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Misha put the receipt in his wallet and walked into the gas station. He didn't seem to really mind the price whatsoever. After all Zeke was right to get the premium gas, that's was always his choice anyways. "Get whatever you want, however I'm in the mood for some good ole' Chiclets myself." Misha said as he went through the candy isle and picked up a pack of them and waited for Zeke to finish.
Misha pulled out his wallet and grabbed his credit card and handed it over to Zeke. It was unsurprisingly a metallic gold color. "Charge away." He commented as he got out of the car afterwards to stretch. It had been a long trip so far and he needed to get a big of exercise. Even with the cars comfortable interior he needed a bit of leg room. "I could go for a snack or something too." He added as he leaned up against the car.
Misha bobbed his head to the music as they sped by the other cars down the highway. He wasn't a person who usually sang along to music, nor did he really know the lyrics so he kept quiet for now. Truth be told all he really listened to was classic and old music. But he wasn't opposed to anything new. And at this rate they'd definitely be at Vertlyn sooner than he would of thought.
"I live for sticky situations, they're one of the few things that can keep me entertained." He commented back. Misha looked over with a confused face as the car started to speed up, however this quickly turned to a look of exhilaration. "Now we're talking!" He exclaimed with a grin and a guttural laugh. "I think it could get around two hundred miles per hour tops if we needed from what I remember. But we're gonna run outta gas soon enough here. Fast cars have never been known for their fuel efficiency."
As Zeke's mood grew darker Misha's only seemed to get brighter. "How can you possibly be dreading fishnets? And If I could think of one way to get murdered. Getting murdered with fishnets in my view would be the best to me." He explained. "Just chill buddy o' mine. We'll be fine... and even if something goes wrong I brought backup in the trunk." He said with a calm demeanor. (I left a hundred note slip on the counter for the food)
Misha got into the passenger seat and closed the door afterwards. He leaned the seat back a bit and rested himself in a comfortable position for the long trip ahead of them. "So what exactly are we gonna be getting ourselves into here, Zeke?" He asked.
"You got it. I gotta grab something inside anyways." Misha said with a nod as he went into the apartment. After making his way through the building he got back to their room and went inside. Misha gave a wave to the people still there and went into Zeke's room. He quickly found his gun still in the holster and grabbed it. However before leaving he stopped at the large golden dresser he brought inside earlier today. He pulled off his own MP443 pistol and holster from his belt and placed it inside. Deciding he didn't really want to deal with the extra weight. And then exchanged it for a black metal briefcase adorned with all kinds of locks and chains to the point of being overkill. He giggled to himself for a moment and then picked it up and made his way back to Zeke outside He hid the gun in his jacket as he made his way through the building and back to the car outside so he wasn't stopped by security for having a gun in his hand. Though soon enough he exited the place without any type of problem to halt him. "Alright Zekey-boy we're good to go." He said as he handed the gun over and popped the trunk and placed the briefcase inside.
Misha gave a chuckle as he pulled out his keys and tossed them over to Zeke. "We might get killed or something during this mission but at least you got to drive a luxury car." He said as he turned his attention back to Hikari and Sayaa. "Well I suppose we should get going. Times a flyin' by now ain't it?" Misha commented as he pulled out his wallet and left a hundred note slip on the table to cover the food and tip. "See you two later, keep yourselves safe while we're gone." He finished as he walked over to the door and waited for Zeke.
"See, Sayaa gets it." Misha added enthusiastically. "It would be rude to just give them a call on such short notice. And I really hate being rude. Going the extra mile always pays off." He explained. He pulled out his phone when he noticed he got a text. He gave a chuckle and texted back. "Smack him or something. Dump some ice water over his head maybe. That usually works." Misha looked over to Zeke now. "Of course. On one condition though. You gotta drive for a while. I don't know where we are even going in the first place." He said as he got up and checked to see if he spilled any food on his clothes. Thankfully he was clean.
Misha's somewhat bored expression quickly turned into excitement as Zeke talked. He hissed out a "Yesss" under his breath and gave a fist pump as he sped up his eating to get done as quickly as possible now. Even going the extra mile and dunking his bread in his tea like a professional eater. Within a minute he was finished. "After all the hype you can't leave me out of this recruitment mission here Zekey-boy. Besides I need something to do, and everyone needs a wingman right?" Misha commented.
Misha took a sip of his black tea as he munched on his bread. He ate slowly and savored his breakfast while he could. Something he tried to do for every meal. He didn't say much as he ate, tuning everyone out for now until he heard Zeke next to him. "I'm starting to feel as if I missed out on the shakes." He said with a chuckle as he picked up his fork and started eating some of the scrambled eggs.
