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Posts posted by ReverieRiver

  1. Q: What kind of RPs do you like? 

    I'm pretty flexible in this regard, but I adore anything with an interesting plot where stakes are high! Genre-wise, fantasy and sci-fi are a couple personal favorites of mine, but again I'm down for just about anything if the premise is good! I'm also willing to slow down for a nice slice-of-life RP sometimes, where characters can get to know one another and story development can happen organically.

    Q: What preference OCs do you have? 

    Honestly, I've got a little bit of everything in the OC department. I've got stallions, mares, pegasi, Earth ponies, unicorns, OCs of all sorts! What's more important to me is the backstory and that it makes sense for the character. Though I suppose I ought to give a heads-up that I do tend to make my OCs some flavor of LGBTQ, so if you're not a fan of that just be aware.

    Q: What do you not like in RP?

    When someone disrespects basic RP rules by godmodding, power-playing, etc. All I ask is for everyone to let everyone else have a good time, and breaking these kinds of rules makes it less fun for other people involved.

    Q: What is your RP experience and how long have you roleplayed for?

    I've been roleplaying for going on 12 years now! Though I haven't frequented the RP section here very frequently in terms of activity (something I intend to change in the near future!), I RP quite often through other channels, so I'd say my experience is pretty considerable~

    Q: What do you look for in potential RP partners?

    I have to agree with TBD here, enthusiasm is key! As long as you're willing to contribute your ideas and you're willing to learn, you're already on the right track! Though, I do generally prefer proper spelling and grammar, along with decent formatting (paragraph breaks please!! Big walls of text are a no-no for my dyslexic self ^^') and at minimum one paragraph responses with adequate narrative detail and/or dialogue. I'll admit that I am on the more wordy side, and find script-style or one-sentence responses lacking.

    Q: Tell us about yourself. It can be anything; hobbies, interests.

    Just about anything and everything relating to technology has been a big interest of mine since I can remember! From coding to fiddling with PC hardware, I just love messing with technology. I also have a huge soft spot for robots and AI characters - they're just so fascinating to me as a concept. I've been working on a webcomic concept for a while now centered around a robot pony, actually! (Feel free to ask me about it :3)

    Q: If you could be the best in the world at something, what would it be?

    Drawing quickly and consistently! I love drawing in my spare time, but I never seem to have the time, motivation, or energy to do it when I want to... And when I do, it takes hours to finish just one piece. What I wouldn't give to be able to make as many drawings as my heart desires without taking ages to do it!

    Q: How would you describe yourself?

    I am something of an introvert, and find it hard to open up to new people. I'm trying to work on this, especially online, but the truth is I am on the autism spectrum and sometimes social situations are just stressful. I worry a lot about somehow overstepping some unspoken social boundary, and think hard about how my words may come across. Other than that, I like to think I am a friendly person, and am always trying to be as kind as I can possibly be. I've also been told that I am very good at explaining things, so if you have questions, please feel free to ask me and I'll do my very best to explain what I know!

    • Brohoof 1
  2. @River wisp

    "We must stay calm," says Emerald, directed mostly at their fellow kirin but also towards anyone else nearby that may be unsettled by the chaos unraveling before them. Even so, their own tail twitches restlessly, the commotion getting to be a bit much. "For now, we stick together." Their ears flick this way and that, idly catching snippets of conversation from others nearby. "From the sounds of it, there is a competition of sorts happening. I think we should move away from... this," they glance at the ones actively fighting, "and find somewhere to watch the matches."

    • Brohoof 1
  3. @GeneralDirection@River wisp@Crystal Mirage

    They blinked, looking over at the other kirin that showed up, the one that introduced himself as Silver. The kirin that as of yet had not introduced themself acknowledged him with a nod of the head, as well as silently affirming that yes, they had just showed up and yes, they felt that they should stick close to face whatever was going on together.

