Ohai, long time no see :3 I need your guys' help again, but this time, not for advice. ^-^ I want to destroy my current laptop.
Now before you get all, "but Flitter! You're going to destroy a poor innocent creature? What did it ever do to you?" The answer is simple... it's not a poor innocent creature >:c!! This laptop is the mechanical spawn of Discord and I will be replacing it soon!
I have had this laptop for nearly six (6!) years. It's held tight, yes, but sometimes I think it's only because it loves to torture me. The video card fried a LOOONGG time ago, so there are many lines throughout the bottom portion of my screen. My fan was broken upon buying it. Every so often, since purchase, my computer would BSOD when I used to webcam. It is hanging on it's left hinge because the right one is out of the socket and pulled up the cover which helps it stay in. Keys are missing and some won't un-stick no matter how often I clean the keyboard. It is slow as heck and the amount of reformatting done to this is insane. Wordpad crashes and the entire thing freezes upon closing a folder. I can never play music or else it freezes, and watching shows is a challenge.
So since I will be getting a new laptop next weekend, as mother promised, I have decided to destroy this one in the most creative or insane of ways. My ideas so far consist of:
Putting a leash on it and taking it for a walk, and
trying to fry an egg on the battery pack since it gets so burning hot.
( considering dressing it up like a pancake in butter and syrup :3 )
This is where you guys come in! I'd love for you to help me with creative ideas. I will be making a video of this to put on YouTube and Tumblr c': I know you guys are creative geniuses, no idea is stupid also.I'm stumped. What else should I do to this demon? ^-^ < 3