Well hello there everypony! I'm Flitter, but you're welcome to call me Aleshia if you wish.
I'm an eighteen-year-old female living in Northern Ontario, Canada. I am a blank flank, I'm not sure what in the hay my talent would ever be! I don't really specialize in anything other than photography and digital editing. But I guess I'm on a crusade for my cutie mark too!
If you know Cloud-Chaser on the forums, I'd be glad to announce that he happens to be my boyfriend of soon-to-be three happy-as-hay months. He's rescued me from my torturing past and is helping greatly with my depression. I love him with all that my filly heart can, and more. x') < 3
Lastly, I'd like to say that I'm glad to be a part of this community and fanbase. MLP:FiM has played a huge role in the way I am today and in my life, and the community is full of great support. Thank you.
If I am correct we've bumped into each other on a thread half a year ago, but now that I'm here I thought I'd officially say Hi. Anyway, here's some hugs.