    Before they opened their mouth to speak, though, another curious pony came up to them, who apparently had never seen kirin before. Understandable, they supposed, considering that their kind up until very recently was rather reclusive. Silver took to explaining what kirin were, and the emerald-scaled kirin was perfectly happy to stand back and let him do the talking, slender tail slowly swaying back and forth as they observed the exchange.

    Then their attention was back on the first kirin they had approached, as he introduced himself as River Wisp. They noted his method of communication with interest, though said nothing of it for the moment. "Emerald Sage," they said after a moment of silence. "That's what they call me. Nice to meet you, River Wisp. You as well, Silver and Mirage." Emerald sounded almost formal with their manner of speaking, but the little smile they offered was genuine.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. The earthy-toned kirin slowly got to their hooves, dizzy and disoriented. It seemed that they arrived late, or perhaps it was just now that they were coming to after the dust had settled? Either way, they carefully stretched out each of their legs, one at a time, to double-check that they sustained no injuries and then looked around.

    4 hours ago, River wisp said:

    River wisp suddenly found himself in a strange land filled with diverse creatures, there were only a couple other kirins like himself. Everycreature looked just as dazed as him, although he felt like he may have arrived slightly later than everycreature else. As he wondered what he should do next, River spotted an ancient looking artifact in the centre of all the commotion. He was strangely drawn to it, and he started to approach it. 

    Deep, silvery-blue eyes stared as they noticed one of their own kind wandering towards an artifact of sorts. They decided to walk towards the fellow kirin, deep green scales catching the light as they moved.

    "Hello," they greeted. Their voice was soft and gentle, but curiously not easily identifiable as either feminine or masculine. "Us kirin should probably stick together, yes?" Their wild auburn curls shifted as they tilted their head, awaiting a response.

    • Brohoof 3
  5. ...Well, I was going to say that trauma and PTSD are heavy subjects and they probably didn't want to bring that kind of energy to the show. But as my partner pointed out to me, the show has tackled lots of heavy subjects such as death, depression, war, abuse, etc. etc. All of that in a kid's show, so why not trauma? :mlp_huh:

    I suppose it is possible that it just didn't occur to the writers that everything the Mane Six have been through could be considered traumatizing, but other than that I'm scratching my head.

  6. @Loud Opinion

    It had all happened so quickly, in her perspective. Silver had been standing outside the temple with the others, and then... something... happened. Something that had stolen the breath from her, and she had faded from consciousness before she'd even had the time to truly question what was happening. She had simply flickered out, like a candle in too strong a breeze.

    And she drifted in nothingness for a while. The only thing that reached her from the outside world was voices. The voices of those she had met earlier, and new ones. Vaguely, she wondered if the apparent newcomers had also come here to...

    To what?

    In this oblivious state, she could barely remember. But she could hear. The talk about a "Grail" made little sense to her. She listened anyway. It felt important to remember at least this.

    And then something warm and pleasant filled her senses. Sweet and wonderful and pleasant...

    She woke as if waking from a nice dream, ruby eyes opening slowly as she returned to the conscious world. The mare blinked a few times to clear the heavy feeling still clinging to her eyelids, and looked around. Oh. She was definitely not outside anymore. And there were ponies she had not seen before, though something told her she already knew this. Memories of her unconsciousness were vague, though the world "Grail" stuck with her for some reason.

    Her tail twitched in unease as she became more aware. "What... What happened?" she asked softly. "Are we inside the temple now?"

    • Brohoof 1
  7. @Loud Opinion,

    Hm, the more the merrier, I say!

    Also I do apologize for dropping off the face of the earth 'round here. Sometimes I just get absorbed in real life matters such as work or other interests, but I'm here again, hopefully to stay :P

    So do I uh... just make Silver wake up whenever I feel like hopping back in?

