Midnight smiled and returned the hug she was given. She was happy to see one of her future subject in such a good mood. Rainbow only rolled her eyes at the fashion mare when she received Carnation's look.
"And my, my you have grown quite a bit haven't you." Midnight smiled and sat on her haunches and put one hoof on her chest and another on her hip, and finished with a confident look that bloomed over her face. Her cyan aunt rolled her eyes and a smile on her face. As Midnight took her pose Carnation began to speak again.
"Dear! You mentioned my dress. Why are you not wearing it? I would have loved to see you in it..."
"Oh i was wearing it." She then gave a look of annoyance remembering the itchy dress. "But aunt Rarity made me take it off cause she thought she had a better one. But it was sooo itchy, and not nearly as pretty as yours." Midnight then grew a look of guilt."Please don't tell her i said that..." She looked back at rainbow dash. "Aunt dashie, you cant tell Aunt rarity!"
"Relax kid, i wont."
"No! Aunt dash, you have to Pinky promise!" Rainbow sighed and with a light smiled did the normal pinky promise motions. Midnight smiled and hugged her parents friend. Rainbow dash then decided to take midnight back to her parents. Midnight said her good bye to Carnation and the two where off, but as she walked her adoptive niece back to her parents she looked back at Carnation and shot her a look, then quickly looked back in the direction she was waling.