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About Fenrir

  • Birthday August 11

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  • deviantART

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    My room
  • Interests
    MLP obviously. But I love to read and run. I love math and science, and enjoy learning basically anything. Also, I make up little stories in my head all the time. I love talking to people, so if you ever need or want to talk to somepony, or need some advice, just shoot me a message, and I will talk as long as you care to be bothered by me!

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  1. It inhales to have to drive for 5 hours when you are sick...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      I think toothless is serious.


      That really does sound bad though. I once had to frive for 4 hours with the flu. That was pretty horrible. I can't imagine 5 hours....

    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Errrr drive, not frive....

    4. Fghik


      I had to drive while going blind in my left eye...It was similar to the "spots" you get when you just wake up, or stare at the sun too long, but it was only in my left eye, in the bottom left corner. Let's just say, despite the obstacles, I won (25 mph all the way baby!)


      Hope you get better! I'm trying to shove some chicken (or pony-diet equivalent of chicken) soup through my CD drive... but it's only making a mess.


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