    • Brohoof 2
  8. @ExplosionMare, @Loud Opinion

    Silver Tongue smiled, then turned her attention forward again as the small group proceeded, almost at the temple now. What Starlight said next made her pause, though, a hoof hovering midstep as an ear flicked towards the other mare. Silver looked at her, sincere confusion apparent in her expression. That was an interesting topic to bring up right now, and perhaps kind of personal depending on which pony you asked. She genuinely wasn't sure what Starlight was trying to get at, and that threw her if only for a moment or two. She contemplated Starlight's words carefully before she spoke.

    "Well, of course I've felt like that before. Who hasn't?" she replied with a tilt of her head and a cautious smile. It's not exactly a falsity, either; there were times she's felt that someone was better than her, of course there were. Ponies stronger, more powerful, more charming than her... To become the "best" was a dream next to unachievable. But if she just had more power of her own, then, perhaps she could come close.

    That might be the most sincere she'd been thus far, since meeting these two other ponies. She shook her head, shiny silver locks of mane shifting with each slight movement. "I'm not sure what you mean by that, honestly. Whoever out there is 'the best,' I'm sure they're living pretty well right about now."

    • Brohoof 2
  9. @ExplosionMare, @Loud Opinion

    Silver greeted the two with a polite nod of her head as she introduced herself. "The pleasure's mine. I'm Silver Tongue." She then looked to Starlight, keeping a carefully schooled expression of mild interest as the other unicorn went through her spiel about 'beautiful friendships through sameness.' A misguided attempt at equality, she was sure. Not that equality was something she was interested in, anyway. Silver didn't wish for equality - she wanted control. But she didn't want to stir up any trouble this early on, didn't want to raise what would likely be a pointless dispute, so she simply acknowledged Starlight with another nod of her head.

    All that's left is to head inside. "Right, then, let's go," she said, turning her gaze ahead to the temple once more. She didn't dare let on just how much she anticipated what was inside; to her credit, she was an excellent actress. Kept herself looking relatively calm despite it all. She had to be, she mused, if she wanted to use her abilities to their fullest extent. Which she did, and often. Sometimes a few white lies and a little acting was needed to get what she wanted.

    And she wanted this. She wanted the power that she knew was waiting for her. She wanted it more than anything.

  10. @Loud Opinion, @ExplosionMare

    Silver took another moment to herself to calm her nerves as the bell tolled, breathing slowly. Now wasn't the time to let her emotions get away from her, no matter how thrilling the prospect of achieving her dreams was. That would only serve to cloud her judgement. And if there were other ponies to compete against - which, clearly there were, she noted as she heard the voices of others approaching - then she needed to keep a level head. More importantly, she needed to familiarize herself with the competition, if they were indeed here for the same reason as she.

    She turned and put on her best smile, and just like that her unease seemed to have vanished. Wearing a friendly face, she found, was the best way to draw them in. Be approachable, amicable, build a rapport... then, if it came down to it, well. She wouldn't hesitate to do a little backstabbing.

    Her ruby eyes glimmered as she looked over the pair, her gaze easily read as curiosity. "Oh, hello there! It looks like you're headed the same way as I," she remarked, nodding her head towards the tower - firmly tamping down a fresh surge of excitement, seeing it aglow the way it was now. Keep calm. Focus on the task. Her time would come soon. "Would either of you terribly mind if I tagged along?"

    • Brohoof 1
  11. @Loud Opinion

    Silver found herself holding her breath as the unseen thing shifted and moved through the grass, ears swiveling as she followed the sounds of its movements. Careful, she reminded herself. It wouldn't do to come all this way only to get assaulted by some kind of creature from the nearby forest. She stayed still until the mystery had passed, and the night was quiet again. Tense muscles eased just slightly, and she released the breath she'd been holding. Only then did she light her horn, charging it with a pale aura to illuminate the immediate area. Not that it was needed, with the moon giving sufficient enough light, but - just in case there was something she wasn't seeing regardless.

    "Hello?" she called out once more, with a touch of wariness now.

