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LunaKitty R5

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Everything posted by LunaKitty R5

  1. Starshine smiled and said "Ok.. Let's fill in this crator! Spirit can you fly above and see if there is anypony around us? I sorta can't do it cause I hurt my wing in the crash.." She laughed awkwardly and flexed her good wing. Making sure that one worked. Star turned to Solstice and said "So where are you from? I'm from Cloudsdale! And I can only preform basic Incantations and the incantations you just preformed!"
  2. Starshine nodded. SHe said "Sorry.. If I seem bossy.. I'm just trying to get this done quickly before ponies find us! And nobody else stepped up! ANd yes take him somewhere else! OOOOH! Were in the everfree forest! I have a friend zebra named Zecora! She lives about 5 minutes north! Go see her!" Starshine smiled and pointed north.
  3. ((OCC: Thats good! )) Starshine watched as Solstice preformed incantations. SHe stood back. The words were running through her head. Remembering each one and placing the spell. She soon was focusing on remembering her's so she could help and not be useless. ((OCC:Im sitting her voice acting as the mane six. I do Pinkie Pie,Rainbow Dash and FLuttershy the best.. And Don't get me started on Applejack xD)
  4. (So did you like my idea?) Starshine nodded "Thanks Solstice! I can help! I know a few spells.. MY mother was a unicorn and taught me how to do incantations!" She walked over to Silver "You take him to the hospital with him." SHe pointed to the Wolf thing (Her thoughts again x3)
  5. (Im back! So Iza? Can Star and Solstice bicker alot? I feel they would be like that! xD I dunno.. Its just an idea!) Starshine nodded "Cool.. And yes Silver we should.. But we HAVE to keep this a secret! This pony seemed pretty set on this not crashing! If you had a time machine would you want everypony-er Everyone knowing?" She looked at the wolf hybrid or whatever and corrected herself. (Her thoughts were the Wolf hybrid thingy. Not trying to be rude. She can be like that)
  6. Starshine rolled her eyes and growled "Thanks Captian OBVIOUS!" She walked to were Solstice was looking and said "What the heck? How are you making a blade out of thin air?" She asked. She was surrounded by weirdos! SHe thought to herself. Careful not to voice her thoughts. (OCC: Sorry brb for about 25 to 40 minutes! I have to go home. I'm at the library since its after school! But I walked to school so I have to walk home! Soooo Bye!)
  7. STarshine rolled her eyes. She said "Fine.." She took a bite of her apple. Her large almond shaped Sapphire eyes watching everyone closely. She finished her apple and threw it behind her. It would rot and become healthy for the earth one day. She walked up to the time machine and said "Thats an engine that's not from here! Where did this pony get it from?"
  8. Starshine then turned to the other pony. Her sapphire eyes turned wide. She said "I was teleported and my head smashed to the flooring. I then saw him and he gasped. Suddenly my body was being shoved to the ground by him. He then got in a chair and I grabbed him and we crashed.."
  9. Starshine looked at Time Rider then back at Silver. SHe caught the apple and the beautiful mare shrugged. SHe smirked at Silver walked up to Solstice and said "Wait? SO TELEFLYING IS WHAT HAPPENED? NOT even Rainbow DASH Can do that!" She gulped and looked at her hooves.
  10. Starshine stuck her face towards him. She said "I don't know either! If I did then I would have TOLD YOU! And I know this world isn't perfect!" She growled and said "I JUST CRASHED IN A TIME MACHINE!" She stumbled back and looked at him with her eyes shooting daggers.
  11. (The person is Offline and sorry!) Starshine said "I'm Starshine.. And you are?" She walked over to him. "And how did you even know my eyes were glowing? YOUR BLIND!" She growled. Then turned around and said "I just explained it! I was flying and suddenly found myself in this THING!"
  12. Starshine moaned "I don't know... I was just flying and I was flying so fast I teleported into the Machine and then it started crashing randomly!" She got up and looked at Eevee. The beautiful mares large Sapphire eyes glowing with question. "Why are you even here?"
  13. Starshine moaned "Uggg I was flying and this appeared! And my head is spinning.." She got up slowly and looked around. "So your blind..?" The beautiful mare walked out to him. Her large saphire eyes glowed. She looked up to see another pony flying down. She focused her sights on the pony.
  14. Starshine's eyes snapped shut and she grabbed Time Rider's chair. She cried out "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" And grabbed Time Rider's chest and burried her head in it. THe felt the machine crush into the ground. SHe winced and the were tiny cuts on her head. JUst about the size of eye lashes. She felt sick and remembered she was in a broken time machine.
  15. Starshine opened her eyes and moaned "Where am I?" SHe looked around and gasped "WHATS GOING ON?!?" SHe shot up and saw Time Rider. The lavdender pegasus brushed her long darker purple mane aside and looked at where Time Rider was looking and her eyes grew wide.
  16. Starshine was zooming through the sky. Her wings carrying her so fast her body was barely visable. Her vision was becoming blank around her. She felt her wings folding and her hair was streaming behind her. She felt something appear infront of her. Lightning bolts crashed around her and she saw a box. A pony in it. Her body appeared in the box. (Sorry I didn't really have any Ideas. She can fly at blinding speeds and since Rider was Time Traveling She broke the barrier and appered in the machine)
  17. Thats cool! I hope this starts soon! I'm babysitting my little sister and i'm sooooo bored. Cause right now shes making lunch for her new cooking class. :/
  18. Your a cool person! :3 And whos watching MLP FIM on Netflix? #SecretOfMyExcess
  19. I haven't RPed with Equinox but I have RPed with you
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