Hello everyone and everypony~! I'm Wishdream from MyLittleGameDev.com and Proect Dash! And if you go on Second Life, I'm the same Wishdream/Flow Moonsoon there~! Or if you go on SquirrelNET, I am the same Wishdream there too. Probably on YouTube as the person who made the SecondLife tutorial video and the Rainbow Dash in Sonic 2 Emerald Hill Act 1. If you go on Tumblr then you probably seen my wishdreamarchives, askexcite or highschool-shiningarmor blog over there too ^^ It's been two years I've been here on the fandom and I have been helping the community undercover. Nice to meet you all, I've been on Pony.fm but not here yet so maybe it's time I get on here don't you think? I mean, by far this has been the most active forum site I've seen and I'm probably missing all the fun~ I'm a multimedia and digital artist, game developer, writer and a voice actor. Been in the field for utmost 5 years already and I still do it today. But hey, this intro is getting long so yeah... Anyways, HELLO! - Wishdream