    She waited. Something in the back of her mind vaguely chided her for getting distracted from the main reason she was here. But if there was someone - or something - here, then she wasn't going to allow herself to be caught off guard. If the coast was clear, well, then clearly it was just some wildlife scurrying about... nothing she needed to worry over. Slowly, she turned back towards the building. She had more important matters at hoof.

    • Brohoof 3
  12. Ruby eyes surveyed the structure before her, gears whirring inside her head. The unicorn's long, slender tail twitched as she stared, silver hair catching glints of pale moonlight. Well, this was the place. Power laid in wait, for the pony ambitious enough to seize the opportunity. (That pony would be her, she was certain of it.) Her heart pounded with anticipation; even if she felt it safe enough to rest here, she would get no sleep tonight. Everything she dreamed of was here, right within her reach!

    Silver Tongue took a few steps closer to the building, particularly curious of the tower. It wasn't time yet for the fateful meeting, but she couldn't help but wonder what was inside...

    Her ears twitched up as she heard noise nearby - a voice? - and her already excited heartrate raised just a little more. She took only a moment to gather her wits, and turned to look. It shouldn't have been any surprise that other ponies might have come to try and take this chance from her. She carefully kept her tone level and calm as she called out to the night, with a voice gentle and deceptively sweet,

    "Hello? Is anyone there?"

    • Brohoof 2
  13. I'm intrigued by this plot! It's been a while since I've tossed my hat into the RP ring rather than just watching as a staffer, but I think I'd like to join this one :D

    As for my character, I think my lovely Silver Tongue would be perfect for this!




    She's an attractive unicorn mare with big ambitions, and doesn't hesitate to do whatever it takes to reach her goals. Her special talent is, of course, her silver tongue; she can charm most ponies with her words, and her skills of persuasion are unparalleled. What does she want, you might ask? Why, what any ambitious pony wants - power. So when she sees this mysterious invitation, there's no way she could pass up such an opportunity...

    • Brohoof 3
  14. It's a basic misunderstanding of autism rooted in ableism. Because autistic people think differently and approach situations differently than what is considered "normal", oftentimes autism is related to stupidity by those that don't know anything about how our brains actually work.

    I'm autistic, and I've gotten a lot of flak from my own grandmother from failing to understand what she thinks is "common sense", but it isn't to me because I process information differently than she does.

    So yeah, there's people out there that use "autistic" and "r*tarded" as insults because they think autistic people are dumb, and it's a trend that I wish would stop

    • Brohoof 6
  15. Of all the things that Lunar Symphony might have expected out of this trip, a dragon attack certainly was the last thing on her mind. But, just as the batpony was about to turn in for the night, her keen hearing picked up the sounds of ponies' screams and the roaring of some mighty, angry creature. The acrid smell of smoke and flames along with the cacophony was what drew her out to see what was going on.

    By the time she arrived, the dragon - that's what it was, her echolocation gave her enough of a sense of its retreating silhouette that she knew - was already fleeing the scene. She carefully walked among ashen debris, issuing a few clicks from the back of her throat every couple of seconds to check for any possible survivors hiding or perhaps trapped within the ruins. Nothing; it seemed that all the ponies here had either fled or were taken by the dragon. With her attention so focused on the debris, though, it was surprising to say the least when she heard a scuffle going on not too far away. Her ears twitched, the mare froze in place. What did she find herself in the middle of?

    (OOC: Sorry for the delay, folks! Hope this works alright, but if not just lemme know :))

    • Brohoof 1
  16. It's been a while since I've tossed my hat into the RP ring, but this caught my interest! :)

    I was thinking perhaps about my batpony, Lunar Symphony? She's blind (but would still recognize Marcus as something unfamiliar and strange) and an albino, so she can relate to being different to an extent. I dunno, just figure it might be an interesting angle to play, all things considered

    Also I need to make her a character page soon buuut y'know




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