Before Misha could reply to Zeke about the food, the waiter appeared with a full platter of food to pass out with the table. The chocolate shake, banana cream shake and western omelet, full breakfast and strawberry milkshake, and Misha's milkshake-less order were laid out in front of their matching requester. The waited waved goodbye for now and then left. Misha spread the butter on his rye bread and got into gear for food time rather quickly. "We're obviously gonna be flying first class too. I call dibs on the peanuts though." He commented.
"Well aren't you a Debby Downer, Sayaa..." Misha commented as his grin disappeared. "I think she was referring to herself as a thief." He said as he turned his gaze over to Hikari now. "I vote for plan brute force." Misha stated. "And money shouldn't be a problem, I'll probably fund this whole adventure if necessary. Personally I usually like cruise ships, but planes are faster." He finished.
"I don't know about that Sayaa. Today's a whole new day, and I have a feeling today is gonna be a good one. Gonna get a good ole' breakfast and a entertaining battle is on the horizon. What could go wrong?" He commented back with a grin. He tried to keep the most optimistic attitude he could.
"Of course it's possible. Everything is possible." Misha commented. "However doing something like that would be incredibly hard and might fail anyways. It could be a better idea to just attempt to fight them head on with brute force instead of tricks." Misha added as he put the sugar packet back where he found it.
"Resourceful lady too it seems." Misha commented before he stopped and watched Zeke seem to talk to himself for a while. Afterwards he was silent for a few moments. "Well I suppose that fixes our problem then, now doesn't it?" He said as he started to fiddle with a packet of sugar off to the side of the table. Misha wasn't someone who liked to question people that much, so he left it up to the others if they wanted to. And he couldn't think of any better explanation for Zeke's powers anyways.
"A gang leader and a magician saint? Well this is sounding like more and more fun by the sentence to me." Misha said with a chuckle. "I've met a couple of level 5's but never a saint." He added with a grin. Misha sighed afterwards. "Fine, your loss. But it sounds like fun to me." He said with a pout as he went back to waiting for the food.
"A gang leader you say?" Misha started. "Well then this might be harder than I had hoped. I don't usually have to deal with gang leaders. If you're afraid of getting ambushed or something I could easily help you fend off members to get to her. All I got is magical muscle, and if they can oust me and don't want money. We might be in a tad bit of trouble. And I don't suppose my seduction skills have gotten any better over the years either." He added.
"Well you might have no face left to show if ya don't." Misha replied. "What kind of problem are we talking about here? I could always help too if you need a backup man, I love meeting new people." He added with a chuckle. "Plus if you owe them money or something that should be easy to fix."
Misha looked over to the waiter happily. "Rye bread and butter, scrambled eggs, and a cup of black tea." He repeated from earlier. And then turned back to the group, his expression immediately souring. "I'd love to shove whoever thought up time machines off a mountain. But sadly I think I would need a time machine to go back and do that too." He commented, clearly still thinking about time machines now.
Misha sighed. "This type of thing would be way out of the league all the people I know personally from Morden are in. I used to have a real A-Team long ago for stuff like this. However they're all gone now. Since I don't own a time machine I have no idea myself unless Sayaa or Zeke have anyone in mind." He replied.
"Well at least we all know what we want to eat now." Misha commented, trying to keep his voice as quiet as possible while still being audible to everyone at the table. "The plan is obvious if it's all of us vs one, but what do we do if we're going into a fight that isn't in our favor? Die?" He asked. "We might want to have a backup plan or an ace in the hole here."
"Rye bread and butter, scrambled eggs, and a cup of black tea is what I have in mind." Misha commented as he sat down. It was a basic order that didn't seem to match him all that well. But it sounded like he had ordered it a lot before. "I don't think we know anything else besides where it is. But I wouldn't be surprised if they did have an army. And even if they don't that esper reeked high level too." He added as he leaned back in his seat.
By the time Zeke had returned Misha had put back his sword and was resting on the couch with his eyes closed. He came to and looked over. "I suppose I might as well tag along now that everyone seems to be going. I haven't eaten anything either." He commented as he got up and grabbed his cane. Misha simply just waited at the door for Zeke until he gave the command to roll out.
"You probably could, it's not that hard to get into. You just need a good teacher." He replied. "My default style would probably be boxing myself. I obviously use my hands a lot due to the runic tattoos so it felt right to me." Misha propped the sword up against he shoulder and thought. "My personal advice however would be to stick to whatever your best at. And whatever can be used with it. I'll get a lot further with magic and fists then I'll even get with just swords by my guess. Learning other ways of fighting is just my own hobby, I've never been a model train builder kind of guy so it seemed fun." He said with a chuckle. "Kali was so good because her own Esper power worked so well with swords. As a Vibration Based Esper one of her abilities could send vibrations through the sword and turn her superior strength steel into a makeshift chainsaw. Allowing her to cut through other weapons if they try to block." He finished.