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Looking Glass

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Status Updates posted by Looking Glass

  1. Ok, random episode idea, Pinkie meets a ventriloquist at a comedy club named "Split Sides", (Voiced by Jeff Dunham!) and gets upstaged.

  2. I had just had both of my dogs get killed by cars today! Worse still, I seen the one get hit!

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I feel for you. Over the years, I've had 5 dogs killed by cars.

    2. Looking Glass

      Looking Glass

      thanks vulon, This could not have come at a worse time! now the guy who hit the second dog plans on suing me over his car!

    3. Scrubbed user
  3. Well, all good things must come to an end they say, oh well, six flags was fun!

  4. Powers out, major storm ran through here and knocked down a pole, me and 89 other people nearby are out. 1000 in the St Louis area are out as well.

    1. Looking Glass

      Looking Glass

      My work was one of the few places with power, so I stayed there and played on my computer after hours. One advantage of a family business!

    2. Drunk Not I Am

      Drunk Not I Am

      dang, that sounds like it sucks....

    3. Looking Glass

      Looking Glass

      It did, three days without power, they got it on Friday afternoon

  5. my Three wheelers looking better, slowly, new fenders, and a coat of paint

  6. New computer for my collection, a Tandy trs80 color, paid a dollar!

  7. painted my Honda three wheeler last week! used blue on the frame.

  8. Got my Three wheeler Stripped down and ready for paint. I plan on painting the frame Bright blue (Ford Tractor Blue to be exact!) the top half will be silver when im done

  9. love fall, the warm weather, the crisp smell in the air, the multicolored leaves. is it odd i like it better than summer?

    1. 10InTheTardis


      I love fall, the wet weather, just slightly too cold for comfort at best, the bare, sad looking trees, the mud spattered red leaves on the ground. Man, fall in Nova Scotia is just swell.

  10. just got a three wheeler, runs great!

    1. SCS


      that's awesome :D

  11. in Indiana, headed to a swap meet/ car show in Indianapolis.

    1. Nuke87654
    2. Looking Glass

      Looking Glass

      Thanks, i usually do allright.

  12. in Indiana, headed to a swap meet/ car show in Indianapolis.

  13. Happy Hearths Warming everypony!

  14. my friend got his truck back! and the insurance will cover the damage.

  15. A family friends truck got stolen

    1. lelouch.


      whoa... do trucks have insurance?

    2. Looking Glass

      Looking Glass

      It was insured, but I dunno how his insurance deals with theft though. He really liked that truck though, ordered it custom from the Chrysler plant in St Louis in 09. (He got it as a parting gift from Chrysler when they shut the plant down.


      It's been an epidemic around here lately with 4x4 pickups being stolen. Chevy Silverados are the most stolen vehicle around here.

    3. Looking Glass

      Looking Glass

      Everyone thought it was my mom's truck that got stolen at first, cause a Silverado identical to hers got taken right before my friends dodge

  16. dang, another part to get on my bike. ended up breaking the skirt on the piston.

  17. note to self, minibikes and wet grass, not a good idea

  18. note to self, mini bikes and wet grass, not a good idea.

  19. to anyone trying to access these forums with opera mini and having trouble, update to mini 7.5.5 operas been having problems with the previous version.

    1. Looking Glass

      Looking Glass

      7.5.0 is the buggy version. the new one works much better!

  20. went to get some parts for my minibike project, ended up getting another one for $30 with a motor!

  21. wow, six flags (st louis) sells pony stuff! i had to laugh when my sister squeed over the rainbow dash jacket and cape. i was a little dissappointed they had no stuff for twilight or rarity. surprisingly, they did have applejack plushies (well made too)

  22. wow, six flags sells pony stuff! i had to laugh when my sister squeed over the rainbow dash jacket and cape. i was a little dissappointed they had no stuff for twilight or rarity. surprisingly, they did have applejack plushies (well made too)

  23. well, got another motor for my minibike! a tecumseh 3hp. runs great!

  24. That moment when the project you were working on all night goes horribly wrong. the 5 hp. engine was finished and ready to run. it fired and then locked up. (yes it had oil!)

    1. Thunderchild


      Wrong size spark plug or piston rings? Big end bearing seized?

    2. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      it had so much horse power it stopped itself in time.

  25. cool! someone came in the store and gave me an (original) xbox!

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