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About DaFlash

  • Birthday 2001-02-13

Contact Methods

  • YouTube
  • Steam ID

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Tiffin, OH
  • Personal Motto
    Don't dig straight down!
  • Interests
    Minecraft, Steam games such as TF2 and Terraria, Youtube, and trying to beat Super Hexagon over and over again. -_-

MLP Forums

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My Little Pony

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DaFlash's Achievements


Cupcake (3/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. Merry Birthiversary! 

  2. Hello! I heard you like Minecraft :3

    1. DaFlash


      yush indeed :3

    2. ~Rogue~


      Well.... maybe we could play together, or something...

    3. ~Rogue~


      Know any good, small servers I can join?

  3. Deviled eggs O3O

  4. Weirdest dream i have evar had o.o

    1. Malinter


      probably wierder than mine.

  5. Happy birthday to me <(o.o<) (>o.o)>

  6. I listen to too much glitch hop -_-

  7. 2000's. Something just strikes me good about that era. So much awesome music too
  8. 6th gen, considering lots of my childhood memories went into PS2 :3
  9. HeadGames. Why? Extreme Paint Brawl. Nuff' Said.
  10. These are all awesome replies Anyway my favorite would probably be Open Hexagon, a clone of Super Hexagon.(I'm a nerd ) If you look it up, just... Woah. XD
  11. *gets ready to sing* WELCOOOOOOOOOOME! *blows up* Oops, my bad... Anyways welcome to the forums! Hope you haz a good time!
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