow up and into his face. After taking the hit the man simply slumped over, knocked out. "Make haste, we might run outta people to fight if we don't leave quickly." He added with a laugh.
Misha used his already empowered hand to block the punch and cancel out the energy with ease. He quickly kicked the man right in the chest to knock him over and then fired a nonlethal bolt of energy at his head to knock him out. He seemed to not move all that much, waiting for the gang members to attack him first before he goes for a counter attack.
Without saying a word, Misha's disappointed look turned to a grin as soon as he laid his hand on his shoulder. In a rather smooth motion he pulled the man's hand off from his shoulder and twisted it to the point of snapping his wrist. Misha used the pain to bring the man to one knee before he empowered his free hand with golden energy and punched him in the chest, sending him across the room and into the rest of the gang members before he could act with his wand. "Absolutely rude. Should of learned to keep his hands to himself by now." Misha said as he ran his hand through his hair. "Well we might not of gotten the warm welcome, but at least we'll get a good fight. I'll be sure not to kill them, but I will have to teach them some manners one way or another." He finished.
Misha gave a heavy sigh, his angry look turning to a more disappointed one. "Yes... yes... I suppose I can. It's.... fine. Fine fine fine fine fine. However I had things in the car I wanted too. As long as the case in the trunk is intact it's no biggie. No problem. No issue. And I really hate rude people too. That was very rude of them Zeke. I had high hopes for this city." He said as he started to cool down, not paying much attention to the people around them.
Misha bopped his head against the handle of the steering wheel as he heard Niveus speak. "Oh come on, look around King HAL the nine thousandth. This place ain't so bad. We got stores. Some citizens. A hot dog stand I think. Unless the McDonalds over there has some weapons of mass destruction I don't know what could go wrong. We did the switchy thing. Your processor must be malfunctioning. I compute eighty seven point two percent chance of an overreaction." He replied as tried to pay attention to the street as he drove.
Misha didn't seem to take much offence, if anything his grin only grew wider. He tried to hold in a laugh but failed most of it. "Nave? Wow I haven't heard that in a thousand years." He replied, sounding like he was enjoying himself. He gave a slight cough as he adjusted his vocal chords and tried his best to imitate Niveus' voice. "Calculations have come to the conclusion that the accent in your speech is: Fifty percent robot, fifty percent kingly, and one hundred percent hilarious."
Misha went to reply however stopped when Zeke began to seem to talk to no one. He sighed and let out a grumble to himself and waited for him to be done. Misha nodded once Zeke explained himself. "Better to be safe then sorry I guess." He got in before he noticed Zeke's body began to flex it's arm. He gave a confused look twitched a bit in the face. But he began to realize that Niveus had already taken control once he spoke. "Well well well. If it isn't the quantum thingy himself. Hundred percent chance to make this harder than it should too." He commented.
Misha kept quite for a few moments before he made a response. "Thanks Zeke, I appreciate it." He said, taking on a tone a bit more serious than usual before returning to his usual playful demeanor. "Now now though, I'm not saying I think I'm the next Dark Lord. I'm just saying that I'm not much of a boyfriend or a husband here." He finished. After hearing the next thing Zeke said he gave a laugh. "Ppfffftttt, I don't think a street gang is gonna put some death hex voodoo juju around their city. We should be fine."
"There is always a price you must pay for fishnets it seems." He replied with a sigh. "I do love uniforms too. And since she's a magician she could always show me a few new tricks. That's a plus." He added. "However I'm kidding myself Zekey-boy. Just as there is a price to pay for fishnets, there is a price to pay for the road of life I chose to travel. And that price is that I'm not much of a bachelor no matter how much I would like to be. Normal people would be repulsed with me once it gets past the friendly talks. And anyone who isn't tends to be just as much of a heartless bastard as I am. Or they die. I just don't have good luck maybe." He finished with a halfhearted chuckle. "I try to just enjoy whatever else I can, as much as I can. And being rich leaves me with quite a lot of options to entertain myself alone. There really are some things money can't buy though."
"Oooh I like being golden." Misha commented as he drove and listened. After hearing Zeke's reply he thought for a moment. "I suppose that's fair. Can't argue with that." He said as he popped another Chiclet in his mouth. He gave a slight grin before adding. "And what about Raiya?"
Misha gave a wave goodbye and walked out of the store with his Chiclets and his card. He put it back in his wallet and opened the door to the driver seat and got in. "Seems to be a charming fellow." He said as he popped a Chiclet in his mouth and then turned on the car and drove out of the station. "I guess I'll be driving the rest of the way there. You'll have to direct me so I don't get lost." Once he was back on the road he looked over to Zeke. "So what's on the menu for topics to talk about now, Zekey-boy? We could always make this easy and talk about girls or something?" He asked with a chuckle in between chewing his gum.